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Chapter 13

"Boy, you are very interesting~" From behind the middle-aged man's mask, a woman's laughter sounded as clear and melodious as silver bells.

"Is this old monster still hermaphrodite?" Thinking of this, Lin Lu felt goosebumps all over his body. "If all immortals are like this, I'd better be a mortal."

"Senior Immortal, you said that as long as you use the immortal magic, you will let me and Jin Bao go. You can't just keep your word." Lin Lu emphasized again respectfully.

"You can forget about stealing my gold, but this fat rat next to you stole the red fruit that our clan has been guarding for thousands of years. How should we settle the account?" There was a strong pressure from behind the mask.

Angry snort.

"Why did this become the voice of a middle-aged man again? It's too scary!!!" Lin Lu thought to himself.

Lin Lu looked at Jinbao in his arms. Jinbao was like a child who had done something wrong, leaning into Lin Lu's arms. His chubby figure actually trembled slightly with fear.

"Jinbao's matter is my Lin Lu's matter. I don't have that Shilaozi red fruit of yours. I do have a purple fruit here that is so red that it turns purple. It has grown for at least tens of thousands of years. It is much more powerful than your red fruit."

As long as the senior can promise the junior that he will let go of the golden treasure after taking the purple fruit, the junior will immediately offer it with both hands." Lin Lu actually didn't know how many years the purple lotus seeds had grown, he was only nine years old, a thousand years, ten thousand years.

He had no idea at all, but he was eager to save the rat, so he had no choice but to talk nonsense.

"Oh? You might as well take it for a look. As long as you are old enough, I won't treat you badly." A calm voice came from behind the mask.

Lin Lu took out the green lotus pod and threw it over.

An invisible force held up the lotus pod and sent it to the old monster's hands.

A surging and powerful spiritual power fluctuation was transmitted from the lotus pod to the old monster's hand. Such a spiritual power fluctuation had never been seen by the old monster in his life!

"This lotus pod is more than ten thousand years old. This boy is really wasting his resources. Such a treasure of heaven and earth was just thrown into the storage bag and mixed with the pile of broken stones." The old monster almost stomped his feet in heartache.

The old monster took out a crystal clear jade box, put the emerald green lotus pods in it, and then put the jade box back into the storage bag.

Lin Lu stared closely at the old monster's operation. It seemed that Jin Bao's life should have been saved.

Before Lin Lu could put his heart into his stomach, there was a whoosh, and Lin Lu felt that the scenery around him was retreating rapidly. When he came to his senses, he was already standing in a stone room.

As soon as Lin Lu felt his shoulders relax, the old monster beside him was already standing at the door of the stone chamber. The old monster waved his hand, and a purple electric grid appeared out of thin air at the door of the stone chamber.

Lin Lu hugged Jinbao and hurriedly chased him to the door, but the old monster disappeared.

"You old monster, even at your age, you still don't keep your word. You can even lie to a child's lotus pods! Shameless! Old bastard! Shameless old man!" Lin Lu stood in front of the purple power grid and cursed loudly.

Seeing that the old monster did not appear, Lin Lu cursed for a while before quietly walking to the corner of the stone room. Lin Lu patted Jinbao in his arms and whispered, "Jinbao, don't be afraid, that old monster is gone.

, your claws are sharper, come out and try to see if you can dig through the stone wall."

Jin Bao stretched out his head and looked around, confirming again and again that the old monster was really gone, then he carefully jumped to the ground, showed off his two sharp front claws, and grabbed at the stone wall.

As soon as Jinbao's claws penetrated the wall, several purple electric arcs jumped like spiders and crawled towards Jinbao. Before Jinbao could recover, Jinbao was already burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and his eyes were filled with stars.


Lin Lu hurriedly picked up Jinbao, took out the kettle, fed Jinbao a few mouthfuls, then stroked Jinbao's hair, muttering and cursing, "This damn old monster, the whole family will not die well!"

Lin Lu remembered the magical effect of air flow in the body again, and immediately sat down on the stone bed, sinking his mind into the sea of ​​air under his abdomen, guiding as much air flow as possible into Jin Bao's body.

After a long while, Jin Bao in his arms let out a cry of pain before he woke up and turned around.

