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Chapter 359: The filth of Mingfu

Bai Wu immediately looked at Seng Fan, his eyes burning.

Zhao Jin's eyes narrowed slightly and he confirmed in a deep voice: "Seng Fan, is this news confirmed?"

"Sure." Seng Fan nodded and said angrily, "We fell into their trap before."

Hearing this, Zhao Jin changed his mind and understood what Seng Fan meant, "The evidence that you intercepted before was deliberately released by them."

Seng Fan nodded vigorously, with a hint of depression in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

When they first intercepted Hu, although they later discovered that the evidence they obtained was insignificant, they thought they were just being cautious.

And because they had already obtained some evidence, Seng Fan and others focused their attention more and more on their burning of the evidence.

If Zhao Jin hadn't asked them to investigate the Ming family, it would still be difficult for Seng Fan to discover this problem to this day.

Thinking of this, Seng Fan said happily: "Thanks to the Duke of Guo for letting his subordinates investigate the Ming family."

"What's the current situation of the Ming family?" Zhao Jin asked. He first came to find Sengfan, mainly to confirm whether he could start with the Ming family.

"My lord, the Ming family does have a problem."

Zhao Jin saw Seng Fan frowning, with a trace of disgust flashing in his eyes.

"The current leader of the Ming family is Sun Ruijie."

"Sun Ruijie?" Zhao Jin raised his eyebrows, "A foreigner? A son-in-law?"

Being able to control the Ming family but still claiming to be the Ming family to the outside world, only those who are qualified to have access to the Ming family's industry can become the leaders of the Ming family.

As for aristocratic families and local gentry, they pay special attention to blood kinship. People who do not have the same surname can contact the center of power only through their son-in-law.

Seng Fan nodded affirmatively, "The Duke of the country knows things like a god, and Sun Ruijie is the husband-in-law of the previous Ming family leader."

"More than a year ago, the head of the Ming family, Sun Ruijie's ex-wife, passed away, and Sun Ruijie took over the responsibility of the Ming family."

"Ex-wife?" Zhao Jin captured one word keenly, "Has Sun Ruijie remarried now?"

"Yes, he married a new wife a year ago."

one year ago…

Zhao Jin calculated the time and found that less than a year after the death of the head of the Ming family, Sun Ruijie married again?

"The relationship between the couple is not good?" Zhao Jin could only choose this reason. Otherwise, Sun Ruijie's behavior would have left his wife with no memory at all.

Seng Fan shook his head, "At that time, everyone felt that Sun Ruijie and his wife were very loving, and Sun Ruijie cared for and took care of his wife."


Zhao Jin heard this and sneered at it.

If Sun Ruijie had been more sincere towards his partner, he would not have remarried so quickly.

"Do they have a son?" Zhao Jin put his hands on his knees and tapped his knees with the fingers of his left hand.

"Yes," Seng Fan said with a grin: "My lord, my subordinates think that we can start with the young master of the Ming family."

"Sun Ruijie and his current wife have one more son left. They are almost laissez-faire and indifferent to the eldest son of the Ming family. They only have the youngest son in their eyes and hearts. It is impossible for the eldest young master of the Ming family not to feel uneasy about this turn of events."

Only when there is a knot in their hearts, they have the opportunity to take action.

No matter how unpopular the eldest young master of the Ming family is, he is also the young master of the Ming family. It is easier than them to obtain some evidence from Sun Ruijie.

"Besides, now Mingrui, the eldest young master of the Ming family, should hate Sun Ruijie to death."

Zhao Jin narrowed his eyes slightly. Even if Sun Ruijie ignored Ming Rui, he was his father after all. When the head of the Ming family was still alive, the two of them were so loving.

Regardless of whether this love is fake or not, Mingrui should be loved very much.

Otherwise, as a person with a foreign surname, Sun Ruijie would not be able to take over the Ming family so easily. It can only be that the head of the Ming family trusted him too much before.

Something must have happened to make Mingrui hate him.

Zhao Jin lowered his eyebrows slightly. Once he sees someone incorrectly, it is extremely easy to leave hidden dangers.

"Tell me, what did Sun Ruijie do?"

Seng Fan got a little tired from talking, so he reached for a cup of tea from the table and took a big sip, "Sun Ruijie, my subordinates found that the death of the head of the Ming family must be related to Sun Ruijie."

Staring eyes fixed on Seng Fan, gesturing for him to continue speaking.

"Mingrui was investigating Sun Ruijie's matter, and his subordinates followed up on the investigation and discovered that it was actually related to the death of the head of the Ming family."

Zhao Jin looked away, "This can only show that Mingrui suspects Sun Ruijie. What evidence has been found?"

Seng Fan smiled and said, "Yes, my subordinate did find some evidence."

"The head of the Ming family claimed to have died of illness, but in fact it was Sun Ruijie who had administered chronic poison to the head of the Ming family for a long time. Over time, the head of the Ming family's health became worse and worse."

Zhao Jin's face turned cold, "Sun Ruijie poisoned the head of the Ming family?"

"Yes, the head of the Ming family is not bad at Sun Ruijie." Who knew he would end up like this in the end.

"Things that are inferior to animals naturally have no conscience." Zhao Jin mocked coldly,

Zhao Jin scolded Sun Ruijie in a low voice, very sharply.

Seng Fan's voice was filled with indignation but he did not stop and continued: "Two months ago, Mingrui broke his leg while riding a horse."

"Do you suspect that Sun Ruijie did it too?" Zhao Jin asked.

"Yes," Seng Fan said in a deep voice, "What a coincidence."

"There was nothing wrong with that batch of horses. They were always fine. However, as soon as Mingrui got on the horse, the horses immediately went crazy."

Seng Fan's face was full of ridicule, "Sun Ruijie claimed that it was because Mingrui's riding skills were not good and he accidentally angered the horse when he got on the horse, which led to such a disaster."

"But my subordinates discovered that the wounds on the horses' backs were caused by sharp objects."

Zhao Jin half-closed his eyes, then said after a while: "Under the saddle."

"Yes, there is a slender wire hidden under the saddle. Once Mingrui gets on the horse, the sharp wire immediately pierces the horse, causing the horse to go crazy."

"Sun Ruijie also participated."

Zhao Jin said firmly.

For such an obvious problem, as long as Sun Ruijie is willing to look it up, he won't say this to the outside world.

"Give these messages to Mingrui." The low voice was slightly cold, and you could hear the remaining anger in it.

"The Duke wants to win Mingrui into our camp?"

Zhao Jin raised his eyelids, looked sharply, raised his right hand and put it on the table, "Ming Rui wants revenge, we want the account books, and we can make a deal."

It is too difficult for the lonely son of his ex-wife to overthrow the Ming family leader who is now cooperating with the county governor, or it may cost too much.

At this time, they handed the olive branch to Mingrui, and the other party would definitely accept it.

"I'm going to contact Mingrui."

Zhao Jin nodded, "You can directly reveal your identity and lower his guard. As long as he can get the account books or relevant evidence and hand them over to us, I can help him get revenge."


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