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Chapter 142 Special Forces

five years ago.

Zhao Jin closed his eyes and thought deeply, if he remembered correctly.

When he first came to Yunzhou, he had looked through the previous files. Since five years ago, Yunzhou City had been unable to resist Beili Cai and was defeated by them many times.

It took a huge price to save Yunzhou City.

Therefore, it was because they leaked the news that they were repeatedly defeated.

After Li Ranquan made his confession, he was escorted to prison again.

Yang Xu followed Zhao Jin and walked out, "Sir, how should we deal with these people?"

"Collaborating with the enemy and treason is a capital crime." Zhao Jin rubbed his eyebrows, "Li Qing, Li Ranquan and those two, the second and third masters, will naturally be executed. As for the rest..."

Zhao Jin was a little worried. There were too many bandits and they couldn't all be executed.

But if they are not executed, how to deal with these people is another problem.

"For the rest, let me think about it first."

A few days later, the three bandit leaders from Riliang Mountain and the county magistrate Li Qing were executed in the busy city.

Before execution, the execution officer listed the crimes of the four people one by one.

At first, the people were just happy that the bandits in Riliang Mountain were captured and they no longer had to be afraid when they passed there. But now they know that these people actually colluded with Beili!

Almost every citizen in Yunzhou City has a blood feud with Beili.

When they learned that it was them who had caused Yunzhou City to be ravaged by Beili's cavalry in recent years, the people were immediately outraged!

"Go to hell!"

The onlookers gathered nearby materials and smashed everything they could on the four people.

Green vegetables, rotten eggs, stones, you name it.

A stone hit Li Ranquan on the head. The force was not strong, and the area where it was hit was just red.

Li Ranquan looked a little dazed, staring blankly at a little girl who was throwing stones at him.

"It's you! The bad guy who killed daddy!"

Facing the girl's accusation, Li Ranquan opened his mouth and closed it numbly.

Zhao Jin was right. He had never killed any common people with his own hands, but he was stained with their blood. There was no difference between him and Li Qing.


The token was thrown to the ground, and the executioner raised his knife and dropped it.

Hot blood spilled all over the floor.

None of the people around him were afraid, but instead cheered happily!

After this incident, the government office in Yunzhou City was seriously short of people.

They are still arguing over the post of county captain because the plague issue has been delayed and there is still no conclusion.

Now it's better, but another county magistrate is missing.

I'm just afraid that the results will be revealed soon.

After all, the county magistrate and the county captain are one and the same.

The Riliang Mountain incident sounded the alarm for Zhao Jin.

Beili's cavalry might head south at any time, and he must prepare as soon as possible.

In the study, Zhao Jin sat in front of the desk and wrote four words on the paper, "Troop training, military preparation."


Zhao Jin put down his pen and looked at the four words on the paper without raising his head.

"Sir." Yang Xu called.

"I summoned you here for military training."

Zhao Jin pulled out a piece of paper from the book on the right and greeted Yang Xu: "Come here."

"Now that the plague is over and the spies have been removed, Beili must be put on the agenda."

Zhao Jin stated his plan, "I want to train the four thousand soldiers who went to suppress the bandits into special forces."

"Special Forces?"

Yang Xu was a little confused and looked down at the paper Zhao Jin took out.

What was written above puzzled Yang Xu even more.

"Special forces," Zhao Jin murmured in a low voice, with a little nostalgia in his tone, "are an all-round army that can fight on the battlefield, and can also conduct reconnaissance, assassination, attack, and even counter-attack."

As Zhao Jin finished speaking, Yang Xu's breathing gradually became heavier. If there really was such an army, it would be a great help on the battlefield.

"So, these are all training programs?"

Zhao Jin nodded, "Yes, I will train them directly, and you and Yi Xing are the two captains of this army."

Needless to say, Yang Xu chose Tang Yixing because he had a calmer temperament and excellent martial arts skills, which were on par with Yang Xu.

"Subordinates take orders!"

As generals, they all hope to have an invincible army under their command. If this special force is really what Zhao Jin said, it will really be considered invincible.

Just as Yang Xu responded, the door was knocked again.

It's Tang and his party.

"I just handed over, it's a step too late."

"No problem." Zhao Jin told Tang Yixing what he had just said.

"If you want to become the captain of the special forces, your ability must be the best among everyone, and you may have to work harder than them."

Zhao Jin stared at the two people standing tall and upright in front of him and asked seriously: "Are you really able to do this?"

Yang Xu and Tang immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "My subordinates will never disgrace their orders!"


Zhao Jin told them the specific training projects in detail so that they could understand what these projects were.

This matter should be done sooner rather than later. Early the next morning, Zhao Jin went directly to the military camp.

He directly selected the original four thousand people.

They dared to take the initiative to stand up and climb the cliff, which means that these four thousand people have extraordinary courage.

Zhao Jin stood on a high place with his hands behind his hands, his eyes sharp and he no longer restrained his aura.

The sharp aura and evil aura intertwined, and everyone seemed to see a blood-stained sword unsheathed, its sharp edge revealed.

"Do you want to be part of an invincible army?"


Four thousand people shouted, and the loud and shocking sound resounded throughout the entire military camp.

Invincible is a word that everyone in the army aspires to.

"Okay!" Zhao Jin looked around among the four thousand soldiers and said loudly: "I will give you this opportunity today!"

Before the soldiers could get excited, Zhao Jin changed his voice and said, "But this is extremely hard, can you do it?"

How can a man say no?

A group of enthusiastic soldiers said in a higher and louder voice than before: "Okay!"

There was a smile in Zhao Jin's eyes, "Then from today on! You will be independent of all the troops in the military camp! You will not train with them!"

Every soldier's eyes were filled with warmth.

Not training with the rest of the soldiers in the military camp means that they are treated specially, valued and recognized by the governor.

"Yang Xu and Tang will be in charge of you! Now, everyone is divided into fifty columns! The twenty-five columns on the left turn right! The twenty-five columns on the right turn left!"

In order for everyone to hear, Zhao Jin opened his throat and shouted.

Although these soldiers understood the meaning behind Zhao Jin's words, they were still a little confused when they arranged and turned around.

Zhao Jin looked up and frowned.

After a while, everyone finally stood up, looking a little ashamed.

Zhao Jin jumped down from above and walked directly to the open space in the middle.

"Yang Xu! You are responsible for the left side."

"For a line, you are responsible for the right side."

"Listen! From front to back in each column, there is a squad of twenty people! A column of four squads is a row! Five rows are a company! Five companies are a battalion! The left is the first battalion! The right is the second battalion! Yang Xu and a row,

They are your battalion commanders!"

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