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Chapter 404 Leave

"Your Majesty, I have an audience with you, all the ministers from the left." Shou Quan's low voice sounded in the hall.

Zhao Qian looked up and quickly looked back, "Explain it."

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing an official robe of the fifth rank walked in quickly.

"I see your Majesty!"

"Get up." Zhao Qian glanced at him lightly, "What's important?"

Zuo Zhusi Langzhong immediately bent his knees and knelt down directly!

He raised his hands and spoke sincerely, "Your Majesty! I saw the three brothers of the Qi family entering the Duke's Mansion last night!"

Zhao Qian's eyes were slightly sharp, "Three brothers Qi Yunche?"

"Yes! Of the three of them, two of them were supposed to be guarding the border, and Qi Yunche was also supposed to be serving as a county lieutenant in Yunzhou County, but they were suddenly not recalled to Bianzhou."

"I tossed and turned last night and couldn't sleep all night. I came here early this morning to tell Your Majesty this matter."

"Your Majesty!" The doctor from Zuo Zhusi raised his voice, "Local officials have not been recalled to the capital. If they are not severely punished, I am afraid they will set a bad example for others!"

Zhao Qian suddenly grabbed the armrest of the dragon chair. The Qi family held military power, but Qi Jiahan was imprisoned because of suspicion. The three brothers ignored his order and returned to Bianzhou without being recalled.

"That's unreasonable!"

Zhao Qian shook his sleeves fiercely and stood up, angrily, "Everyone turned a deaf ear to my words! Qi Yunche, I won't say it anymore, Qi Junling and Qi Junhao, as generals stationed on the border, came back without any reason!"

Zuo Zhusi Langzhong was still kneeling on the ground, saying nothing, with a smile on his lowered head.

The Qi family is already feared by His Majesty because of its military power. If this incident happens again, the good days of the Qi family may come to an end.

"Show off at Xuanping Duke's Mansion!"

At first, Ma Yan reported that the relationship between Zhao Jin and Qi Yunche was not good, but now the three brothers of the Qi family returned to Bianzhou privately, and even went to the Duke's Mansion.

And Zhao Jin still concealed it and refused to report it.

Thinking of this, the anger on Zhao Qian's face became more and more obvious.

"I want to see how worthy it is that Qi Jiahan went to the prison cell of the Criminal Department just because he was suspected!"

Just by touching Qi Jiahan, the Qi family can do this. If one day, he punishes the Qi family, will they directly rebel?!

Shou Quan next to him was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe, "Your Majesty, I'll go down first and prepare the car."

"Go ahead."

Zhao Qian's face was gloomy, and his tone was even more gloomy.

Shouquan responded and walked quickly.

"Godfather." A young eunuch waiting outside the palace greeted him with a flattering smile, "Why is Your Majesty so angry all of a sudden?"

Zhao Qian's roar just now was heard directly outside the hall.

The people waiting outside the palace were frightened.

Shouquan glanced at him and said, "Don't ask about some things. Knowing too much is not a good thing."

The little eunuch was startled and quickly sealed his mouth with his hand, "I understand, don't be upset, godfather."

Seeing this, Shou Quan softened his tone and taught: "As you serve the emperor closely, you know a lot of things, so you have to understand what can be said and what can't be said."

Shouquan stretched out a finger and poked the little eunuch's forehead, "You! You have to be stricter with your mouth, otherwise one day, you will really die without even knowing how you died!"

The little eunuch who was poked hard smiled and leaned his head over, "I understand, godfather, don't worry, my mouth must be sealed tightly."

Shouquan was relatively satisfied with his godson and wanted to train him to take over.

He hesitated for a moment and moved his fingers.

The little eunuch immediately understood and put his ear towards it.

"Now you go quietly and send a message to Duke Xuanping, saying that your Majesty will go to the Duke's mansion later."

The little eunuch nodded quickly and ran away.

Xuanping Duke's Mansion.

Zhao Jin looked at the three brothers of the Qi family who each led a horse and said, "The matter has been resolved. You should be careful when you go back to avoid being caught."

"Thank you for your trouble, Mr. Guo." Qi Junling cupped his hands towards Zhao Jin and said with a smile: "If Mr. Guo hadn't helped me this time, my Qi family would still be stuck in the quagmire."

Zhao Jin shook his head and said, "Young Master Qi, you're welcome. I was originally responsible for this case, and I just did what I was expected to do."

"But there are too many people who don't do what they are supposed to do." Qi Yunche crossed his arms, with a hint of sarcasm between his brows and eyes.

Zhao Jin thought for a moment and realized who he was talking about, and couldn't help laughing.

Qi Junhao remained silent until he was about to leave, then he gave Zhao Jin a decent salute and said, "Thank you, Lord Duke."

Zhao Jin was about to speak, but was interrupted by the other party.

"For the Duke, it is a matter of duty, but for us, it is a life-saving grace."

Qi Yunche on the side also lowered his arm and glanced away slightly, a little awkwardly, "Brother is right. If it weren't for you, Qi Shaoqing's conspiracy would have succeeded."

"When the time comes, no one in the Qi family will be able to escape."

"Oh, that's not right." Qi Shaoqing took back what he had just said and said in an unkind tone: "Qi Shaoqing can escape."

"My lord!"

Chi Yi's anxious voice came, and Zhao Jin looked up and saw him running over in a hurry.

"Quick! Let them leave!"

"What's wrong?"

Chi Yi didn't bother to take a breath and said quickly: "There is news from the palace that someone told your Majesty what happened to the three young masters Qi in the Duke's Mansion!"

"Your Majesty will now take charge of the Duke's mansion."

The expressions of the four of them changed, and Zhao Jin quickly said: "You should leave immediately and contact us later if you have any questions."

The three brothers of the Qi family also knew that the situation was urgent. Once they were discovered, not only the Qi family would suffer, but the Xuanping Government would also be implicated.


After saying that, they didn't stay any longer and immediately left on horseback through an inconspicuous side door.

"Destroy all the items they use immediately, quickly!"

Zhao Jin walked quickly inside, giving instructions as he walked.


He paused in his steps. Just looking at the three brothers of the Qi family, he almost forgot that his mother could not be exposed to Zhao Qian's eyes.

"When the news came from the palace, did Your Majesty come out?"

"Eunuch Shouquan went to prepare the car and is ready to go out."

Zhao Jin calculated the time and looked a little annoyed. There was no time at all!

Even if the mother is hiding, there is an extra courtyard, and all the things used by women are in it, which will attract Zhao Qian's attention no matter what.

Moreover, Zhao Qian likes his mother and even goes so far as to find a substitute. No one is sure how much Zhao Qian knows about Ning Huan.

Will Ning Huan be able to spot her based on the things she usually uses?

Zhao Jin gritted his teeth and said, "You go down immediately and I'll go to the inner courtyard."

There is no time to cover it up, so now we can only use troops to cover it up with water and earth.

At this moment, Zhao Jin hated the official who reported the matter.

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