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Chapter two hundred and eighty eighth

Just after the New Year, in the emperor's palace.

The bright yellow curtain blocked the scene on the dragon bed.

Zhao Qian closed his eyes and lay on the bed, but the eyeballs under his eyelids kept moving, as if he wanted to open his eyes, but couldn't.

On the wrinkled skin, thin beads of cold sweat continued to break out. Zhao Qian's lips were slightly open and he kept mumbling.


Zhao Gan opened his eyes suddenly, sat up from the dragon bed, and gasped for air!

There was obvious panic in his cloudy eyes.

The little eunuch who was keeping watch heard the noise and quickly approached and called, "Your Majesty?"

After hearing the human voice, Zhao Qian gradually came back to his senses.

"I'm fine." Zhao Qian stretched out his hand to lift the bed curtain and got off the dragon bed, "I just had a nightmare."

The little eunuch breathed a sigh of relief and quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to Zhao Qian, "Your Majesty, drink a glass of water first to calm down."

Zhao Qian took the cup. He couldn't quite remember what the nightmare was, but the feeling of fear never went away.

After drinking the water, Zhao Qian took a breath.

He raised his head and was about to say something, but suddenly he saw a black shadow appear on the window next to him!

The black figure was obviously a woman, with long hair disheveled.

Zhao Qian was so shocked that he couldn't say even a single word.

"Then, what is that?" He shook his hands and pointed to the dark shadow.

The little eunuch looked over with confusion, and then saw the black figure suddenly reaching out and breaking open the window!

This time, Zhao Qian and the little eunuch saw clearly the appearance of the dark figure.

The long black hair fell down, covering most of the woman's appearance. When the shadow raised its head, the exposed eyes were red at the corners, and the color of the lips was extremely bright.

She looked at Zhao Qian and the little eunuch and grinned.

The teeth were also red, as if stained with blood.

"Ghost!" The little eunuch was instantly frightened and screamed!

Then, with a roll of his eyes, the little eunuch fainted.

Seemingly frightened by the little eunuch's scream, the woman quickly left in the other direction.

That speed didn't look like walking or running.

Zhao Qian was so frightened that he couldn't utter a single word, and the cup in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

The guards outside heard the commotion and barged in, "Your Majesty! What happened to Your Majesty?"

Zhao Qian almost didn't catch his breath, "Quick, chase after him!"

Someone must be faking it!

The guards left a few to escort them, and the rest went out to pursue them.

Half an hour later, the guards came back, but no one was caught.

"Didn't you see anyone?" Zhao Qian's hands were still shaking, "How could you not see anyone?"

The leading guard swallowed, still a little scared, "Actually, I actually saw it. When we chased it to the tree, we saw a black shadow."

"But the woman turned around..." The guard's voice trembled, "She didn't look human at all."

"And it disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Zhao Qian suddenly fell down on the bed and glanced around the palace in a panic.

Suddenly I felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

"If it's not a human being, what is it?" Zhao Qian muttered to himself, almost instantly breaking out in a cold sweat.

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

What else could it be?

One of the guards glanced at the window and swallowed.

Being able to break open a window directly with your hands is simply not something ordinary people can do.

"Where is the Imperial Preceptor?" Zhao Qian suddenly thought of Xu You and shouted quickly: "Quick! Call the Imperial Preceptor quickly!"

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Master, said a few days ago that he would go back to the south to worship Master."

Only then did Zhao Qian remember this.

Therefore, Xu You did not attend the annual banquet.

I'm afraid it will take more than a month before Xu You can come back.

Zhao Qian's breathing was a little heavy, his eyes were a little distracted, and the thoughts in his mind were chaotic.

If Xu You is not here, who can catch ghosts?

And...Qin Tianjian!

"Go and call the people from the Qintian Prison!" Zhao Qian seemed to be grasping the last straw, his voice was urgent.

The leading guard hurriedly responded and then went out to call for someone.

The remaining guards were forced to stay in the palace to protect him.

After a while, the people from Qintian Prison came over in a hurry.

There were five people in total, and one of them was holding a compass in his hand.

Almost as soon as he stepped into Zhao Qian's palace, the compass needle started spinning crazily.

The expressions of the five people in Qintian Prison suddenly changed.

Zhao Qian asked eagerly: "How?"

"Your Majesty, this is probably a fierce ghost." The oldest one among the five said.

Zhao Qian's face turned pale instantly, "Then, is there any way?"

"Your Majesty, please rest assured and leave it to us."

The five people from the Qintian Prison took out a stack of talisman papers. They first burned a few talisman papers, mixed them with tea and made a bowl of talisman water, and then sprinkled the talisman water everywhere in Zhao Qian's palace.

Immediately afterwards, several talisman papers were pasted on the doors and windows, especially on Zhao Qian's dragon bed.

After the five people tinkered for a while, they said to Zhao Qian: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this evil ghost can no longer do evil."

Zhao Qian looked around at the talismans and felt a lot more at ease.

"Don't stay too far away tonight, just rest outside."

Although Qin Tianjian said that nothing happened, Zhao Qian still felt a little uneasy.


I don’t know if the talisman really took effect. In the second half of the night, Zhao Qian did not hear any noise anymore, nor did he have any more nightmares.

Zhao Qian was relieved.

However, although nothing happened in the second half of the night, Zhao Qian was worried all night and did not get a good rest, so he was not in good spirits the next day.

Therefore, when courtiers came to look for Zhao Qian, they always came directly to the palace.

Zhao Jin was taken directly into Zhao Qian's palace by Shou Quan.

"My lord, please see your majesty."

As soon as Zhao Jin came in, he saw the talismans posted everywhere in the palace.

Zhao Qian, who was sitting on the couch, had green and black eyes, and he didn't look very energetic.

Zhao Jin had already heard about the haunting in the palace last night when he was at the Ministry of War, but he heard that nothing happened in the middle of the night.


Zhao Jin wrinkled his nose and smelled a scent. It didn't quite taste like incense, but instead seemed to be mixed with some medicinal scent.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Qian raised his eyes and saw Zhao Jin wrinkled his nose and frowned.

"I see your Majesty." Zhao Jin first saluted Zhao Qian, and then said: "I just smelled a fragrance, is it the smell of incense?"

Zhao Qian looked at Shouquan.

"It's incense. Your Majesty didn't get a good rest last night, so the ambergris was mixed with some sleeping incense."

After hearing this, Zhao Jin didn't say anything more and discussed state affairs with Zhao Qian.

However, Zhao Jin still had some doubts in his heart.

It doesn't smell like an ordinary sleeping incense, but a medicinal scent.

Because Chu Weiqing tinkered with medicine every day, over time, Zhao Jin became somewhat sensitive to the smell of medicine.

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