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Chapter 8 The Big Spider

Lin Lu found a stone to sit down, put the package in his arms, and walked in the mine tunnel for a few hours. Lin Lu was indeed a little tired. He took out his kettle and drank spring water while looking at the situation around the mine.


While he was sleepy, a cold wind blew by, and Lin Lu seemed to smell a slight fishy smell, which made Lin Lu's heart skip a beat.

No sleepiness at all!

This smell is very similar to the fishy smell that came out after Lin Lu accidentally crushed a small insect to death when he and his friends were playing in the mountains when he was a child.

Lin Lu then thought about it,

In such a long mine, a few small bugs were killed by the falling ore, and it was normal to emit some stench. I should have been overly worried.

Lin Lu gathered his clothes and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Another gust of cold wind blew through, and the smell was much stronger than before.

Lin Lu was shocked to realize that something was wrong!

Lin Lu quickly took out a crystal cluster from the package and threw it into the mine tunnel where the fishy smell came from.

As the crystal clusters drew an arc in the air, a giant spider, bigger than an old scalper, was lying on top of the mine tunnel, slowly crawling towards the forest road.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Lin Lu picked up the package, picked a mine tunnel, threw away his arms and ran as fast as he could.

The sound of wind in his ears, heavy breathing, and the pounding of his heart all left Lin Lu with only one thought in his mind:

“Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!

If you don’t run away, you will die!!!”.

Even though Lin Lu was running like crazy, the smell behind him was getting heavier and heavier!

Lin Lu didn't dare to look back, for fear that if he turned around, he would accidentally hit a rock and fall, and there would be no chance of getting up and running again.

I don’t know how long it took,

Just when Lin Lu felt that the front paws of the big spider behind him were about to prick him, Lin Lu's feet flew out of the air, and with the inertia, he flew out of the mine tunnel...

In an instant, Lin Lu looked back at the mine. The spider as big as an ox was quickly crawling down the rock wall.

And he is falling rapidly!

"You're dead now!"

Listening to the whistling wind in his ears, Lin Lu hugged the package tightly and closed his eyes tightly, preparing to accept the terrible ending of being smashed to pieces.






"Wow~" there was a loud noise, and the violent water flow hit Lin Lu's whole body,

"I fell into the water, I didn't die!" Lin Lu felt ecstatic in his heart.

Before Lin Lu could be happy for a long time, the big spider had already rushed towards the water.

"Spiders...can't swim, right?" Lin Lu comforted himself based on his own life experience.

I'm really afraid of whatever comes up. Although this big spider can't swim in the water, it can glide on the water!

"What kind of monster is this???"

Seeing that the big spider was about to glide to Lin Lu, Lin Lu took a sharp breath and plunged into the water.

The drunken Jinbao was given a gulp of water, and he suddenly woke up and subconsciously surfaced.

As soon as Jinbao revealed his chubby head, he saw the big spider with its bloody mouth right in front of him. Jinbao was so frightened that he twisted his fat buttocks, quickly plunged into the water, and lay tightly on Lin Lu's back.

With the soft light of the crystal clusters, Lin Lu quickly looked at the situation under the water.

The little fish next to Lin Lu swam quickly in one direction because of his appearance.

Looking in the direction where the small fish are swimming, you can vaguely see a shimmering water channel.

Based on Lin Lu's rich underwater experience, it is estimated that in places where small fish and shrimps can swim freely, generally speaking, it is unlikely that larger aquatic animals will appear.

Now I can't control that much,

Lin Lu kicked off his feet and swam toward the shimmering waterway,

The water plants on both sides of the waterway exude a blue-purple light, reflecting the entire waterway beautifully. Now that life is more important than ever, Lin Lu can no longer care about admiring the beautiful scenery.

Follow the school of small fish and swim forward desperately,

The further you swim, the brighter the light ahead becomes.

It wasn't until the school of small fish turned downwards and disappeared that Lin Lu realized that he had swam out of the waterway.

Pressing down with both hands, Lin Lu emerged from the water.

This is a small pool,

There is a small open space beside the pool.

Lin Lu wiped the water droplets on his face. The golden treasure on his back had climbed onto Lin Lu's head at some unknown time. He also shook the water droplets on his body vigorously. The splash made Lin Lu unable to open his eyes.

Waiting for Lin Lu to wipe away the water droplets splashing on his face again,

I saw the chubby Jinbao swimming to the shore very fast with a smoked chicken in his mouth. He was swimming so fast that Lin Lu couldn't catch up with his horse!

This scene made Lin Lu so angry that he almost lost his temper!

"Jinbao, if you secretly eat my smoked chicken, I won't argue with you.

If you don’t like walking, you hide in your bag and let me carry you, and I won’t argue with you.

You secretly drank, got drunk, and then gave random directions, which almost killed me. I still don't care about you.

But you went too far this time,

You obviously know how to swim, but you still hide from my back and let me carry you. I'm still worried that if I don't swim fast enough, you will be suffocated to death. You greedy lazy guy, I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Lu picked up a small pickaxe and swam towards the shore with murderous intent.

A man and a mouse were chased and beaten again in a small open space on the shore. It was not until Lin Lu was exhausted that the farce finally stopped.

But Jinbao still looked carefree and annoying, minding his own business while munching on the smoked chicken...





Lin Lu leaned on his waist, arched his back, and gasped for air. In the gap between his breaths, he struggled to hold back a sentence,

"Jin Bao... Huh...

