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Chapter 10 Another Stone Chamber

Lin Lu just lay there for about a cup of tea without any sadness or joy.

Suddenly something came to my mind,

Then Lin Luzheng sat up, sitting cross-legged like the bare-butt villain in "Great Heaven Magic Kung Fu", closed his eyes, and performed the kung fu in the direction of the red arrow.

This time, Lin Lu felt that there was a thin stream of air in his body, following his thoughts, slowly flowing out from the "small pool" under his belly, just like a school of small fish in a dream.

Lin Lu imagined that he was this air flow, slowly traveling through his body in the direction of the red arrow.

As the air flow moved around, Lin Lu vaguely felt that in the air around him, there seemed to be small light spots that were so small that they were invisible to the naked eye.

The small airflow that overflows to all parts of the body,

once again,


three times,

Lin Lu persisted in completing the "Great God Skill" three times. When he wanted to start the fourth time, he felt a little sleepy. Xiao Qi Liu became very naughty and always didn't follow his wishes. In desperation, Lin Lu

The road sent the naughty little airflow back to the "little water pool".

Lin Lu slowly opened his eyes. He felt as if there was endless strength in his body. The places he accidentally bumped on his body no longer felt so painful.

Especially the scars on the face, due to the violent impact of the water when I fell off the cliff, some of the scars showed signs of peeling off, and the pain was abnormal. Now, the pain in the scars has been significantly reduced.

Lin Lu's young mind was thinking that he had just achieved his "magic power", so he naturally wanted to test it out.

Lin Lu got off the stone bed, took a horse stance, took a deep breath, and silently worked the Great Heavenly Skill in his heart. Facing the stone table not far away, he pushed out with both palms side by side.

"Great Heavenly Magic, break it for me~~"

The dust on the stone table in front of me didn't even move...

Take back your palm, take a deep breath, and push it out again,

"Great Heavenly Magic, break it for me~~~~"

The dust on the stone table in front has not moved...

Take back your palm, take a deep breath again, and push it out again,

"Great Heavenly Magic, give it to me to break~~~~~~~~~~~~"

This time the sound was louder, finally blowing some of the dust on the stone table...


Lin Lu drooped his head, his arms hung weakly, and muttered in disappointment,

"Young master, I have learned an immortal magic, but I don't know how to use it. I am really guarding the golden mountain, gnawing dry food, and holding a golden bowl to beg for food..."

Lin Lu has an advantage. If he can't figure something out, he will put it aside for a while.

After a few moments of rest, Lin Lu recovered from his somewhat disappointed mood, then picked up the package and walked towards the small stone cave.

He had to go and see if Jinbao, the gluttonous lazy fellow, had woken up.

Quietly crawling through the small stone cave, listening to Jinbao's snoring one after another, Lin Lu tiptoed to Jinbao's side, took out the lotus pod from the package, broke off a green lotus seed, and stuffed it into Jinbao's mouth, which made him drool again.

In the mouth.

After the lotus seeds melted in his mouth, Jin Bao, a foodie, subconsciously smacked his mouth a few times in his sleep.


Not long after, a green lamp seemed to light up in Jinbao's chubby belly, flickering on and off in accordance with Jinbao's snoring.

Jinbao, who was sleeping soundly, didn't seem to feel the changes in his body. He turned over, smashed his mouth, and continued to sleep soundly.

Lin Lu did not stuff the last lotus seed into Jinbao's mouth. According to Lin Lu's experience with his younger brothers and sisters, there should always be some delicious food left to comfort them when they cry.

Under the infiltration of cyan brilliance, three tufts of green-gold hair grew on Jinbao's back at a speed visible to the naked eye, extending along the back to Jinbao's short tail. At the same time, Jinbao's four claws actually had green-gold hair.

The brilliance is flowing, and there is a faint flash of thunder.

Gradually, the cyan light slowly converged into Jinbao's chubby body, leaving only a cyan light spot the size of a soybean. As Jinbao breathed, it became darker and darker, and finally disappeared completely.

Lin Lu hugged Jinbao into his arms and gently squeezed the green-gold hair on Jinbao's back.

These few tufts of hair were not prickly, but rather soft. When I touched Jinbao's paws, they were hard, like made of steel.

After almost two or three hours, Jin Bao in his arms finally woke up and turned around.

Lin Lu saw that Jin Bao's eyes seemed to have green-gold lightning flashing, and he was so handsome!

