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Chapter 646 A mysterious transmission channel appears

Ye Yining leaned her head on his arm and said quietly: "I don't know, I just have a sense of powerlessness that makes me very unhappy."

"Then let's stop looking. Let's look for the Nine Heavens Healing Soul Grass, and leave as soon as we find it."

Ye Yining nodded and said no more.

Jun Jiuji didn't speak any more, but he put his hand around her shoulders and touched her head comfortingly.

When Feng Shenqi saw this scene in the distance, he closed his eyes slightly and tried to calm down his complicated heart.

Yan Fan was resting his mind with his eyes closed, wondering if he was really tired.

Wan Tianbao was in the best mental state. He did not rest, but took photos everywhere with the photo stone. From time to time, he added a few words to show off his peaceful and comfortable state in Jiuyou.

Of course, the main purpose of this photo stone is to show it to his grandfather, so that he can be happy, and he will feel more confident when he goes out in the future, and also let his grandfather see how promising he is.

The Fuyucao, which had had enough time in the bottle, went to stay in Wan Tianbao's hair, and swayed in the wind following Wan Tianbao's movements.

After everyone rested for a while, they went deep into Jiuyou again.

However, as time went by, the expression on Yan Fan's face became more complicated and solemn.

It was normal for them to encounter no danger when they first entered Jiuyou, but why didn't they encounter any danger or even a monster for several days?

Could it be that something big happened in Jiuyou?

Or is this the calm before the catastrophe?

Just when he was thinking a lot, a bright red light suddenly flashed in the sky.

The red light flashed across like a meteor at first, then disappeared completely.

But after a while, another red light flashed, but this time, the red light directly covered half of Jiuyou's sky.

Ye Yining looked up at the sky, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

Jun Jiuji felt that the cold poison in his body could no longer be suppressed.

When he stood up, his body swayed and his hands rested on the big tree on one side.

In just one move, the tree turned into ice, and he quickly retracted his hand.

After Ye Yining noticed it, she immediately supported him, "Are you..."

Before she finished speaking, Jun Jiuji leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Ye Yining felt that Jun Jiuji wanted to change the subject. As soon as she held his hand and wanted to take his pulse, the soil underground suddenly started to move violently.

Her body was unstable and she fell directly to the side. Fortunately, Jun Jiuji hugged her.

When Ye Yining came back to his senses, he found that Wan Tianbao had also fallen to the ground because of the shaking. Feng Shenqi was holding a tree with his hands. Although Yan Fan was standing, his face was ugly.

This shaking lasted for a long time. When the shaking stopped, Ye Yining discovered that a foggy white passage appeared in front of them.

A road is vaguely visible on the other side of the passage, an unknown and mysterious road.

While Ye Yining was still distracted, she discovered that Jun Jiuji seemed to want to carry her over there.

She involuntarily hugged Jun Jiuji's waist and shook her head at him, "No!"

No one knew what kind of passage it was, and she didn't want to go or take risks.

Jun Jiuji stopped and took several deep breaths before suppressing the thought of entering that passage immediately.

There was a voice deep in his heart telling him to let him in.

But Xiao Ning'er was obviously scared, so he couldn't do anything he wanted. If he hurt Xiao Ning'er, he couldn't bear the consequences.

"Why did a space passage appear in Jiuyou? Could it be that someone from the demon world came again?" After Wan Tianbao got up from the ground, he looked at the sudden appearance of the space passage with a face full of surprise.

Ye Yining immediately denied it, "No. There are no traces of demon spirit energy in this passage."

However, this passage still didn't feel good to her. She didn't want to go in, really not at all.

"How about I go in and take a look first?" Feng Shenqi was ready to take the lead.

"Forget it, let's not take this risk!" Yan Fan said, throwing a branch directly into the passage.

In just a split second, they saw the branches thrown into the passage being teleported away.

However, the passage is still there, as if waiting for something.

Ye Yining gently tugged on Jun Jiuji's sleeve, "Why don't we leave here?"

"Okay." Jun Jiuji nodded lightly, not wanting to worry her.

But just as they turned around to leave, a powerful force suddenly came from the space transmission channel, sucking Jun Jiuji directly into it.

Because Jun Jiuji held Ye Yining tightly, the two of them were sucked into the space at the same time.

When Feng Shenqi chased after him immediately, the space transmission channel had disappeared.

Wan Tianbao was startled and felt bad all over. "What should we do? We didn't go in."

His reaction just now was a little slow, but Feng Shenqi's reaction was not slow. He saw that Feng Shenqi was ejected by a force.

In other words, that space transmission channel will not let him enter?

Yan Fan checked the air around him and then sat down.

"Let's wait here! Maybe they will come back soon."

He sensed that the space transmission channel was waiting for King Ji to step into it.

I don’t know what it is about Jiuyou that chose him.

Ningxue girl seems to be the one who happened to be there.

Feng Chenqi was very uneasy. He didn't have a good attitude like Yan Fan. He couldn't stand if he was told to stand, so he had to walk around.

On the other side, Ye Yining had fainted in Jun Jiuji's arms.

But Jun Jiuji's consciousness was very clear, and the arms holding Xiao Ning'er were very strong.

He was really afraid of letting go of her and being separated from her.

They were teleporting in the teleportation channel for a long time before the teleportation stopped this time.

At this time, Jun Jiuji found that they appeared in front of a huge black light mask.

There was a voice telling him, go into the mask, go in.

However, he also found that Xiao Ning'er in his arms was trembling even though he was unconscious now, and his instinctive resistance entered here.

Therefore, he almost didn't think about it, suppressed the voice and pulling force deep in his heart, and did not go in.

However, when he tried to find a way to leave, he found nothing.

In the end, he could only sit down with Xiao Ning'er in his arms.

Let’s wait until Xiao Ning’er wakes up to talk about everything.

But for Ye Yining, she was in a frightening state at this time.

She found herself in a place surrounded by black mist. She found Jun Jiuji sitting on the ground holding her body, but she could not get close.

There was an inexplicable force pulling her, trying to get her into the black mist.

But, she doesn’t want to!

She persisted in this pull, and when she persisted until her soul was exhausted, she really couldn't hold on anymore, and a pull sucked her into the black mist.

At the same time, Jun Jiuji also discovered that there was something wrong with Xiao Ning'er's soul. He almost didn't think about it, and immediately rushed into the black light shield with Xiao Ning'er's body in his arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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