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Chapter 296 The Lu family suddenly visited

Hanluo City.

Once the ice mirror was destroyed, the temperature in the city suddenly rose several degrees.

After Ye Yining and Yan Fan set up the forbidden air array, the ray of sky light drawn by the Demon Sealing Pillar was dispersed into the city.

For a moment, the sky was no longer pitch black, but instead became dim.

It looks like it's nightfall in the evening. Even if no lights are lit, it's not like people can't see anything clearly.

The people in the city were already very excited about such changes.

Ye Yining, who was somewhat exhausted, went back to the small building to rest.

Jun Jiuji was afraid that she would be cold, so he followed her upstairs.

Yan Fan looked at Bai Qi and others who had also followed the small building, and said thoughtfully: "Do you want to build a building too? Otherwise, where will you live?"

Bai Qi was a little embarrassed, but still nodded, "Okay. Where to build it?"

Yan Fan pointed to the opposite side of the small building, "That's a good place!"

"How about, let's build a house similar to this wooden building!" Qixuan suggested.

She felt that the small wooden building where Princess Ji and the others lived was quite nice. One building could accommodate them all.

"Okay. But can you build a house?" Wen Qing looked at Bai Qi.

Naturally, Bai Qi had never built a house before, so he looked at Yan Fan.

Yan Fan coughed lightly and said quietly: "You go to a farther place to cut down the trees for building houses first, and I will teach you then."

"I'll go chop down the tree!" Xing Mu took the initiative to take the responsibility.

"You all go together! Bring back more trees. Sometimes house transactions also require a large number of trees." Yan Fan reminded.

Bai Qi reacted immediately, "Okay, we will bring back more trees."

"Don't cut down the trees near Hanluo City!" Yan Fan reminded.


Bai Qi responded and quickly called his friends to leave.

When Ye Yining woke up, Bai Qi and the others had returned and were discussing the construction of a wooden building.

Seeing the mountains of trees piled up on the commercial street, she blinked hard several times, thinking she was being dazzled.

"Where did all these trees come from?"

Jun Guanyue, who was standing at the door watching the excitement, heard it and immediately turned around and said, "Bai Qi and the others brought it back, saying they wanted to build a wooden building."

Ye Yining had nothing to do, so she ran to help.

Because there were so many trees, it would be a bit of a hindrance to pile them up on the road, so she collected some medicinal herbs and had them made into wooden boards and furniture in the craftsman's room.

With her secret help, the construction of the small building was very fast.

Just when the small building was about to be built, Yan Fan suddenly looked at the sky and frowned.

"Someone is coming to Hanluo City again!"

Ye Yining's hand holding the tool paused slightly and immediately raised her head, "Did it come on foot or from the sky?"

Yan Fan withdrew his gaze and said in a deep voice: "They came in a Feiling carriage. There were ten carriages."

Ye Yining frowned slightly, "The new emperor has a lot of flying carriages!"

She remembered that they never returned the Feiling carriage that came to Hanluo City to the new emperor.

At this time, Bai Qi suddenly said: "People from the Lan family, a family of mastering beasts in the spiritual realm, also came to the mortal realm. When he came, he brought a large number of spirit colt eggs. Even if the spiritual energy in the mortal realm is low, it is enough to breed some spirit colts.


"Lan family?"

Ye Yining's understanding of the spiritual realm has increased.

When Yan Fan heard about the Lan family, he sneered, "The Lan family are all a group of people with a bleak appearance. They claim to be righteous people, but secretly they kill people and slaughter animals. They are disgusting!"

Wen Qing and Qixuan on the side looked at Yan Fan blankly, a little surprised that the Lan family had such an image in his mind.

You must know that in the spiritual realm, the Lan family has a very high status.

No matter where the Lan family goes, they are treated like guests.

When Xing Mu heard Yan Fan's words, he became unexpectedly excited.

However, he was not unhappy, but agreed.

Bai Qi had no feelings for the Lan family, so he didn't interrupt.

While the few people were talking, the Feiling carriage that Yan Fan mentioned was already approaching Hanluo City.

However, because the forbidden air formation had just been deployed above Hanluo City, the Feiling carriage was suddenly blocked outside.

Yan Fan saw that King Ji's people had already arrived, so he didn't tell Ye Yining anymore.

Ye Yining felt that there were many trees left, so she called Yan Fan and built another two-story building next to the small building where they lived.

The first floor is planned as a teahouse for everyone to have a temporary rest.

There are still rooms on the second floor, but the area of ​​each room has been reduced, with ten rooms planned.

Her plan was to let Yeze, Xingfu, Xueying and the others live in this small building, making it easier to guard and travel around.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change. When they finished it, Ye Ze also hurried over.

"Princess, the new emperor has sent the Lu family to Hanluo City, and Lu Xiansi has already gone to pick them up."

Ye Yining was slightly surprised, "The people who just arrived in the Feiling Carriage are my uncle's family?"

"Yes. Everyone from the Lu family is here."

Upon hearing this, Ye Yining quickly put down the things in her hands, went back to the small building to wash her hands, tidy up her clothes, and went to pick up the person herself.

Although she didn't understand why the new emperor sent the Lu family to Hanluo City, she was still very happy to see her relatives.

Yan Fan did not follow, but resignedly took the tool from Ye Yining's hand and continued the unfinished work.

A group of Lu family members have arrived, and that girl Ningxue may continue to build a house.

Cold outside the city.

Lu Mingchang was extremely excited after seeing his son and Ning'er.

Mrs. Lu pulled Ye Yining and looked at her again and again. Her eyes were slightly red and her voice was slightly trembling, "Ning'er has lost weight!"

Ye Yining smiled and held her arm, "I eat well every day and I really haven't lost any weight."

Speaking of this, she looked at her uncle, "Uncle, how could the new emperor think of sending you to Hanluo City?"

Lu Mingchang shook his head, "I don't know, but the imperial edict was issued last night, saying that King Ji already had a fiefdom, and the sky appeared in Hanluo City. If we want, we can go to Hanluo City with our family. We agreed without thinking too much.


The situation in the capital is not very good now. Just the boundless darkness can drive people crazy.

Besides, they were also worried about Xiansi and Ning'er, so they came over.

Ye Yining saw that her uncle's family had brought all their belongings over, and her eldest cousin was still carrying a big belly, so she didn't ask any more questions and immediately took them to the small building to rest.

Seeing the newly built small building, Lu Jingshan said with some uncertainty: "Ning'er, are you going to let us live in this building?"

Ye Yining nodded, "This has just been built, and people have been resettled in other places. I'll let someone decorate it for you first, and then tell me if there's anything missing."

"I've caused you trouble!" Lu Mingchang felt a little embarrassed.

Although coming here was basically the intention of the new emperor, when he got here he discovered that everything in Hanluo City was under construction, and their arrival really caused a lot of trouble for King Ji and Ning'er.

"Uncle, don't say that, you put things away first!"

Ye Yining turned around and said to Lu Xiansi: "Fourth brother, this building has ten rooms. You move here and the free rooms are for Yeze and Xingfu."

Lu Xiansi nodded, "Okay, I'll move right away."

Ye Yining then sent Yun Lai and Yue Gui to help, and personally installed hanging lanterns on the first and second floors.

Just when she returned to her residence and was about to have more charcoal delivered, Yan Fan stopped her.

"Ningxue, some of your relatives are very weird! You have to be careful!"

This chapter has been completed!
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