Lin Lu then stopped the Great Heavenly Magic and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay~"

These two brothers in trouble are really in trouble this time!


The old monster returned to another stone room full of books, bamboo slips, and jade slips.

I rummaged around in a hurry,

"Not this one"

"Neither is this"

"This is not yet"


I searched over and over again for nearly an hour.

Finally, in the corner of the stone room, a dusty jade slip was found.

The old monster sank into his mind and began to read,

According to legend, in extremely ancient times, our holy race ruled the entire Qianyuan Continent, the sea race occupied all the sea areas in the southeast, northwest, and the human race was just a group of hairless wild monkeys on remote islands. The spiritual ape tribe of my holy race,

They did not regard these wild monkeys as the same kind at all, and even rejected the requests of these hairless wild monkeys to join the Spirit Ape Club many times.

For hundreds of thousands of years, our Holy Clan and the Sea Clan have been fighting endlessly, with each winning and losing.

It wasn't until more than a million years ago that a monk of our holy clan discovered a seven-colored treasure lotus. After taking it, there was no obvious change at first. There was no complete research on spiritual root qualifications in that era, and my holy clan didn't like it either.

After studying these things, this monk only felt that his cultivation speed was getting faster and faster. He felt that his Five Elements Spiritual Root qualifications were comparable to the top single-spirited saint monks. At the same time, he also clearly felt that the blood power in his body was being suppressed.

Constantly purifying and strengthening, within a thousand years, this monk reached the pinnacle of his realm. Then, he led our Saint Clan, drove the Sea Clan monks to the depths of the Chaos Sea, and moved the Sea Clan's holy mountain to Qian Yuan.


The Hai Clan has never recovered since then.

Over the next million years, the Sea Clan lost the ability to compete with our Holy Clan, and instead secretly supported various small races on the island, including of course the group of hairless wild monkeys.

Neither the Sea Clan nor my Saint Clan expected that the wild monkeys on the island would occupy two-thirds of the Qianyuan Continent and nearly half of it in just a few hundred thousand years.

sea ​​area.



At first, when the old monster was browsing this jade slip, he glanced at it briefly and didn't pay much attention to it.

Fortunately, this old monster's memory was extremely amazing, so he connected the purple lotus seeds in front of him with the colorful lotus in the story of the strongest saint.

Saint monks believe more in bloodline inheritance, and there are very few historical documents circulated. Even the characters of the Saints evolved from human characters in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

In the age before writing, relying on word of mouth for hundreds of thousands of years, fewer and fewer people knew about the colorful lotus.

And relying on word of mouth, a needle can be spread into a city, let alone the story of the most powerful saint clan. Everyone always likes to add more mystery to the hero, so even if they have read and heard about the clan members,

Most people regard the colorful lotus as a fabricated item and laugh it off.

Furthermore, the story of the colorful lotus is full of loopholes, making it difficult for people of this tribe to believe it.

For example, the following two aspects,

First, since the Holy Ancestor ate the colorful lotus, where are the remaining lotus roots? As long as the lotus roots are there, new colorful lotus seeds can always be bred, right?

Secondly, if the Saint Ancestor ate the lotus seeds, the lotus roots disappeared immediately, then why in the millions of years since then, no monks have eaten them again, and thus promoted to the five-attribute heavenly spiritual root, sweeping the world? Since there has been no such thing in a million years

What is the difference between what a monk encounters and what does not exist?

There is another aspect that is also very important. Among all ethnic groups, whether it is the human race, the sea tribe, or our holy tribe, creatures with spiritual roots are extremely rare.

It is reasonable for many mortal beings to feel yearning when they see monks flying into the sky, escaping to the earth, and traveling around the world.

However, some people with ulterior motives made up all kinds of fictitious herbs, elixirs, exercises, and utensils, claiming that they had miraculous effects on regenerating spiritual roots, and harmed countless mortal tribesmen. Even some monks with low qualifications were deceived and victimized.

Therefore, the so-called panacea that can promote the birth of spiritual roots and improve the qualifications of spiritual roots is equivalent to fraud in the eyes of monks!

The old monster recovered his mind and took out the jade box containing the green lotus pods.