Jinbao opened his eyes and saw Lin Lu coming into view. The anger in his heart seemed to be still a little unabated. He jumped out of Lin Lu's arms.

Jinbao's original intention was to jump onto the protruding rock on the side of the cave wall, but unexpectedly he hit the cave wall straight and made a deep hole in the stone wall!

Jinbao shook his head, looking incredulous,

Then he jumped again and hit the stone wall on the opposite side hard.

At this time, Jinbao began to notice his changes. He jumped to the edge of the pool, turned his head, looked at the three tufts of blue-gold hair on his back, then faced the water, made a few gestures with his front teeth, and then stretched out his four teeth.

I held my paw and shook it.

After seeing the changes in his body clearly, Jin Bao closed his eyes and saw green-gold thunder arcs emerging from his chubby body, gradually wrapping Jin Bao into a green-gold thunder ball, and then the green-gold thunder ball quickly

Disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, the blue-gold thunder ball appeared on the top of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, the green-gold thunder ball rushed towards the stone wall below. As soon as the green-gold lightning arc touched the stone wall, it spread out like falling water drops. In an instant, the entire stone wall melted.

It is powder.

Lin Lu looked at this scene in disbelief, dumbfounded.

"Master, I've already eaten five lotus seeds, why don't I eat one as much as Jin Bao?" Lin Lu was speechless for a while.

Jinbao just stood "arrogantly" in front of a pile of glutinous rice flour, squinting at the forest road, as if to say,

"Now, you know how powerful I am, Uncle Jinbao. Next time, if you dare to bully me again, I will blow you into powder!"

Lin Lu came back to his senses and immediately went to meet him, took out the smoked chicken from the package and handed it over "respectfully".

"Uncle Jinbao, you are indeed brave and invincible, and your martial arts skills are unrivaled. I am so impressed that I am so impressed. I am so blind that I cannot see Mount Tai. Please forgive me.",

Although Lin Lu didn't know what "having eyes but not seeing Mount Tai" meant, it was said in the story anyway, so it should be right if he learned to say it himself.

Seeing Lin Lu's "respectful" look, Jinbao took the smoked chicken and started to chew it.

In fact, Jinbao didn't understand what Lin Lu meant...

Lin Lu turned around and let out a long breath, wiped his forehead, and thought to himself, "Finally, I've managed to coax him. This Jinbao is even more difficult to take care of than his own sister!"

While Jinbao was eating smoked chicken, Lin Lu began to think about what to do next. He couldn't stay in this cave forever. This was not a long-term solution.

"Since there are immortals who can enter the heart of the mountain and dig stone chambers, there must be a way in. As long as you follow the way in, you should be able to get out!"

Lin Lu then thought about it again. According to the stories about immortals he had heard, immortals were flying around and changing. They were in this place and then in another place. Maybe there was no way in at all.


In the end, Lin Lu made up his mind, no matter what, he still had to go back to the stone chamber to look for clues. This was the safest choice!

As for swimming back to the river to kill the big spider, Lin Lu didn't want to take the risk as a last resort.


"Jinbao, I'm going to the stone room to see if there's a way out. After you finish eating, remember to come over, okay?"

Jin Bao was squeaking and eating, but I don’t know if the foodie heard it...

After Lin Lu finished speaking, he picked up the small stones, climbed back into the stone room, and carefully knocked on the stone wall again.

Since the "Great Sky Magic" first became effective, although he did not split mountains and rocks like the characters in the story, his five senses have become much sharper. When Lin Lu hit the wall with a stone, Lin Lu felt that he could hear what was behind the stone wall.

Echoes came from multiple places.

"Behind this place, there should be a large piece of bluestone." Lin Lu thought to himself as he listened to the dull echo.

"It's the same thing behind here."





"Behind this place, there seems to be a large bluestone, but there seem to be many tiny gaps..."

Lin Lu felt a little unsure. He put his ear against the stone wall and tapped the stone wall a few times.

“This place behind the stone wall is really different from other places!”

Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If you dig it up and take a look, you will know what the secret is behind it!

Lin Lu turned around and shouted in Jinbao's direction,

"Jinbao, have you eaten yet? I'm here to help."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jinbao had already jumped to Lin Lu,

Jinbao's current speed is more than half a star faster than before!

"Jinbao, the stones behind this stone wall are a little different from other places. Can you help dig them out and have a look?" Lin Lu pointed at the stone wall and asked Jinbao what he meant.

