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Chapter 37 Imprisonment

"Yang Xu, Jin Quan." Zhao Jin shouted softly: "Get out of the way."


Zhao Jin shook his head, "Don't worry."

The catcher sneered, "If you stop me again, you will be punished with the same crime."

As soon as he finished speaking, the head catcher suddenly looked at Zhao Jin, and was frightened by Leng Rui among them, so he took two steps back.

Zhao Jin tried his best to break free, but the two government guards who were guarding him were no match for him and could not restrain him.

He looked at the catcher coldly and said, "I can leave on my own."

Zhao Jin walked straight past the government guards and walked at the front.

The catcher suddenly came back to his senses, his face was a little worried, and he strode towards Zhao Jin. He wanted to scold him, but he recalled the look in Zhao Jin's eyes just now and swallowed it back with fear.

The Yamen Guards suddenly broke into the inn, and everyone in the inn was shocked and curious. When Zhao Jin came out, everyone's eyes were focused on him and they were talking about him.

"This person seems to have come to the inn after the inn was burned down."

"I don't know what happened. Could it be that the fire at the inn was related to him?"

"Didn't you say that the fire was set by bandits from Wuyang Village?"

Zhao Jin seemed not to have heard those comments, walking calmly and looking calm.

After arriving at the government office, Zhao Jin was taken directly to prison.

Ancient prisons were more bloody and dirty than modern ones. As soon as he entered, Zhao Jin smelled a pungent smell.

The fishy smell and stink are mixed together, which is extremely unpleasant.

The road under your feet is paved with some straw, which feels sticky when you step on it.

The head catcher secretly observed Zhao Jin's expression and thought to himself: He looked like a spoiled child in his family. He must have been shocked when he suddenly saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jin's expression remained unchanged, as if he had not seen the terrible situation in the prison.

If Zhao Jin knew what this head catcher was thinking, he would probably laugh out loud.

Whether it was his previous life or this life, he had never been pampered.

When such a fair and clean young man suddenly came in, the other prisoners looked at Zhao Jin with interest, waiting to see him cry bitterly.

It's a pity that we have to disappoint them.

Zhao Jin walked into the prison and found a cleaner place to sit down.

After a while, the county guard and the county magistrate came over.

Zhao Jin was concentrating with his eyes closed and did not react when he heard the sound.

The county guard had a big belly and narrowed his eyes, "Mr. Ning, how do you feel?"

"It's okay." Zhao Jin opened his eyes and spoke calmly.

"Mr. Ning, why bother?" the county guard said slowly, "As long as you agreed, wouldn't everything be fine?"

Zhao Jin laughed and said, "Otherwise, how could we see that the governor's methods are so impressive?"

"Confusing right and wrong, confusing right and wrong, it's awesome." Zhao Jin clapped his hands twice, full of ridicule.

"Master Ning, it's useless to be tough." The county guard said with a gloomy face, word by word.

Zhao Jin gave a sarcastic smile and said nothing.

"I am not an unreasonable person. As long as Mr. Ning is willing to help suppress the bandits, I will naturally believe that Mr. Ning has nothing to do with those vicious bandits."

"So, what do you want me to do, Lord Sheriff?" Zhao Jin's eyes moved.

The county magistrate glanced at the county governor's face and said, "Now that Mr. Ning is sending his men to help suppress the bandits, we dare not accept it."

"If Mr. Ning has a grudge and they turn against him in battle, then we will suffer."

"so what?"

"So..." The county magistrate's eyes flashed, "If Mr. Ning is willing to pay, then we can forget about it."

Zhao Jin nodded, "Suppressing bandits is indeed not only laborious, but also expensive."

The county guard and the county magistrate were overjoyed. Zhao Jin's attitude seemed to have frightened him because of his trip to prison.

Sure enough, the county guard thought to himself: No matter how calm Zhao Jin appears on the surface, it is impossible not to be worried and scared when he suddenly encounters this situation.

"However, I think the government office should be rich." Zhao Jin smiled, the meaning of his words obvious.

The government office has money, but he won't give it to him.

What a joke, he himself relies on the fourth prince for support, and there are so many people down there who are crying for food, and the specific situation in Yunzhou is not clear yet.

Ning Ce will also wait until the Lantern Festival before setting off for Yunzhou.

"Ning Jin!" The county guard was furious, as if he was being teased, "Are you really desperate for your life?"

Zhao Jin didn't take it seriously at all, "The governor is joking, who would risk his life? However, there must be a choice."

"Hmph! You can take care of yourself!" The county guard immediately walked away.

Before the Jun Cheng left, he tilted his head and said, "If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined."

Quietness returned to the prison.

Zhao Jin lowered his eyes slightly, but his mood did not change.

He came in on purpose.

If they wanted to escape at that time, these government guards would not be able to stop them.

However, once he comes in, the government office will relax its vigilance and be able to better buy time for Yang Xu.

"Counter?" Zhao Jin chuckled, his words cold, "Let's see how arrogant you can be."

Xu Qi, one of the soldiers, was a little anxious, "Sir, why don't we just comply with the governor's wishes and give him money so that we can avoid disasters."

Jin Quan, who has always cherished money, gritted his teeth and said: "If the travel expenses are not enough in the future, we can still find another way, but the most important thing is to rescue the young master first!"

"Why can't we directly announce our identity?" Takeda asked puzzledly: "If the county guard knew that the young master was the eldest prince of Liang Wang, he would immediately and respectfully release the young master."

Liang Qian poked Takeda in the forehead, "You are stupid, that county magistrate is a fourth-grade official!"

"What are you doing! A fourth-grade official is not as big as a relative of the emperor, right?" Takeda touched the painful place and said dissatisfied.

"Tsk, to be able to sit in this position, this county guard is either very clever or has someone behind him. If he has a backer, who knows who it is."

"To say the least, he is asking for money openly and openly. If he knew the young master's identity, he would be afraid that the young master would expose the matter, and would also wonder if the young master was here just for him."

"At that time, if the county guard contacts Prince Liang's Mansion, the situation will be even worse!"

Takeda was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He had never thought about it so much. Who would have thought that just such a thing would have so many twists and turns behind it.

"This, this is too complicated."

Yang Xu remained silent until everyone was done arguing, then he spoke, "Continue."

The whole place suddenly fell silent.

He looked up and saw everyone looking at him.

Yang Xu paused, then realized the ambiguity in his words, and added: "It's good for the young master."

"Keep arguing and let the county guard believe it."

"Believe it?" Jin Quan guessed, "Let the county guard believe that we are still arguing about the young master and can't make a decision."

Yang Xu nodded.

Everyone: Understanding depends entirely on guessing.

Soon, the day originally scheduled by the government to suppress the bandits came, and Jin Quan and others finally learned of Zhao Jin and Yang Xu's plan.

The government office, Wuyang Village, Yang Xu and others are all ready.

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