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Chapter 133 People go to the empty building

The headmaster was pacing back and forth in the lobby of the cottage, his face rarely looking a little anxious.

After a while.

The second boss and the third boss walked in quickly.

"Brother, why are you so anxious to find us?"

As soon as he saw the two of them, the head master immediately asked: "Third brother! Have you bought all the rice and grain?"

The third boss didn't know why, "I've already bought it and I'm moving it to the mountains!"

“No more moving up the mountain!”

The headmaster walked a few steps to the large map hanging in the village, pointed to a valley he had just circled, and said, "Ship them all here, quickly!"

The two reacted very quickly.

"Brother, we are moving now, why is it so sudden?"

Obviously the eldest brother was still hesitant before and wanted to contact Beili first.

"No wait!"

The headmaster's expression was a bit ferocious and resentful, "The government has already noticed us!"


"How is that possible?!"

Two rough voices suddenly sounded.

"Is it possible that I still lied to you?" The boss' tone was very bad and he glared at the two of them.

The second boss waved his hands repeatedly, "Brother, that's not what we meant, but why did the government office suddenly notice us?"

The Third Master had a sullen face, thinking of the young man and boy who were kidnapped up the mountain.

"But because we robbed the Lin family? Did they go to report to the police?"

"No!" When the first master heard what the third master said, his face became even more gloomy, "Those two people are pretending to be people from the military camp! The government has noticed us a long time ago!"

Everyone was shocked!

The headmaster slowly exhaled and suppressed the panic in his heart, "We can't stay here any longer. The government will call us sooner or later! Go to that valley!"

The second master and the third master knew that the situation was serious and said one after another:

"I'll inform the brothers in the village!"

"I'm going to transport all the rice and grain there!"

After the second master and the third master left, the eldest master's eyes showed a bit of ruthlessness, "Zhao Jin! You ruined my good deeds! When the Beili cavalry invades, I will make your life worse than death!"

Being forced to run away like a lost dog, the headmaster was really angry. He tore off the map, folded it and put it in his arms.

"Zhao Jin, just wait! We have a long way to go!"

The village in Riliang Mountain was suddenly in chaos. A group of bandits quickly packed up their belongings and left through a hidden path.

However, in just two hours, Riliangshan Village was completely deserted!

Government office.

After Yang Xu ordered all the people and horses, Zhao Jin came out of the government office with a long knife on his waist and got on his horse!

Just in case, he decided to personally lead the troops to suppress the bandits!

This is the hundredth day.

Seven thousand people is not a small number.

The movement of people going to Riliang Mountain was not small, and many people still found clues.

At first they were a little nervous when they saw so many troops.

When they discovered that Zhao Jin and others were going in the direction of Riliang Mountain, they all felt relieved.

It turned out that he was going to suppress bandits.

After arriving at the foot of Riliang Mountain.

Zhao Jin did not divide his troops into multiple groups and attacked from all sides.

"Qin Heng! You lead three thousand people, stay at the foot of the mountain, and surround the foot of the mountain tightly with me! The rest of the people will rush up the mountain directly with me!"

Spreading your troops into multiple directions will weaken your own strength.

If they already know it and break it, it will be a big disaster for them.

What's more, Zhao Jin was worried that they would leave immediately after learning the news!

Four thousand cavalrymen all galloped towards the mountain, and the movement was really quite big.

If there is anyone in the Riliang Mountain stronghold, they must have known that Zhao Jin and others are attacking!

However, having arrived at Riliang Mountain, speed is more important than marching secretly!

The bandits who had arrived at a hidden valley noticed these movements and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seven thousand people, even if they can't be wiped out, the village in Riliang Mountain can't be saved!

The big boss hit the stone wall next to him hard, and the back of his fist immediately became red and swollen.

Riliangshan Village was his hard work for several years, but now he was forced to give up. Rather than the joy of escaping, he was more resentful of being forced to give up and run away in embarrassment!

The second master and the third master looked at each other, then at the first master, and sighed.

They don't want to be in such a mess. This valley was prepared by them before, just to deal with today's situation.

It's just that the environment is ultimately worse than the cottage, but it's easier to defend and harder to attack.

At this time, Zhao Jin led four thousand people and galloped all the way to the Riliang Mountain Village.

There is no one at the door!

"not good!"

"Search immediately!"

Zhao Jin rode his horse and rushed in first. After walking around, he had to admit that the Riliang Mountain Village was completely empty!

"Fuck!" Zhao Jin had already dismounted. He was holding the horse's back with one hand and kicked the tables and chairs that had been overturned on the ground.

Yang Xu walked over quickly. The soldiers had already inspected all the cottages.

"Just left not long ago."

Zhao Jin was even more regretful, "It's still a step too late!"

It was his fault that he never thought that Li Qing would be connected with the bandits.

He should have noticed something was wrong with Li Qing that day, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Zhao Jin exhaled a long breath, still holding on to hope.

"They just left not long ago. Maybe they haven't come down the mountain yet, or they may have just come down."

Zhao Jin held the horse's mane with his hands and mounted the horse again, "Leave some people to stare at the mountain stronghold, and the rest, get off the mountain immediately!"

To Zhao Jin's disappointment, when they rushed to the foot of the mountain, only Qin Heng and others were guarding the foot of the mountain.

"grown ups?"

Seeing that Zhao Jin and others had come down in less than half an hour, Qin Heng was surprised and hurriedly went up to greet him, "Why did your Excellency come down so quickly?"

Qin Heng noticed that everyone looked ugly and guessed: "Did they run away?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jin responded somewhat reluctantly, breathing heavily.

He asked Qin Heng, "Is there anyone coming down from the mountain?"

Qin Heng shook his head, "Never."

Three thousand soldiers tightly surrounded the foot of the mountain. As long as anyone came down from the mountain, they would not be able to escape their eyes.

Zhao Jin's mind changed, "So, they are still on the mountain."

After thinking about it, Zhao Jin ordered: "Yang Xu, you continue to lead the people here and camp directly at the foot of the mountain! I will go back to the government office first to see how the situation is on both sides."


Zhao Jin rushed back to the government office alone.

As soon as I entered the government office, I found that the lobby was very busy.

"What's so noisy about?"

Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

Liang Qian and Tang walked forward and said, "See you, sir."

There were quite a lot of people in the lobby at this time.

Li Qing, the shopkeeper of Jishi Medicine Hall on Yong'an Street, a few clerks, and the government guards escorting them.

"Sir!" Li Qing shouted as soon as he saw Zhao Jin, "Sir! They are going to rebel! They broke into Xiaguan's room for no reason and captured him here!"

As he said this, Li Qing knelt down with a plop, bursting into tears, "Please, sir, please make the decision for me!"

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