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Chapter 530 Some things cannot be stopped

Xuefeng chuckled, "It's not that I haven't looked for it. The reason why I said it doesn't matter is that unless the people from the Divine Law Temple use it, they can't activate the protection mechanism of the space rope of all realms. As long as they use it, they can pass through the space of the space rope."

Pull and kill the opponent."

Wan Tianbao reacted immediately, "Is that why the devil tail is dead?"

Xuefeng was stunned for a moment, "You even know this news? But you are right. Whoever uses it will die."

"However, what happened this time was an accident. I heard that it was not the people from our Divine Law Temple who killed Demon Tail."

"That must be a certain prodigy from all realms. He's so awesome!" Wan Tianbao said with admiration on his face.

"Did anyone from your Divine Law Palace come to the Imperial Mausoleum?" Ye Yining changed the subject and asked about other things.

Xuefeng glanced outside and nodded lightly, "There is a person here."

"Do you want to go to the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum?" Ye Yining suddenly asked.

Xuefeng shook his head, "I won't go there for the time being. I'm not responsible for that. My main task at the moment is to be responsible for Lanfang Summer Resort."

"How's the situation over there? Is there anything you need help with?"

"No problem for now."

Speaking of this, Xuefeng's eyes fell on the audiobook in her ear.

"Please help me keep an eye on the situation in the Spirit Realm these days! The news I received is that people from the Night Demon Realm occupy many places in the Spirit Realm and are promoting their Demon Lord."

"If nothing else happens, they want to collect enough merit and faith to break the seal of the Demon Lord."

Ye Yining was shocked when he heard this.

"Remove the seal of the Demon Lord? Is the Demon Lord still alive?"

Wan Tianbao looked at the shocked Princess Ji and said in a low voice: "The Demon Lord has an immortal soul and it is difficult to die. The person who suppressed the Demon Lord last time was Cangji War God."

"Now that Cangji War God has been dead for so long, I heard that the seal over there is almost exhausted."

Xuefeng glanced at Wan Tianbao and said in an incomprehensible tone: "You Wan family have quite a lot of information!"

Most of the people in the spiritual realm are unaware of this news.

Wan Tianbao coughed twice uncomfortably, "Although such a big news is well concealed, there are still many people who know about it. By the way, how long will you people from the Temple of Divine Law stay in the mortal realm?"

"It depends! What, you want to go back to the spiritual realm?"

Xuefeng is also a smart and alert person, and he quickly guessed the Wan family's arrangement.

It is estimated that they want to take Wan Tianbao back.

Wan Tianbao is the only member of the Wan family. If the demonic energy breaks out in the mortal realm, it would not be worthwhile for him to die in the mortal realm.

Wan Tianbao hesitated for a while, but still said that he might return to the spiritual realm tomorrow night.

Xuefeng didn't think it was a big deal, "It's okay to go back. There will be more people to protect you when you go back."

"But I want to bring Princess Ji and the others back to the spiritual realm." Wan Tianbao said softly.

He rarely cared so much about someone, let alone worried about someone's safety.

But this time it was strange, he just wanted to protect Princess Ji and take her away from the mortal realm.

Xuefeng shook his head when he heard this, "You can't take them away. When people from the spiritual realm come to the mortal realm, they are only suppressed by heaven and the realm, but they can still come after paying a certain price. People from the mortal realm can still come.

Do you think you can go to the spiritual realm unconditionally?"

Wan Tianbao was choked.

"Can't I pay the Lingbao price?"

When they came, they only paid some special spiritual treasures as a price and were suppressed by the realm.

Xuefeng chuckled lightly, "Things are not as easy as you think. People in the mortal realm who want to go to the spiritual realm must first be able to withstand the light of guidance. Otherwise, every breath of going to the spiritual realm will be painful."

"In addition to receiving the light of guidance, you also have to withstand the tribulation thunder. If the strength is not reached, a tribulation thunder will be wiped out."