"I won't mention whether the colorful lotus has the heaven-defying effect of improving spiritual root qualifications, but the surging and powerful spiritual power fluctuations of this emerald green lotus cannot be faked in the slightest!"

The old monster tapped his finger, and the jade box opened by itself. As soon as he thought about it, a purple lotus seed flew to the old monster's mask.

For example, according to the practice of human monks, when encountering heavenly materials and earthly treasures, they often do not take them directly, but mix them with other treasures, or refine them into pills, or boil them into spiritual liquid, in order to maximize the use of heavenly materials and earthly materials.

The efficacy of treasure.

Those were those wild monkey monks from the human race. Their bodies were weak and their meridians were fragile, so they did this as a last resort.

As for me, a holy monk, I am the first-class creature between heaven and earth. My flesh and blood are strong and my meridians are far more resilient than human beings. I always take the heaven and earth spiritual treasures directly. Even if it takes only a short while, I cannot absorb all the power of the medicine, and I have to sleep for hundreds of hours.

Aren’t all the problems that have lasted for thousands of years been solved?

Developing elixir recipes and matching auxiliary materials are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and may destroy the spirituality of the treasure itself. I, the monks of the Holy Clan, have always scorned such trivial matters.

The old monster sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, calmed his mind, and swallowed the purple lotus seeds into his mouth. A purple warm current spread out in his body, as if he had turned into billions of naughty purple fish, playing around and kissing the body.

Every minute component. The composition of the body that has been kissed is like a lotus blooming, like the earth moistened by spring rain, and all things growing wantonly; like gold and stone in a furnace, impurities are annihilated into ashes; like the sky cleansed by spring thunder,

It is clear and translucent; it is also like the spring tide rushing forward, thousands of miles away, mighty and mighty...

Mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful, it seems like a moment has passed, and it seems like a thousand years have passed.

After the purple fish kissed all over the body, these naughty little fish gathered in a group and swam happily towards the inner alchemy.





All the small fish plunged into the inner elixir without hesitation and disappeared.

With the injection of small fish, the quiet inner alchemy seemed to wake up. On the surface of the inner alchemy, billions of purple stripes slowly appeared, like purple blood vessels.

A faint purple light penetrated from the center of the inner elixir, flickering on and off, and the purple blood vessels also beat one after another.

I don’t know how long it took, the purple light became lighter and lighter, and the purple blood vessels seemed to have lost their strength and slowly shriveled up, then attached to the surface of the inner alchemy and merged with the inner alchemy.

Finally, all the purple light disappeared into the inner elixir and disappeared.

The old monster slowly opened his eyes and carefully recalled the mysterious and interesting process just now.

Then he raised his hand, and a purple thunder ball condensed in his palm. In the thunder ball, dense purple plasma rushed back and forth, exuding the power of destroying the world.

Putting away the thunder ball in his hand, the old monster glanced at his delicate hands, and then realized that his transformation spell had expired at some point.


The old monster took off his mask, and with a thought, he performed a "Water Mirror Technique", and a water mirror as tall as a person floated in front of him.

A pretty girl about thirteen or fourteen years old appeared in the mirror.

The figure and appearance of this girl are the same as those of ordinary people, except that she has two extra fox ears on her head and lavender hair, which seems to have purple light flowing.

"Why did my hair turn purple?" The purple-haired girl opened her beautiful eyes and exclaimed.

The girl walked around the water mirror, smoothed her purple hair with her hands, and lifted the two furry ears on her head. She smiled at the mirror and said playfully, "I am still so cute.

Purple hair also matches my face shape~~"

The purple-haired girl thought, and the water mirror instantly dissipated into the air.

After doing this, she remembered that there was another person and a mouse locked in another stone room by herself. The brat had been yelling and cursing in the stone room just now. It seemed that she no longer wanted to tease him. It was difficult to understand the feeling in her heart.

Bad temper!

When he thought of that brat, he knelt in front of him, respectfully, with a mouthful of snot and tears, begging him to go around them.

Finally, he said stubbornly that he would not betray his brothers or anything like that. The purple-haired girl couldn't help laughing, it was so funny.
This chapter has been completed!
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