Jinbao showed his claws and nodded confidently. Jinbao also wanted to try the power of his current claws.

A flash of blue-gold light flashed, and Jin Bao scratched the stone wall with claw marks nearly three inches long.

Then, Jinbao used all his strength, and in a short time, he dug out a passage more than five feet long.

The other end of the passage is as bright as day!

Jinbao stood at the end of the passage, looking at his paws in disbelief. He couldn't understand when he became so powerful...


Every time Jinbao dug a hole, it was just enough to squeeze through the forest road, and not a little more.

The forest road was difficult to squeeze through the stone road,

Here is another stone chamber,

But compared to the previous stone chamber, this stone chamber is obviously much smaller. There are many stone latticeworks cut around the stone wall. At a glance, there are at least hundreds of them.

If Lin Lu guessed correctly, this stone chamber should have been connected with the original stone chamber. For some reason, the immortal used magic to seal this passage, which caused the stone on this passage to be different from the big bluestone on the side.

Subtle difference in echo.

Considering the layout of this stone room, this stone room should be the immortal's storage room.

Following the order from top to bottom, from left to right, Lin Lu searched very carefully, grid by grid, thinking to himself that even if he could find a treasure left by the immortal, it would be a great gain!

"First box, none"

"Second box, none"


"The hundredth square, none"

"One hundred and one square, no"


"In the 230th square, there is! There is... a... broken... bag...",



Lin Lu held a shabby cloth bag as big as a palm, and poured it down with all his strength. There was nothing there, and then he reached in and took it out. It was empty?

He picked up the shabby cloth bag again, turned it over and over, and carefully checked it dozens of times against the luminous stone on the top of the stone chamber.

It's not made of gold, silver, or silk. It's just a small bag sewn with plain cloth. There's a big patch on it. This doesn't look like a fairy.

Something to use??

You don't even need to get close to smell it, but a musty smell will hit your face. What kind of fairy treasure is this?

This is exactly the same as the cloth bag containing copper coins that his neighbor, Mrs. Liu, threw away!!!

At that time, Mrs. Liu still thought that Lin Lu had stolen the old cloth bag, so she secretly went to Lin Lu's father to complain.

That night, Lin Lu was severely beaten by his father.

Lin Lu cried and swore that he really didn't steal. His father spared him after seeing his pitiful appearance. However, this beating was in vain for Lin Lu.

"Did this immortal steal the old bag of my neighbor, Mrs. Li? This damn immortal, you have caused me so much pain!" Lin Lu cursed.

"No, no, no, how could an immortal steal a rag bag from a mortal old lady?" Lin Lu quickly shook his head and threw this unreliable thought out of his mind.

"Is my neighbor Mrs. Liu an immortal? She left the old cloth bag in this stone room and turned around and forgot about it, thinking she lost it?"

"No, no, no, Mrs. Liu died the year before last. When she was buried, I went to see it with my own eyes." Lin Lu has always been worried about Mrs. Li's accusation against him...

"Did Mrs. Liu fake the corpse again?"

"No, no, no, what am I thinking about?" Lin Lu quickly stopped himself from talking about the old bag to Mrs. Liu.

Lin Lu's hometown is in Linjiang County, which is thousands of miles away from Guangning Prefecture. It takes more than 40 days to sail from Guangning Prefecture to Chixia Port, and it is thousands of miles away from Chixia Port to Jiayi Forest Farm in Manjinhe.

The distance from Jiayi Forest Farm to the current stone chamber is quite a long one.

How could there be any connection with Mrs. Li?

Lin Lu has an advantage. If you don’t understand it, just let it go for a while.

Lin Lu put the old cloth bag into the package and started searching one stone grid after another.

"The 231st square, none"

"The 232nd square, none"




"The last square, the 396th square, doesn't even exist!"

Lin Lu searched all the stone grids and found a shabby and patched cloth bag. He thought, this immortal is really too picky.

After the search, Lin Lu picked up the stone again, put his ear against the stone wall, tapped the stone wall gently, and listened carefully to the echo coming from behind each stone wall. Disappointingly, all that came back was the whole sound.

The dull echo of a large bluestone.

The musty smell of this small stone room was too strong, and there was no ventilation all year round, making it difficult to breathe. Lin Lu called to Jin Bao, and each person and the mouse exited the stone room full of stone grids.

This chapter has been completed!
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