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "If you want to use a space weapon to bring people up, it won't work. As long as it is a living body, it won't work. Even your Wanjia's life space device won't work.


Wan Tianbao sighed, a little depressed.

He actually guessed that he wanted to use Wanjia's life space device.

Ye Yining heard the conversation between Wan Tianbao and Xuefeng, and looked at Wan Tianbao with a helpless look.

"I don't want to go to the spiritual realm. If you go back tomorrow, just go back quietly by yourself!"

Wan Tianbao was even more depressed this time.

Even the goddess doesn’t understand his heart!

If he goes back, it will be difficult to see him again.

If he wants to learn formations from her again, it will be even harder!

He really hopes that they live in the same realm, and there is nothing wrong with them running around!

"Okay, I've finished my meal. It's time for me to return to Lanfang Mountain Resort." Xuefeng suddenly stood up.

Ye Yining nodded, "Goodbye then!"

Xuefeng suddenly smiled at her and said, "I'll come over for dinner tomorrow."

"If it's convenient for you, just come over!" Ye Yining didn't care.

Anyway, Jun Jiuji is not here, and neither are his parents, so eating alone is quite boring.

After Wan Tianbao and Yan Fan leave, it would be nice to have Xuefeng come and sneak in.

After Xuefeng left, Wan Tianbao also left.

He had to hurry up and try to contact his grandfather again.

Yan Fan did not leave, but made himself a pot of tea and sat quietly in the living room drinking tea.

Ye Yining didn't go back to the room, and was kneading bread and dumplings while listening to the audiobook.

Neither she nor Yan Fan spoke anymore, but the atmosphere was not awkward at all.

When it was getting dark, Yan Fan finally said his first words.

"I'm going back to the spiritual realm and will come back then."

Ye Yining was stunned for a moment and looked up at Yan Fan who had been drinking tea for an afternoon.

"You're still coming? Didn't you say that the cost of coming to the mortal realm is very high?"

Yan Fan shrugged nonchalantly, "I won't go back because I'm afraid that the people in the Night Demon Palace will find out everything in my house and take it all away. I have to take my wealth with me."

Ye Yining laughed when she heard this, "Aren't you afraid that next time you come back, someone will imitate you and rob you?"

Yan Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "As long as King Ji doesn't take action, others probably won't be able to do it. However, it may be easier next time than last time."

Ye Yining blinked, "Easier?"

Yan Fan nodded lightly and reminded with a smile, "You have forgotten that those transmission channels in the demon world are actually interconnected."

Ye Yining was slightly startled, "You want to use the teleportation channel from the Demon Realm to the Mortal Realm?"

If that were the case, Yan Fan would not be the only one here.

At that time, the Shikoku Continent will probably be in big trouble.

Yan Fan knew what she was thinking, so he added, "Some things cannot be stopped. Their plan should have started long ago."

Ye Yining was speechless.

She knew that what Yan Fan said was right.

Let’s not talk about why there is a transmission channel in the demon world. Ye Yunxi is a person who should not exist.

That is definitely not an ordinary person!

"After I leave, just follow King Ji's instructions and stay in the safe city and don't go anywhere. In addition, you must also have direct contact with that Ye Yunxi, do you understand?"

Yan Fan's tone at this time was unusually serious.

He didn't tell this girl. He wanted to go back to the Spiritual Realm. In addition to getting his own things, the bigger reason was that he wanted to go to the God Burial Tower to see it in person.

He wants to personally check for information about another divine coffin!

That woman named Ye Yunxi definitely cannot be an ordinary person in the mortal realm.

What exactly did a person who can be spurned by the gods commit?

When Ye Yining saw that Yan Fan was also telling her not to go anywhere and not to contact Ye Yunxi head-on, she felt a little depressed, but she also understood Yan Fan's worries.

Finally, she nodded in agreement.

"I know, I won't contact that woman head-on. But if she takes the initiative to come to me, there's nothing I can do about it."

She can't control these things!

This chapter has been completed!
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