You are... Phew...


Sent... hoo...

Play with me... Phew..

Is that??? Huhu..."


But no matter what Lin Lu said, Jinbao didn't even raise his eyelids and continued to gnaw on the smoked chicken.

"Forget it, Jinbao is a foodie. Before he finished eating the smoked chicken, asking questions is in vain, and getting angry is just in vain..." Lin Lu comforted himself,

I was chased wildly by that big spider just now and swam desperately in the waterway. Now I was chased and beaten again.

Lin Lu was already hungry and had smoke in his throat.

After he could breathe again, Lin Lu found a stone to sit on, took out dry food and a water bottle from the package, and started eating and drinking on his own.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to work.

Because he was too angry just now, Lin Lu didn't pay much attention to the situation around him. Now that he calmed down, Lin Lu began to look carefully.

This is a small cave,

There are many bright stones growing on the walls of the cave, making the cave as bright as day.

A trickle of water flowed out from the jagged grass beside the stone wall and merged into the small pool on the shore.

"This small stream of water should be the source of this pool," Lin Lu thought,

"With that big spider blocking the road, swimming back through the water channel is like asking for death. The sum of myself and Jinbao is not enough for that big spider to fill the gap between the teeth."

"Why don't you search this cave first to see if there is another exit?"

Lin Lu made up his mind to wait until he was full and drunk before starting to work.


After eating and drinking, Lin Lu felt that his physical strength had recovered a lot.

The open space next to the pool is not big, and there is not much else except the rocks and grass.

Lin Lu first kicked the stones, and then swept the grass with a small pickaxe, carefully watching whether there were any insects, snakes, or pythons escaping from behind the stones and grass.

This is a necessary skill for every farm child.

When farm children follow their parents on the road, they find it very interesting to see their parents banging on both sides of the mountain road with sticks, and naturally they want to imitate them.

Parents push the boat along, break branches or bamboo sticks, and let the children imitate.

First of all, it can exercise children's physical fitness. Farm children should be accustomed to walking on mountain roads. When they grow up, they will have to carry a load and walk several miles or dozens of miles of mountain roads. They don't have such delicate and fragile lives.

Secondly, it can divert the children's attention. Don't always think about parents carrying them. Holding a child is different from carrying a burden. Carrying a six or seven-year-old child to climb a mountain road. Children talk a lot and ask questions here and there. Parents have to take care of them.

Walking on your feet, your eyes have to follow the child's directions to distract your attention, and your mouth has to deal with conversations, which is very tiring!

Although there are no ferocious beasts in the Linjiaao area, there are also many venomous snakes and insects. As the saying goes, beating the grass will scare the snakes away. Knocking and beating can scare away the venomous snakes, poisonous insects, wild birds, wild boars, and hares hiding in the grass beside the road.

It's much safer, after all, these mountain creatures are still afraid of people.

Therefore, when Lin Lu saw the grass and rocks, his first thought was to knock them.

After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that there was no movement, Lin Lu carefully moved the stones away one by one. Fortunately, the stones were not very big, so he could still move them with force.

After all the stones were removed, Lin Lu used a small pickaxe to push the grass aside.

"There is no spring in the grass, where does the water flow from???"

"Does the spring water flow from behind the stone wall?"

Lin Lu picked up a small stone, put his ear against the stone wall, and then knocked on the stone wall. There was a sound of "pick~pick~pick~" in his ears. This sound was heard when he and Lin Lu were playing on the mountain, tapping the boulder.

The dull echo it brings is very different!

"Is there something empty behind this stone wall?" Lin Lu couldn't help but wonder.

Lin Lu turned to look at Jinbao, with a smile on his face. Jinbao thought that Lin Lu was going to bully him again, so he jumped a few times and stood on a protruding stone on the wall, staring at Lin Lu angrily.

"Jinbao~ I was wrong just now. Don't be angry. Would you like another smoked chicken?" Lin Lu kindly took out a smoked chicken from the package and handed it over.

Jinbao looked at Lin Lu, then at the smoked chicken, turned away, and ignored Lin Lu.

"Jinbao~ Here's a pot of shochu, what do you think?" Lin Lu opened the cork of the shochu bottle, faced Jinbao with the mouth of the bottle, and fanned it vigorously to let out the smell of the wine.

Jinbao's nose moved and he jumped straight towards the forest road.

Lin Lu was already prepared. Before Jinbao pounced, Lin Lu had already put the shochu into the package.

"Jinbao~~ You can drink if you want, but the condition is that you do me a favor." Lin Lu pointed at the stone wall.

Jin Bao seemed to understand what Lin Lu meant, his cheeks were bulging, and he gave Lin Lu a blank look, then showed his two claws and dug hard at the stone wall.

In about a cup of tea, a cave appeared in the stone wall.

Jin Bao pointed at Lin Lu's package angrily, with a cute look like "Hurry up and pass the soju!"

Lin Lu hurriedly handed over the soju and warned softly, "Jinbao, drink less. Don't get drunk this time."

Jinbao took the soju, turned around and ignored Lin Lu, and drank the soju by himself, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Seeing that Jinbao ignored him, Lin Lu picked up a small pickaxe, dug out the gravel on both sides of the cave, stepped on the package, and slowly climbed over.

I have to admire Jinbao's ability to dig a hole. The hole is neither big nor small, just big enough to pass through the forest road.
This chapter has been completed!
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