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Chapter 286 Appreciate her collapsed expression

Ji Shuhua was so frightened that she trembled and looked at Yan Fan in fear.

My true self?

What the hell is this deity!

"Don't let me say it a second time!" Yan Fan waved his hand impatiently, and all the debris scattered in the corridor was thrown onto the snow downstairs like garbage.

Coincidentally, King Qikang was passing downstairs at this moment and was almost hit.

"Who threw it?" King Qikang raised his head and looked upstairs angrily.

But this look frightened him to the core.

I saw Ji Shuhua falling from the building like a kite with a broken string.

When King Qikang was shocked, his guards reacted quickly and stepped forward to catch the fallen Ji Shuhua.

The frightened Ji Shuhua called out Ye Yining's name and fainted.

King Qikang looked at the bloodless Ji Shuhua and rushed into the small building angrily.

Seeing Ye Yining downstairs, he asked sharply without thinking: "Ye Yining, what did you do to Shuhua?"

Ye Yining raised her eyebrows slightly, turned around and glanced in the direction of the stairs.

Yan Fan calmly walked downstairs and coughed lightly, "If I said that she jumped down by herself, would you believe it?"

Ye Yining narrowed her eyes slightly and looked indifferently at Ji Shuhua who was carried in, "King Qikang, you heard it, she jumped off the building by herself."

When King Qikang heard Ye Yining's words, his lungs almost exploded, "Are you talking nonsense? Okay, will she jump off the building by herself? She just wants a place to live. Even if you don't agree, you can't let her."

Someone pushed her downstairs and tried to kill her..."

Ye Yining raised her finger slightly, and a trace of spiritual veins fell on Ji Shuhua's wrist.

After a while, her beautiful eyebrows were filled with a hint of coldness, "Pretending to be dizzy? You are quite capable!"

When Yan Fan heard her words, he flicked his sleeve and Ji Shuhua fell from the guard's hand to the ground. She screamed in pain and opened her eyes on the spot.

King Qikang's face was slightly stiff, angry and annoyed.

Yan Fan glanced at Ji Shuhua with a pair of seductive cold eyes, and walked slowly towards Ji Shuhua, "Did I push you just now?"

His voice was very soft, even a little gentle, as if he was whispering in someone's ear.

But Ji Shuhua was so frightened that she screamed, "Help! Lord, help me... He wants to kill me..."

Yan Fan glanced at her lightly, as if admiring her collapsed expression, and said jokingly: "I want to kill you, who can save you? You just framed me, aren't you very brave?"

Ji Shuhua got up from the ground and started to run.

However, before she could run a few steps, her body was seized by a force.

She felt a drop of cold water fall on her neck, freezing the blood all over her body.

The constant fear of death scared her so much that she rolled her eyes and actually fainted.

Yan Fan raised his eyebrows in disgust, "How dare you play tricks on me at this level!"

King Qikang picked up Ji Shuhua with an embarrassed expression.

Although he was very angry, he did not dare to confront Yan Fan anymore.

He is not stupid and knows that the man in front of him is not easy to mess with.

With a gloomy face, he ordered someone to pick up their things on the snow outside, and left with the unconscious Ji Shuhua.

After the small building returned to calm, Ye Yining was in a mood and drank bird's nest porridge quietly.

Yan Fan, who had a big heart and a good appetite, also went to fill up a bowl of bird's nest porridge and sat opposite Ye Yining with the bowl in hand.

After pondering for a moment, he slowly spoke: "The woman just now was very violent. In fact, it would be best to kill her."

Ye Yining was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Jun Guanyue's voice coming from outside the door.

"Kill? You are a murderer, right? You always encourage people to kill!"

Yan Fan's thick eyebrows were raised slightly, without comment.

Ye Yining glanced at Yan Fan, waved to Princess Guanyue, and took the initiative to ignore the topic.

"I've left the room upstairs for you. Do you want to move here?"

Jun Guanyue actually wanted to move here, but because Yan Fan was here, she said stubbornly: "It's too troublesome to move here, so I'll just live in that small wooden house!"

Ye Yining saw that she wouldn't move, so she didn't force her.

After finishing the porridge, she stood up and planned to go out for a walk.

But just as he walked to the door, snowflakes started to fall again outside.

Jun Guanyue rubbed her cold hands and complained irritably, "The snow has only stopped for less than two hours, and now it's falling again, making it hard for people to live!"

Ye Yining saw that her little face was turning blue from the cold, so he took out a body warming charm and put it on her body, looking thoughtfully at the falling snowflakes outside.

The snow in the city is already quite deep, and I'm afraid it will have to be shoveled.

If the snow continues to fall, don't let the house collapse.

"Ning'er, it's too cold today, and the effectiveness of the body warming talisman has become shorter. I'm so worried about my dad now!" Jun Guanyue looked at the goose feather-like snow falling in the sky, feeling very uneasy.

"Uncle Huang will be back soon after finishing his work. Don't worry." Ye Yining comforted her softly.

There was nothing she could do to change this, she could only do what she could.

Thinking of this, she pretended to go to the trading room and bought back three thousand kilograms of fine charcoal.

When Jun Guanyue saw the charcoal, she immediately said: "Ning'er, can you give me one of the braziers here? I slept so cold last night that I woke up from the cold in the morning."

"Okay!" Ye Yining communicated with the craftsman's room and smelted all the copper products stored in Yaolingxian's residence into heating soup pots and hand stoves.

It's just that she doesn't store many copper products, and there are only about forty hand stoves in total, and only fifty soup pots.

She pretended to go into the trading room again and took out everything for Princess Guanyue to choose.

Jun Guanyue picked a hand stove and a soup pot, and immediately asked people to fill the hot water.

Ye Yining left a few for Yun Lai and Xue Lai, and divided out some charcoal. The rest was given to Han Xiao, who ran over in the snow, and asked him to take people to distribute to the people.

Jun Guanyue stood aside with nothing to do, looking at Yan Fan sitting by the stove from the corner of his eye from time to time.

This man is really good-looking!

However, he is also really cruel and venomous!

Yan Fan noticed Jun Guanyue's gaze, raised his eyebrows slightly, stood up and walked to the window, leaving only his back to her.

Jun Guanyue immediately turned her face away and gently pulled Ye Yining's sleeve unconsciously.

"Ning'er, I thought about it, I'd better move here!"

If someone doesn't want to see her, she will show up in front of his eyes.

Ye Yining was slightly surprised and didn't understand why she changed her mind again.

But she still nodded, "Okay, then you can move here! Let Yunlai, Lucao and the others live in the wooden house you vacated."

Just as Jun Guanyue was about to nod, Yan Fan suddenly turned his head and said, "If you want to move, you must move quickly. Hanluo City will probably be overcrowded soon."

Ye Yining was stunned for a moment and immediately looked at Yan Fan, "What do you mean?"

Yan Fan smiled and pointed to the north of Hanluo City, "Your new emperor has sent someone to you. He will arrive at Hanluo City in about half an hour."

Ye Yining frowned slightly, not doubting Yan Fan's words.

She couldn't see too far away, so she could only ask Yan Fan, "Can you see how many people there are?"

This chapter has been completed!
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