Turn off the lights
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Chapter 227 Its impossible to like you

Chapter 227 Did anyone enter your kitchen just now?

Before Ye Yining could go out to take a look, Xingfu, who was guarding outside, had already exclaimed.

"No, the protective spiritual formation set up by the princess was crushed by the snow."

Ye Yining was shocked. Her spiritual formation jade talisman couldn't be so fragile, could it?

She quickly walked out of the room and looked up at the sky.

I saw that the protective spiritual array mask above the inn had cracked into spider patterns.

The light of the light gathering talisman also became fragmented, as if it was about to be completely scrapped at any time.

After Jun Jiuji glanced around, he suddenly frowned.

"It was man-made damage."

Ye Yining was stunned for a moment. As soon as he looked at Jun Jiuji, he saw that the light of the light gathering talisman suddenly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, the lights at the entrance of the inn also went out strangely.

Even the protective spiritual formation above the inn has completely lost its effectiveness.

The surroundings fell into darkness again.

Suddenly, the wind and snow invaded the inn again.

Ye Yining didn't like the darkness, so she lit up the lamp in the corridor.

"Xiao Ning'er, you go back to your room, I'll go out for a while."

Jun Jiuji felt something was wrong, so he planned to go and see who was behind the sabotage.

Ye Yining held him back, "I don't want you to go out. The person who can destroy the spiritual array I set up will not be an ordinary person."

Normal people can't even sense the spiritual formation, so how can they destroy the formation's eyes and destroy the protective formation.

Moreover, the protective formation is to protect everyone, she has no selfish motives at all, and she has not set any restrictions on the formation.

She wanted to know what the person who destroyed the spiritual formation wanted to do.

However, she subconsciously did not want to let Jun Jiuji leave.

As for why, she wasn't sure.

It’s just an intuition!

Jun Jiuji rubbed Xiao Ning'er's head, "Then I won't go out."

"Yeah." Ye Yining pulled him to the table and placed two steaming bowls of wonton noodles on the table.

Thinking that Xingfu and Xueying might not have eaten either, he prepared two large bowls of wonton noodles for them.

While a few people were eating noodles upstairs, the chef downstairs was worrying about a pot of wonton noodles.

The lights suddenly went out just now. His hands shook and he put in too much salt.

Not to mention that a good pot of noodles was ruined, and now the fire can't be lit.

Just when the chef was so anxious that he looked for the shopkeeper in the dark, a woman in white carrying an exquisite lotus lantern came over.

"Can you lend me the kitchen?

The chef stared blankly at the unreally beautiful woman in the firelight, "But... ok!"

"Trouble!" The woman in white smiled seductively.

The chef looked at the woman infatuatedly, without making any other movement at all.

After that, the woman in white easily lit the fire and started washing vegetables and cooking.

Her movements are very skillful, and her movements are so beautiful.

By the time the chef came to his senses, the woman had already put the meals she had cooked on the plates one by one and prepared two identical ones.

"There is one meal left as a thank you for using the kitchen."

After the woman smiled and signaled, she took a meal and left.

When the woman left, she turned on the kitchen light for the chef.

The chef was fascinated by the woman's smile, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

When he saw the three dishes and one soup on the table that were as beautiful as a painting and smelled fragrant, the chef suddenly slapped himself hard.

When the pain hit, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed, "Did I meet some fairy?"

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the shopkeeper's voice coming from outside.

"Is the noodles ready?"

The chef quickly said: "Shopkeeper, the noodles are overcooked. But there is food here."

The shopkeeper took a look and saw that the meal had been laid out and looked very exquisite, so he immediately picked it up.

"I'm leaving first."

He had to go upstairs again and borrow some lamps from Princess Ji to light the fire.

In order to provide lighting, he told the chef to take away the kitchen light first.


Ye Yining had just finished eating noodles and was eating fruit.

She was a little surprised when the shopkeeper came to deliver the food.

"King Ji, Princess Wang, this is the meal cooked in the kitchen..."

Jun Jiuji glanced at it and frowned slightly, "I didn't order these."

The shopkeeper said apologetically: "It was the chef who cooked the noodles bad and made up for it."

Ye Yining also glanced at the food held by the shopkeeper and asked curiously: "Did you change the chef?"

The shopkeeper was slightly stunned, "No!"

Ye Yining raised her eyebrows slightly, "That's weird. It's obvious that these meals were not made by the original chef. They are so beautifully presented."

As soon as she said this, her consciousness was suddenly led back to the kitchen by the cooking spirit, and then, there was an additional piece of information in her mind.

There is something wrong with the three dishes and one soup in front of me!

Although the dishes on the dinner plate even include vegetarian dishes, there is a special flavor of magic powder added to these dishes and soup.

Fresh magic powder can add freshness and flavor to meals, but it can also be addictive and is one of the ingredients prohibited by Lingchu.

However, this is the mortal world, and there is no such thing as a spiritual chef.

Therefore, Ye Yining was shocked that someone could use fresh magic powder.

She looked at the shopkeeper and asked thoughtfully: "Did anyone enter your kitchen just now?"

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment before saying: "No one should have entered the kitchen before the fire was put out. Then I left for a while. How about I go downstairs and ask again later."

Ye Yining nodded, "You can keep the food! When the chef is not busy, ask him to come over."

She wanted to see the chef in person.

"Okay! I'll have him come over in a moment. Princess, I would like to borrow another lamp to go downstairs to light the fire. Do you think that's okay?" the shopkeeper said a little embarrassedly.

"Yes. In addition, the protective formation of the inn has been vandalized. In the future, the shopkeeper, please pay more attention to suspicious people."

Ye Yining knew that the shopkeeper was a kind-hearted person and had great merits, so he reminded him.

The shopkeeper was very surprised, but he also understood that since Princess Ji said this, it must be true.

He quickly said: "Don't worry, Princess, I will definitely pay attention."

After the shopkeeper left, Ye Yining looked thoughtfully at the three dishes and one soup on the table.

This soup is a fresh soup made with seafood, and the ingredients used are also very particular.

Moreover, she remembered that she loved this soup in her previous life, because Mo Huanchong also liked it at that time.

Among the three dishes, there is crab roe tofu, which Jun Jiuji likes.

Another dish, lotus leaf chicken and steamed pork ribs with rice flour, was often made for her by the chef of Prince Ji's Mansion.

Is it possible that the person who cooked these dishes knew her and Jun Jiuji?

"Xiao Ning'er, is there anything wrong with this dish?"

Seeing Xiao Ning'er staring at the dinner plate, Jun Jiuji became wary.

Ye Yining nodded, "Yes, these dishes have been spiked with fresh magic powder! This is an addictive seasoning. Brother Ninth, tell me who made these for us."

A dish?”

Jun Jiuji looked slightly startled, "Fresh magic powder? Is it really fresh magic powder?"

How could fresh magic powder appear in this place?

Ye Yining looked at his expression and asked curiously: "Brother Ninth, have you ever heard of fresh magic powder?"

This chapter has been completed!
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