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Four hundred and thirtieth chapters fury

This was the first time that people from the Duke's Mansion saw Zhao Jin looking so angry.

"Get ready." Zhao Jin raised his eyes and looked at Takeda, "After the matter is found out, I will ask your Majesty to go to Cangbei County."

Takeda opened his mouth, quickly closed it again, and responded with a muffled voice, "Yes!"

Zhao Jin tried several times to suppress the anger in his chest, but failed.

The war situation is tense, and these grains are related to the lives of the frontline soldiers, but for their own selfish purposes, some people replace the new grains with old grains, and even mix in spoiled grains!

Recalling the shocking figures in the letters and battle reports, Zhao Jin wished he could give the person who did this a good beating!

Moreover, Zhao Xingzhi's hands were in such a condition that after he recovered from the injury, it would be impossible for him to stay at the border.

Zhao Jin slowly closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, "Let's go! Fight with me!"

On this day, everyone in the Duke's mansion, from Takeda to the nursing home, was not spared, and they were all forced to have a good fight with Zhao Jin.

This matter is not difficult to investigate. The people behind the scenes did not expect to cause such a big disaster. They only thought that the food was not very good at most and the quantity was basically the same.

In addition, if Zhao Jin loaded all the new grain into the truck, it means that the problem was caused by the army delivering the grain. Furthermore, the grain transport officer said too much at the time that it was all old grain.

The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of War made accurate checks and found everyone in just two days.

Zhao Jinhei came to the Criminal Department with a sullen face.

He was also an old acquaintance of the Ministry of Punishment. No one stopped him and he went straight into the cell where Zhao Qian had ordered him to be detained.

The grain transport officer and a few soldiers were behind the scenes, and the eldest son of the Fan family was the one behind the scenes.

Zhao Jin stopped at the door of the cell of the eldest son of the Fan family and looked coldly at the man huddled in the corner in a state of embarrassment.

After causing so many lives, none of the jailers in the Ministry of Punishment looked kindly upon him.

"Xuan, Duke Xuanping." There was a dark shadow cast in front of his eyes. The eldest son of the Fan family raised his head and saw Zhao Jin's face, and his whole body trembled.

The food raised this time was raised by Duke Xuanping. Besides, I have always heard that Duke Xuanping has a very good relationship with the fourth prince.

If he comes to look for him in the cell, he will naturally not do anything good.

"Open the door." Zhao Jin said quietly.

The jailer hesitated for a moment, then opened the cell door.

Zhao Jin walked in and looked down at the eldest son of the Fan family, "How dare you attack the army rations?"

"Do you know how many lives are involved here?"

"Those soldiers fought with their lives on the front line for us and for you pests, but you directly put them to death for your own selfish desires. How dare you?"

"When you go to bed at night, won't those soldiers who died tragically come to see you?"

Zhao Jin bent down a little every time he asked a question.

The strong sense of oppression made it difficult for the eldest son of the Fan family to even say a word, "I, I didn't expect it. I didn't know it would be so serious. I didn't expect it."

"I really didn't expect that."

Zhao Jin laughed angrily when he heard the repeated "I didn't expect it" and licked his itchy canine teeth, "I didn't expect it? When you replaced the new grain with old grain, you didn't think that there might be something wrong with the grain?!


"When you mixed in the bad food, you didn't think about what might happen if those soldiers ate it?!"

Zhao Jin suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the other person's collar, lifted him up, and then pressed him against the wall with a "bang" sound.

"There are tens of thousands of lives. If I kill you, I can't afford to pay for so many lives!"

A pair of starry eyes were wide open and covered with bloodshot eyes. The eldest son of the Fan family was firmly pressed against the wall. Zhao Jin's strength seemed to embed his entire body into the wall.

He was extremely scared, but he didn't dare to say anything else for fear of irritating Zhao Jin even more, "I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

He thought it was just a stomachache at most, but he didn't expect that it happened to be during the fierce fighting of the war, which would eventually lead to such consequences.

Zhao Jin looked at the embarrassed and frightened culprit, feeling extremely ridiculous.

It was just such a person who caused so many soldiers to die unjustly.

"More than 100,000 soldiers were injured," Zhao Jin's voice lost the anger at the beginning and became calmer, but it made the other party tremble even more.

"If you are injured on the battlefield, twenty-three out of ten will die due to infection. For those who are seriously injured, half of them will survive."

There was no disinfectant in ancient times. Although Zhao Jin sent specially refined wine to Qi Jiahan, the quantity was not large and he could not supply such a huge quantity.

The injuries sustained on the battlefield are all stab wounds, and such wounds are particularly susceptible to infection.

"Don't worry, I believe they will all come back to find you as the culprit."

Zhao Jin directly threw the man heavily in the corner. Looking at the man who looked like a ball of mud, he couldn't even think of beating him up.

As soon as he walked out of the prison, the Minister of Punishment hurried over. When he saw Zhao Jin, he quickly looked back.

"I didn't hit anyone."

The Minister of Punishment paused and looked at Zhao Jin with a bit of surprise, "Didn't you hit anyone?"

As he said that, he sighed with regret, "Why don't you beat him up?"

Zhao Jin did not expect that the Minister of Punishment would react like this. After a moment of silence, he asked: "How does your Majesty plan to deal with it?"

"Your Majesty means to keep it for the fourth prince to deal with when he comes back. This Fan family will not be able to please the whole family."

"It's the father's fault if the son doesn't teach." Zhao Jin said coldly.

The Third Prince's Mansion.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Please save the Fan family!" Fan Tenggao, the father of the culprit who was imprisoned, now has the highest official position in the Fan family.

Zhao Xingzhi looked at the crying man on the ground with a headache and disgust.

The Fan family had surrendered to him a few years ago. Fan Tenggao and several of his children would sometimes do some unscrupulous and sinister things, but since they were not serious matters, Zhao Xingzhi just turned a blind eye.

Who knew that they would be so bold this time and tamper with the military rations!

"You are so brave! How can I help you when you sit down?"

Fan Tenggao knelt on the ground and took two steps towards Zhao Xingzhi after hearing this, "Your Highness! This unscrupulous man did this! The rest of the Fan family doesn't know!"

"The treacherous son committed such a big mistake and it is not an exaggeration to be executed by Ling Chi, but the rest of the Fan family are all innocent!"

Fan Teng howled so loudly that Zhao Xingzhi's head hurt when he heard it. He waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, I'll give it a try. I can't guarantee whether it works."

"Thank you, Your Highness! Thank you, Your Highness!" Fan Tenggao was overjoyed. With the third prince taking action, he would have no problem in trying to save the lives of some members of the Fan family by trying to find connections.

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