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Chapter 24 Xiaobai

The martial arts in this boxing book are based on color pictures, supplemented by a small amount of text explanations. The color pictures are divided into eight colors, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, purple, and black. Each color picture has

There are nine pictures, corresponding to the eight levels of seventy-two boxing techniques.

For the spiritual energy circulation circuit, you only need to input a little spiritual power into the jade man, and the entire meridians and major acupoints can appear in your mind. Especially the circulation path of "Seventy-two Roads of Psychic Fist" is also divided into

Operation routes in eight different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, purple and black.

Although Lin Lu didn't know much about literacy, he was not color-blind. He understood the correspondence between the two sides and understood them clearly at a glance.

Lin Lu first injected a little spiritual power into the jade man, guided this spiritual power into the jade man's air sea, and then moved along the red line skillfully, and then carefully guided a trace of spiritual power from his own air sea.

, it operates in the same way within its own meridians, and imitates the moves of the nine red figures in the boxing manual, and begins to practice internally and externally.

For more than an hour or so, I have mastered the first nine fists of the first level. After a complete drill, I feel that there are some subtle impurities in the meridians in my body. As the boxing moves are kicked out of the body, I feel invigorated and very happy.


Lin Lu stopped his energy, took out his kettle and drank a few sips of spiritual spring water to relieve his thirst. He felt hot and sweaty all over his body and felt extremely uncomfortable. He took a quick stride, touched the ground lightly, and then jumped into the green lake.


The cool lake water took away the heat from his body. Lin Lu immersed himself in the water leisurely, watching the fish swimming rapidly around him. He became more playful. Lin Lu spotted a big carp, kicked off his feet, and followed.

Behind the fish, swimming slowly and leisurely.

Suddenly, a yellow and white thing passed by in front of my eyes, and then the big carp disappeared!

Just when Lin Lu was about to wonder what it was, he saw the foodie Jinbao, who had disappeared for half a day, holding the big carp and gnawing wildly.

Lin Lu was overjoyed, hurriedly swam over, picked up Jinbao, and surfaced.

"Jinbao, where have you gone? I'm worried about you!" Lin Lu complained,

"You're not hiding in the lake all the time to catch fish, are you? Look at your belly, it's so full, how can you still eat?" Lin Lu asked with concern,

"Jinbao, my wife gave me a huge book today, and my master gave me a martial arts secret book. I have already completed the martial arts with the nine red pictures. Wait, let's practice together and see who is better?"

Lin Lu and Jin Bao shared their experiences throughout the day.

"Jinbao, don't just leave next time. We are sworn brothers. If you just leave like this, you are not loyal."

While Lin Lu was talking, he looked at Jinbao eating with gusto. Jinbao was still the same, and it was useless to say anything until he finished eating.

Lin Lu stood up and took off his wet clothes, spread them on the boulder to dry, then found a stone and threw it to the boulder, then picked up a grass stem and held it in his mouth, leaning his naked body against the boulder casually.

On the other side, he crossed his legs and hummed a country tune he learned while grazing cattle in his hometown, with a relaxed and comfortable look on his face.

Squinting his eyes and basking in the sun, Lin Lu was still thinking about the sequence of moves when he and Jin Bao were sparring later. Thinking about this, he slowly fell asleep. Fortunately, there was a huge boulder in the lee.

The surface is facing the sun, which is slanting and warm.

Thanks to Lin Lu's rich experience of going to Fushui for many years, he could subconsciously choose such a leeward side.

After Jinbao finished eating the big carp, he turned his bulging belly, leaned against the forest road, and began to sleep soundly.

The two rats, one man and two brothers, slept like this until the sky was filled with red clouds and the mountain wind became colder.

Lin Lu woke up leisurely, stretched out, and then slowly got up and put on his clothes. Seeing that Jinbao was still sleeping soundly, he didn't bother him. He sat down and performed four rounds of "Great Heavenly Magic", then got up and started again.

Practice the first nine ways of the Seventy-two Ways of Psychic Fist.

"Lu'er, go home and eat quickly~~" Nangong Ling's gentle voice came along with the sound of the wind.


Lin Lu saw that Jinbao hadn't woken up yet, so he had to hold Jinbao and go back to the house to eat.

"Lu'er, did Jinbao go to the lake to catch fish? It smells like fish." Nangong Ling asked gently.

"Yes, Jinbao is very powerful in swimming. Just in the water, in the blink of an eye, Jinbao caught a big carp." Lin Lu said with excitement.

Nangong Ling cast a 'cleaning technique' to remove the fish blood, fish scales, and fishy smell from Jin Bao and Lin Lu.

"Cleaning Technique" is to use your spiritual consciousness to control the water vapor in the air and peel off the attachments on the body and clothes. Since it is a close-up control, it does not require very high spiritual consciousness.

"Water Mirror Technique" is to use spiritual consciousness to condense water vapor in the air into a mirror. It is also a close control of spiritual consciousness, and it is not very difficult.

These are very basic spells. The first spells that female cultivators learn are usually these two.

Lin Lu felt a slight cloud of water vapor flowing from top to bottom, and all the odor and dirt on his body were taken away.

"Master Wife, what magical technique did you use just now?" A large number of people walking up and down the forest road asked curiously,

"Lu'er, this is a cleansing technique. Once you become more refined in your spiritual control, you will naturally understand it. For now, you still have to focus on reading and literacy, and accumulating Qi. If you are greedy for too much and rush forward, it will be easy to get twice the result with half the effort."

"Lu'er, I understand!"

Lin Lu believed in Nangong Ling. He could feel that everything Nangong Ling did was for his own good, so he stopped asking too many questions, although he was very curious about immortal magic and magic.

