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Three hundred and twentieth chapters burst

After Zhao Jin left the palace, he walked straight towards the Hou Mansion.

Along the way, the streets were bustling with people coming and going.

Zhao Jin did not pay half of his attention to the noisy market.


The reactions of Zhao Qian and Nalan Wei both showed that this could not be just Nalan Wei's nonsense.

The word "different" attracted Zhao Jin's attention and caution.

He comes from another world. To this world, he is an intruding outsider, a stranger.

In addition, Nalanwei laughed and told Zhao Qian that he was the alien...

Zhao Jin couldn't help but "tsk", no matter whether Nalanxu really saw the so-called alien star through stargazing, and thus knew that he came from another world, or it was through some other method.

At least, Zhao Jin can be sure that Nalan Wei must have made up a lot of slanderous remarks about the aliens in front of Zhao Qian.

The other party's purpose is also very obvious, they want to use Zhao Qian's hand to get rid of him.

In the past, Zhao Jin couldn't figure out why Nalanxu was so hostile to him, and he started setting up traps for him the first time they met.

Now Zhao Jin finally understood that it was because of Beili and the explosives.

The reason why Zhao suddenly attacked Beili was firstly because of Beili's repeated provocations and plunders, and secondly because he developed explosives.

With the explosives in hand, Zhao Qian felt confident, so he ordered General Ma Yan to lead the army to conquer Beili.

Moreover, if the explosives hadn't caught Beili off guard, Zhao Guo wouldn't have captured Beili so easily.

No wonder Nalanwei regarded him as a thorn in his side.


Zhao Qian and Zhao Yi are no different. Both of them are suspicious people. Maybe Zhao Qian will not believe Nalanwei’s words in the past, but he will inevitably leave a seed of doubt in his heart. .

In the future, he must act more carefully and have more backup options.

Otherwise, when Zhao Qian really wanted to take his life, he might not even be able to resist.

After Zhao Jin left, Zhao Qian sat in the palace for a long time and sent Shouguan and others out.

He rested his forehead on one hand, looking a little troubled.

Nalan Wei's words from the past still echoed in his ears. He didn't know what kind of situation Zhao Jin would be in. From the current point of view, Zhao Jin seemed to be the second type.

It can help him leave his name in history and make the Zhao Kingdom become stronger and stronger.

However, Zhao Qian could not guarantee that one day, Zhao Jin would not become a person who overthrew the Zhao Kingdom.

Zhao Qian sighed heavily. The most important thing was that he was not sure whether Nalan Wei's words that day were true or fabricated just to target Zhao Jin.

The thoughts in his mind were almost chaotic and complicated, giving Zhao Qian a vague headache.

Forget it, Zhao Qian thought that after Zhao Jin came to Bianzhou, he treated Zhao Jin extremely well.

The result of Li Gui's case caused an uproar in the entire court.

Zhao Qian only revealed that the entire case was planned by Xu You, the state counselor, in an attempt to frame Hou Xuanping.

He did not announce Xu You's true identity. Firstly, it would be too embarrassing, and secondly, he was afraid that the remnants of Beili who were hiding in the dark would become more vigilant.

Now the only people who know that Xu You is from Beili are Zhao Jin, Zhao Qian and Shou Quan.

Even the Imperial Guards on that day didn't know that the Beili man they took away from the palace at that time turned out to be the national advisor Xu You.

They only thought that Xu You, the national advisor, had colluded with the Beili people.

After Zhao Jin went to court, he repeatedly received condolences and sympathetic looks from his colleagues.

In such a short period of time since he came to Bianzhou, he was involved in two cases one after another. First he offended the prince, and then he was framed and murdered by the national adviser.

Everyone felt that Marquis Xuanping was extremely unlucky.

After the Li Gui case, the entire Bianzhou city became much calmer.

The harsh winter is passing little by little, the temperature is rising little by little, and people are busy sowing seeds.

At the same time, as the temperature rises, the ice on the river gradually melts, and there begins to rain more.

In the blink of an eye, spring and summer are transitioning, and thunderstorms and heavy rains are increasing in vain.

A city in the south.


There was a loud thunder, followed by huge raindrops pouring down.

Pedestrians on the street hurried home or took shelter from the rain on the road,

However, this heavy rain lasted for three days and three nights.

The water level of the river is rising little by little, and is gradually below the water level of previous years. The heavy rain does not stop, and the water level is also rising little by little.

Inside the government office, the county magistrate looked at the non-stop heavy rain outside and was so anxious that he paced back and forth in the government office. If this continues, the embankment will not be able to hold up at all!

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside.

The magistrate's eyes lit up, and he quickly opened the door, ignoring the heavy rain outside, and walked out quickly.

Running towards him was a government guard. When he saw the county magistrate in front of him, he quickly stopped and said, "Sir!"

"How is the levee now? Where is the water level?"

The Yamen Guard gasped, "It has already passed the highest water level in previous years."

"There are still ten inches left." There was a worried look on the Yamen Guard's face, "There are still ten inches left, and the dam will be submerged!"

Ten inches!

The county magistrate's eyes suddenly widened. As long as the heavy rain continues for two or three hours, the water level will be enough to rise ten inches!

"Quick! Let all the people go to the mountains west of the city to avoid the flood immediately!"

The rain may not stop in two or three hours. If you are not prepared, by the time the dam breaks, it will be too late!

The entire government office was in action, and almost all government officials were dispatched. Some went to the mountains west of the city to check the situation, and some went to notify the people in every household.

When the people heard that if it rained for another two or three hours, the embankment might burst, they were immediately panicked.

But there are also many people who simply don't want to leave.

"Isn't there still two or three hours left? If we wait for more than an hour, who knows, the rain will stop?!"

Most of these people are afraid that when they go to the mountains and the rain stops, their belongings will be stolen.

The government guards were very anxious, and there were many people like this.

Moreover, many people saw that some people were not leaving, so they were unwilling to leave.

"Fuck!" Many government guards cursed in a low voice: "My life is about to die, what's the use of guarding these rags?"

No way, they could only organize those people who were willing to go up the mountain to go up the mountain first, and then semi-forced the people who refused to go up the mountain to follow them.

However, the rainstorm became heavier and heavier, and in less than two hours, the river was full.

The water flow spreads out from the embankment little by little, and the raging river water continuously hits the embankment.

The ground near the river is getting wetter, there is more and more water, and the dam is gradually becoming shaky.


The dam collapsed!

The raging river water gushes directly out of the gap in the dam!

When the city was first built, in order to choose a flat ground, the city's terrain was low. When the river burst out of its embankment, it rushed directly towards the city.

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