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Chapter 588 Its fatal, she cant see

Ye Yining stared blankly at Jun Jiuji in the mirror.

The others didn't move, but the sound came from him.

She couldn't help but raise her hand and touch Jun Jiuji in the mirror.

However, the next moment the image in the mirror started to shake like water waves.

When she looked again, Jun Jiuji's figure had disappeared in the mirror.

She immediately turned to look at the other mirrors.

The people in the other mirrors were still there, so, almost reflexively, she touched all the mirrors.

She didn't know whether her previous actions had any impact on Jun Jiuji or the situation of the battle, but if one person is unsure, then let's be unsure together.

After all the figures in the mirrors disappeared, there were suddenly many noisy voices around her.

"Is there something wrong with her? Why did she touch the mirror..."

"Every time the mirror is touched, the life force of the person in the mirror will be lost. Did she touch it knowing this..."

"Why is she so vicious..."

"I really don't understand why a beautiful woman should be appointed as a military officer..."

"Did she fall into an illusion? Why didn't she move again..."

Ye Yining frowned and closed his eyes to sense the movement around him.

These voices sounded like they were coming from around me, but in fact they were not.

They were very far away from me, as if they were teleported from some space channel.

Suddenly, she heard Yun Lai's voice among the voices of these people.

"Miss, please don't get close to His Highness Prince Ji's mirror! If you touch the mirror, the mirror will send out an attack force to attack the person inside the mirror!"

"Miss, don't move still! As soon as you stand still, the sharp swords floating around you will surround you. Miss, can't you see those sharp swords?"

"Miss, on the left, the sword on the left is going to stab you. Hurry! Hurry!"

Yun Lai's anxious shouts made Ye Yining a little panicked.

She couldn't see any sharp sword, but she still followed Yun's instructions and moved two steps back.

Then, she saw a sword light flashing past her.

If she didn't take two steps back, the sword light would pass through her waist and pierce her heart.

It's terrible!

She really can't see it!

Have you been blinded by a god again?

She took a breath, moved her sleeves slightly, and a cloud-shielding and moon-shielding talisman was activated, hiding her figure.

The confrontation rules just now said that the use of spatial storage rings was prohibited, so she put all her medicinal talismans in her sleeves, and she didn't panic now.

It was also through the Cloud-Shielding Moon Talisman that she unexpectedly saw her current situation clearly.

The place where she is now is actually a space sealing formation, surrounded by sealing stones and many extremely destructive weapons.

They include the Sword Mountain Sword Tomb, the Fire Sea Tiankeng, and various suppressive magical weapons.

In short, as long as she leaves a larger area, it means that she will be attacked if she escapes from the sealing formation.

However, if she does not move and her soul aura is locked, she will also be attacked.

In other words, this formation is designed to kill her in the formation!

She was very angry now as she had quite a bit of knowledge about battle tactics.

But after she was angry, she still held her breath and seriously thought about how to break the formation.

What she didn't know was that while she was contemplating, everyone in the first safe area who had a side view was shocked.

"Why can't I see Commander Ye Du in the third theater?"

"Where is she? How come she disappeared in the formation?"

But someone soon discovered the problem, "It didn't disappear, it was just hidden!"

Looking at the situation of the other commanders in the light curtain, it is really exciting.

Mingzhongzhou in the second war zone didn't know what he had done. Flames burst out from the ground where he was staying. He kept jumping up and down to avoid being burned by the flames.

Others are miserable, but the picture makes many people feel happy.

Because while he was jumping, he was cursing, "This is breaking the rules and costing lives! I am a commander, why do I have to endure this?"

"Which bastard changed the rules of the Six Worlds Battle Power Ranking Update Tournament?"

In the light curtain on the other side, Wen Xihai in the fourth theater was not doing much better.

There was a heavy rain in the real-life illusion on his side, and he was trapped in the sealing formation and was soaked in the rain. Unknown things were entangled in his feet and devouring his spiritual energy.

Mo Zhao, the commander of the Sixth War Zone, was even worse. He was slapped left and right by invisible slaps flying from the sky. After a while, his face was swollen into a pig's head.

If Ye Yining saw these scenes, he would definitely not think they were the worst.

Because, there are too many people who are worse off than her!

Yu Qianqian in the eighth theater was not much better. She didn't know what she encountered in the formation, but she turned into the body of a fox, screaming and hitting rocks.

Yes, even if he was hitting rocks, hitting rocks in the formation, and breaking his head and bleeding, he still didn't stop.

Wen You in the ninth theater was also miserable. He was directly caught by a net and kept swinging in the air.

All that could be heard from around the sealing formation was his terrified screams.

In comparison, among all the military officers, Jun Jiuji's condition is the best.

Because except for a swarm of poisonous bees flying in circles five meters away from him, there was no other danger.

The situation of all combat officers is not good, and the contestants in various theaters are not doing much better either.

In the real world, they are experiencing various natural and man-made disasters.

Sometimes the heavy rain turns into freezing rain, freezing a group of people to the ground.

Sometimes the scorching sun is high in the sky, dehydrating people, and some people are directly sunburned and then lie on the ground as mummies.

There are still people who are experiencing the earth's crust. The earth has turned over several times, and countless people have been buried alive on the ground.

Those who are lucky and strong can break through the ground and fly out. Those who are weak and unlucky will die on the spot and find a natural graveyard.

At first, everyone wanted to rescue their commander as soon as possible, but gradually, they only hoped that they could survive.

The Ninth Illusion turned into hell on earth. At first, the people in the first battle area just watched the excitement, but gradually some people realized that something was wrong.

Because people in all war zones are dying in large numbers and quickly.

The situation of combat officers in various theaters is getting worse and worse.

Half a day later, Yu Qianqian, who had transformed into her true form, fell to the ground dripping with blood and did not move for a long time.

"Is she dead?" someone asked worriedly.

Once the combat officer dies, won't everyone in the Eighth War Zone where Yu Qianqian is located be in trouble?

"Why is this round of fantasy fighting so cruel?"

"It's so wrong! It's so wrong!"

More and more people are beginning to discover that this time the Six Worlds Power Ranking Update Tournament has gone off the track and is too murderous.

While everyone was still discussing, someone suddenly discovered that Yu Qianqian, who had just been lying on the ground, had returned to human form.

Just when everyone thought her condition was getting better, a horrific scene suddenly happened.

This chapter has been completed!
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