Lin Lu saw that Jinbao didn't wake up even after dinner time.

"Master Wife, let me put Jinbao back to the room to rest first. I thought Jinbao would wake up at meal time."

"Go, remember to come down quickly, otherwise the food will get cold."

"Master's wife, I understand"


Dinner is an elixir rice made of spiritual rice mixed with elixir and spiritual spring water, fresh spiritual fruit, and two spiritual poultry eggs. It is still simple and delicious.

"Lu'er, although the food your master makes is simple, it is full of spiritual energy and is most suitable for those of us who practice. Although those mortal foods are rich in flavor, they are not beneficial to our practice. You must understand more." Nangong Ling explained gently.


"Lu'er understands, Lu'er likes to eat the food cooked by the master and his wife very much!" Lin Lu nodded repeatedly while eating. Lin Lu was born in a poor family, and he didn't have high requirements for food.

"Apprentice, after dinner, you still need to review today's homework. You must not slack off. The master has a spiritual bird, the Night Wind Owl. When the master is away, it will supervise your homework every day. Also, what are you doing for the first time?

When embarking on the path of spiritual practice, you need to take more rest, and do not study excessively or stay up all night, as doing too much will not be enough!" Han Mo also reminded by the way.

Lin Lu quickly stood up and saluted, "Disciple, please remember your master's teachings."

Nangong Ling rolled her eyes at Old Man Han, then looked at Lin Lu lovingly and added, "Lu'er, you practice hard, and your master and wife see it. Although a cultivator can only sleep for two hours, you still

As a child, you still need to rest more so that you can grow taller and stronger, and only if you are in good health can you go further."

"Lu'er will remember the teachings of his master and his wife, and will definitely practice hard and get enough rest."

Nangong Ling looked at Lin Lu with relief in her eyes, and hurriedly pulled him to sit down.

"Eat quickly, you will have strength only when you are full." Nangong Ling said softly,


After dinner, Lin Lu stood up and wanted to clear away the dishes. Nangong Ling quickly stopped him, "Lu'er, just leave these matters to your master and my wife. Just go and review your homework."

Lin Lu couldn't refuse. After applying the scar removal ointment, he stood up, thanked the master and his wife, and returned to the second floor.

Lin Lu sat on the couch on the balcony and looked around. The master had just said that he had sent a spiritual bird to urge him to study. What was it called Night Breeze Owl? What did that spiritual bird look like? Lin Lu wanted to see it.

After searching for a long time, I didn't see the Night Breeze Owl, so I had to give up.

Lin Lu felt the spiritual energy rising in his belly, so he had to close his eyes and use the "Great Heaven Magic" to guide the spiritual energy into the sea of ​​​​qi.

After the operation was completed, he stood up and punched the first nine of the seventy-two channels of psychic fist.

Then he took out the little jade figure, injected it with spiritual energy, and began to become familiar with the movement of spiritual energy in the meridians. Although Lin Lu couldn't name the meridians and acupuncture points, Lin Lu had initially grasped the outline of the overall meridian network.

Back in the room, there was a book lamp inlaid with a small moonstone placed on the desk. It was bright but not dazzling. Lin Lu poured some spiritual spring water into the inkstone and began to grind ink and practice calligraphy.

The night breeze is slightly cool, the night insects are mournful, the soft moonlight shines in along the window sill, and the sound of pine waves and waterfalls in the distant mountains comes intertwined. It is really a good time to read!

Lin Lu concentrated on practicing calligraphy. When he got tired of writing, he leaned on the back of his chair and looked at the bright moon in the sky. Then he took out the little jade figure given by his master and began to familiarize himself with the meridian network of the human body.

Before I knew it, it was already late at night.

It has to be said that the physical strength of practitioners is really abundant. When they are sleepy, they only need to perform the "Great Heaven Divine Skill" once, and they feel energetic again.

Lin Lu took out Cihai from his storage bag again. He wanted to find his name in Cihai before going to rest.

As the Cihai was opened, the colorful pictures of spiritual herbs, spiritual insects, spiritual beasts, sea beasts, birds, elixirs, magical weapons, magic weapons, elixirs, formations, etc. instantly attracted Lin Lu.


Lin Lu held a microscopic mirror and searched for the colorful pictures inside page by page.

It turns out that the world is so big and there are so many magical things waiting for him to explore.

A strong desire for knowledge urged him to continue reading.

Just when he was fascinated by the sight, a snow-white night owl landed on the window sill with a "flutter". It looked straight at him with its two big cat eyes and made a "Gulu~Guru~" sound in its mouth.

Lin Lu looked up and suddenly understood that this must be the spiritual bird Night Wind Owl that the master said.

This is to urge him to rest early.

Lin Lu helplessly closed the huge book and put it back into the storage bag.

"Brother Xiao, I'll name you Xiaobai, is that okay?"

Night Breeze Owl turned his head and stared at Lin Lu with his two big cat eyes.

"If you don't answer, I'll take it as your promise~"


"Xiao Bai, I don't know what you like to eat. I will ask the master and my wife tomorrow. Once I find out, I will prepare something delicious for you."

"Xiao Bai, I'm going to bed. Please don't go to my master to accuse me. The master seems to be an honest person. If he gets serious, he's quite scary."

"Xiao Bai, why are you called Ye Feng Xiao?"


When Night Breeze Owl saw the forest road, he kept talking endlessly, grabbed the sunstone on the lamp stand with his claws, and flew away through the air.


So fast!

Really as fast as the wind!

You...answered...very well...
This chapter has been completed!
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