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Chapter 208 You are liars!

Apart from Zhao Jin's proposal of using the chamber of commerce to control the goods of foreign merchants so that they have nothing to sell, they have no better way at all.

"Sir," Lian Yunshan stood up with paper in his hand and asked: "In the so-called information sharing, can all merchants be entrusted with releasing the required information?"

Lianyunshan quickly adapted to the new words on the paper and used them directly.


Zhao Jin simply explained in detail: "Anyone can accept the commission. In addition to merchants, the Chamber of Commerce will also release information commissions based on the commercial needs in Yunzhou City."

"Every night at midnight, the Chamber of Commerce will publish all the information collected from various places commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce on that day."

"If it is issued by the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce will pay for it. If it is entrusted by individuals, each of them will pay for it."

Zhao Jin paused and knocked on the table with his fingers, "As for the money of the Chamber of Commerce, each family needs to pay thirty taels of silver every year as the daily expenses of the Chamber of Commerce."

Without waiting for the merchants to be dissatisfied, Zhao Jin quickly said: "The accounts of the Chamber of Commerce will be published in the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce, and anyone can view them."

After hearing this, the comments and dissatisfaction subsided.

Afterwards, Zhao Jin explained some of the issues that merchants were more concerned about.

About half an hour later, Zhao Jin took a few sips of tea and asked: "Now, do you want to establish this chamber of commerce, or not?"

Lianyunshan struggled a bit, his face changed several times, and suddenly he heard a clear voice.

"The Xu family agrees."

"Even my family agrees!"

Lianyunshan followed closely and said loudly.

With this success in mind, merchants gradually agreed.

Zhao Jin's eyebrows widened and he asked all the merchants to sign contracts.

After all the contracts were collected, Zhao Jin stood up and pressed the fingers of his left hand on the contracts, "Okay! Tomorrow, our officials will ask foreign merchants to join the chamber of commerce, and then we will start with their goods."

"If you all support me for a few more days, five days at most, I will tell those foreign businessmen to make a clean loss and not dare to have such crooked ideas again!"

Early the next morning.

Wei Liang directly led the people and forced foreign businessmen to join the chamber of commerce.

At first, the foreign merchants were not willing and were very troublesome.

Wei Liang watched them making trouble with a cold eye. After they finished speaking, he said coldly: "Either join or get out of Yunzhou City!"

Yunzhou City is the administrative seat of Yunzhou County. If the news that they were driven out of Yunzhou City spreads out,

There is no place in the entire Yunzhou County that is willing to accept them.

Xiti angrily pulled over the so-called contract, read it carefully several times, and only signed her name on it after making sure there was no problem.

"Everyone wants it." Wei Liang raised his chin slightly and reminded them coldly.

After all foreign merchants were forced to join the association, the goods shipped from Yanyang arrived in Yunzhou City on the second day.

All goods need to be verified by the Chamber of Commerce before they can be delivered to the merchants.

The foreign merchants had no choice but to wait patiently, but after a whole day passed, their goods were still detained in the chamber of commerce.

And because the prices of the goods in their shops are low, business is booming every day and the sales volume is extremely large.

The remaining goods in their warehouse are no longer enough for tomorrow.

Xiti had no choice but to go to the Chamber of Commerce angrily.

"Cargo?" Lian Yunshan was a little confused, "What cargo?"

Xiti stared, "Are you trying to steal the goods we shipped yesterday morning?!"

Lian Yunshan suddenly realized it, and while pulling out a booklet from the cabinet on the side, he said angrily: "You don't explain the matter clearly, but you open your mouth to frame us?"

Opening the booklet, Lian Yunshan pointed to the densely packed page and said sternly: "With so many goods, if you don't explain them clearly, who will know what you are talking about?"

Xiti lowered her head and saw, sure enough.

The open booklet is filled with records of goods exchanges.

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and let go of the huge stone in his heart.

Since so many merchants have records of goods transactions in the chamber of commerce, they must not squander these goods privately.

However, the next thing Lianyunshan said was that huge stone was suddenly mentioned again.

"There is something wrong with your goods. We have to wait for the government office to verify it."

Lianyunshan checked the records in the booklet and said awkwardly: "Xiti, the Chamber of Commerce cannot give you the goods for the time being."

"Why!" Xiti's eyes widened, green, like a cat's.

Lian Yunshan raised his eyes and stared at him, clenched his right hand into a fist, and knocked twice on the table.

"Just because you have joined the Chamber of Commerce, the contract is written in black and white, and the Chamber of Commerce has the right to inspect the goods."

Xiti's breathing became heavy in vain, "You are liars!"

Zhao Jin heard these words as soon as he stepped into the Chamber of Commerce.

"What happened?" Zhao Jin's voice was not harsh, even calm.

When Xiti heard this, her whole body trembled.

The last glass incident cast a huge shadow on these foreign businessmen.

In private, they mocked Zhao Jin wantonly, but when they stood in front of Zhao Jin, they did not dare to say a word.

"County, Lord Sheriff."

Lianyunshan bent down and bowed: "Sir."

Zhao Jin nodded slightly, looked at Xiti, and asked again, "What happened?"

"This..." Xiti hesitated, not daring to speak.

Lianyunshan on one side informed Zhao Jin of what happened just now.

"Ha." Zhao Jin chuckled, but there was only a coldness in his laughter.

He raised his eyelids and said, "Liar? There is something wrong with the source of your goods. How do I know if your goods were obtained illegally?"

"How is this possible!" Xiti cried out.

Zhao Jin took two steps toward the table and said quietly: "That's why we need to find out."

"Or," he changed his voice and pointed his sharp eyes at Xiti, "tell yourself, where do these goods come from?"

Xiti's momentum suddenly dropped to the bottom, her eyes flickered, "That's right, I bought it from outside."

"Buying outside?"

Zhao Jin's voice was light, "Bought from Yanyang?"

Xiti was shocked, wondering if Zhao Jin had already found out, but...

After hesitating for a moment, he said bravely: "Yes."

Zhao Jin looked away, looked at the book on the table, and asked casually: "Bought it from Prince Liang's Mansion?"

Xiti looked at Zhao Jin suddenly, and the blood on her face instantly faded away.

Not only Xiti, but also Yunshan was shocked.

King Liang? Why did King Liang do this?

Targeting them? But they have never provoked King Liang, so it can only be...

Lian Yunshan didn't dare to think too much, it was not something he could know.

"How, how, how is it possible!" Xiti stammered in retort.

He was in a panic and at a loss.

Zhao Jin narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that he had guessed well. This matter was indeed related to King Liang.

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