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Chapter 24 No Money

There was a vast expanse of white snow, and after leaving Yanyang, all I could see was white.

The wheels of the carriage rolled over layers of white snow, and a group of people shuttled through the snow. There were about thirty people. Except for the invisible people in the carriage, the rest were all strong men riding tall horses.

This group of people is none other than Zhao Jin and others.

When he went to Yunzhou, the Liang Prince's Mansion assigned him twenty-nine people, including a eunuch, a seventh-rank cavalry lieutenant, an eighth-rank cavalry deputy lieutenant, and twenty-six soldiers.

Compared with ordinary people traveling, this lineup is not small.

However, as the eldest prince of the Liang Palace, Zhao Jin still went to Yunzhou to serve as the county governor. These troops were not even half of the ordinary vassal princes.

Zhao Jin opened the corner of the car curtain and looked at the snowflakes outside. Although it was not snowing heavily now, it would be hard to tell if it would be later.

Now they have started to go up the mountain. If they are not careful, they may get stuck on the mountain.

"How long does it take to get to the next county?"

In addition to Zhao Jin, there was another eunuch, Jin Quan, in the carriage.

"Wang, young master, go over this mountain, and then you will reach the county seat." Jin Quan said with a smile on his face.

Zhao Jin nodded, thought for a moment, stuck his head out of the carriage and said, "Speed ​​up and cross the mountain before the snow gets heavy."

"Yes." Yang Xu, who was also a cavalry officer and the head of all the soldiers this time, responded quietly.

After the explanation, Zhao Jin sat back in the carriage and closed his eyes to rest.

The Deputy Lieutenant of the Armed Cavalry, Feng Wupeng, looked back at the carriage door curtain that was still shaking slightly, and sneered slightly, full of disdain.

Yang Xu looked forward, as if he didn't hear the other party's scoff.

Although Zhao Jin and others had speeded up, the heavy snow came too quickly. Halfway down the mountain, heavy snow fell, and soon the mountain road was filled with a thick layer of snow.

The horse's hoof fell, leaving deep marks, and almost a quarter of the wheel was stuck in the snow.

"Master." Yang Xu fell a few steps behind and came to the curtain on the side of the carriage.

"The snow is too heavy. If we continue walking, I'm afraid we will get stuck halfway with both men and horses."

"We just found a cave nearby that can accommodate thirty people."

Yang Xu's tone was a little unnatural, and Zhao Jin glanced at him, a little strange.

But now is not the time to dwell on these things, "Okay, let's go hide in the cave first."

Thirty people hid in the cave in some embarrassment, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Much warmer.

Zhao Jin stood at the entrance of the cave, frowning and looking at the heavy snow falling outside.

"What the hell kind of weather is this? There was no snow when we first came out, and now it's snowing so hard."

"Phew, it's so cold. I don't know when it will stop."

"It's really unlucky. If I hadn't been sent here..."

After the soldiers in the cave sat down, several soldiers couldn't help but mumbled and complained.

It was said to be mumbling, but in fact the volume was not too low, and Zhao Jin, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, could hear it clearly.

Yang Xu glanced at the soldiers and said, "Shut up."

He walked behind Zhao Jin and said, "Master, not so fast."

Zhao Jin was stunned, why not so fast?

This time Yang Xu spoke without the awkward feeling before. The problem was that Zhao Jin couldn't even understand what he wanted to express.

One of the soldiers laughed and said: "Hahahaha, don't be offended, young master. Our Lord Yang has always been like this, and he speaks with care as gold."

Many soldiers laughed.

Not a mocking smile, but a kind smile.

Zhao Jin couldn't help but laugh. No wonder Yang Xu's voice was a bit awkward before. He was not used to saying so many words at once.

Yang Xu pursed his lips and glared hard at the soldiers who were still laughing at him.

"Master Yang, you want to say that the snow will not stop so soon?" Zhao Jin guessed.

Yang Xu nodded.

Zhao Jin sighed deeply, knowing in his heart that the weather was gray and it looked like the snow would still fall.

"Let someone pick up some sticks and firewood and come back. Maybe we'll have to spend the night here."

"Without fire, not to mention wild animals, they would die of cold."

When he came out, Zhao Jin discovered that, except for Feng Wupeng, whose clothes were better, the rest of the group's clothes were not very warm.

If you stay like this all night, I don't know how many people will be unable to wake up the next day.

Yang Xu didn't say much, just ordered a few people and took them out to find firewood.

After Yang Xu left, Zhao Jin also turned around and prepared to find a place to sit down and rest for a while.

As soon as he turned around, Jin Quan, who was sitting in the back, waved to him, "Master, here."

Zhao Jin paused, walked over, and sat down next to Jin Quan.

"It needs to be much warmer inside." Jin Quan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a flattering smile.

Zhao Jin was noncommittal. It was indeed warmer and more comfortable inside, but if something happened, it would be difficult to even run inside.

His sharp gaze swept over the crowd of people who had come down, and Zhao Jin wondered in his mind, how many of these people were spies, and how many of them could be used for his own purposes?


"Well, what's the matter?"

Jin Quan said with some embarrassment: "Master, what will we do when we get to the next county?"

"Find an inn, stay, and rest for a day before setting off." Zhao Jin turned his head and found that Jin Quan looked a little embarrassed, "What's wrong?"

"We, we don't have money."

Zhao Jin paused, "No money? The Internal Affairs Department in the palace didn't allocate money?"

"No! Not a penny!"

Because he was so excited, Jin Quan's voice was loud enough that all the soldiers in the cave heard it.

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Jin Quan, what do you mean by this?" Feng Wupeng stood up suddenly and asked.

"What could this mean?" Now that everyone knew it, Jin Quan stopped hiding it, "It's just that we have no money!"

"Here, you didn't get even a penny? So what will we do when the time comes to eat or something?"

"Yes, it takes a month to get from here to Yunzhou. Is it possible that we will have to drink the northwest wind along the way?"

"How could the Secretary of Internal Affairs do this?"

When the soldiers heard that there was no money, they complained one after another.

Feng Wupeng's face was ashen. He knew that Zhao Jin was not favored, and if he followed him now, he would suffer a lot, but he didn't expect that he didn't even have basic travel expenses!

"The eldest prince is so proud that the palace will not give him any money." Feng Wupeng said in a mocking tone, casting all his dissatisfaction and anger on Zhao Jin.

"It seems that the prince really thinks highly of the eldest prince."

Most of the soldiers were dissatisfied, but Zhao Jin was the eldest prince after all, and they did not dare to say anything. Who would have thought that Feng Wupeng would dare to directly ridicule a prince like this?

Zhao Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at Feng Wupeng lightly, "So what did the Deputy Lieutenant of Armed Cavalry want to say?"

"Since the eldest prince is capable, then the travel expenses can be solved, right?" Feng Wupeng held his hands and looked at Zhao Jin condescendingly.

"Huh." Zhao Jin stretched his legs and looked up at Feng Wupeng, "The Deputy Lieutenant of the Armed Cavalry seems to be very dissatisfied with me?"

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