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Chapter 448: Escape

"The last time we came to ambush him, the fourth prince of Zhao Kingdom turned into a useless man in the end. I think they won't dare to come again."

Wanyan Mule's voice was full of pride and disdain, especially when he mentioned Zhao Xingzhi, the contempt in it overflowed from his words.

Zhao Jin, who was hiding in the dark, carefully suppressed his murderous intent, his eyes filled with coldness.

He snorted coldly in his heart, I'm afraid your wishful thinking will come to nothing.

Not only did they dare to come, they were also prepared to take Wanyan Mule's life.

The Prime Minister had a vague feeling of bad premonition in his heart.

But as Wanyan Mule said, Zhao Guo should not dare to attack the royal court rashly again.

Because the night was already dark, the Prime Minister did not stay long and quickly left Wanyan Mule's palace.

Zhao Jin waited in the dark for a while and finally heard Wanyan Mule's footsteps approaching inside.

"Everyone is guarding the outside. The candles in the inside have been extinguished." After changing clothes, Wanyanmule ordered as he walked towards the bed.


These palace maids and eunuchs all know Wanyan Mule's rules very well.

The king who established the Long Kingdom did not like to keep candles burning and too many people staying in the palace when sleeping.

The two of them staying outside was the limit he could accept.

Now, it is convenient for Zhao Jin to do things.

When Wanyan Mule went to sleep, the candles in the room went out, and after everyone left, Zhao Jin was still hiding in the dark and motionless.

Ever since he sneaked into Wanyanmule's palace, he had maintained the same posture and kept his breathing to the lightest level.

Although Wanyan Mule is arrogant, he has the capital to be arrogant due to his strong martial arts skills.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, when his ears caught the sound of long breathing, Zhao Jin finally walked out of the darkness.

Holding the dagger in his hand, Zhao Jin approached Wanyan Mule step by step.

His feet landed on the ground without making any sound. When he stood firmly beside the bed, the person sleeping on the bed still had no idea that the butcher's knife was about to fall.

Zhao Jin carefully opened some of the curtains and blocked the opening of the curtains with his body to prevent Wanyan Mule from noticing any abnormalities in the light and waking up.

The dagger was raised, and the sharp tip was pointed at Wanyan Mule.

Zhao Jin did not insert the dagger into Wanyan Mule's chest immediately. He turned the dagger in a direction and pointed the handle of the dagger at Wanyan Mule.

The other hand quickly pinched both sides of Wanyan Mule's face and firmly covered his mouth.

Wanyanmule woke up instantly and could not make a sound. He immediately pulled out a dagger from under the pillow and stabbed Zhao Jin quickly.

Zhao Jin was faster than him. The hand holding the dagger hit an acupuncture point on the side of his neck quickly and accurately.

Before the dagger hit Zhao Jin, Wanyan Mule's hand dropped weakly and he lost consciousness.

Zhao Jin caught the dagger that was about to fall with quick eyes and hands. He simply put away the dagger in his hand and switched to Wanyan Mule's one.

The sharp dagger was inserted into Wanyan Mule's chest without any pause.

The sound of strength tearing flesh and blood was controlled by Zhao Jin, and only a small amount of movement was revealed.

Before they were highly skilled in martial arts, they would naturally be able to discover it, but the palace maids and eunuchs who were keeping watch outside had no martial arts skills at all, and they were extremely sleepy now.

Bit by bit, it is almost impossible to discover the abnormality inside.

Zhao Jin stabbed Wanyanmule three times in a row to ensure that Wanyan Mule was not breathing. The dagger remained on the opponent's chest, and Zhao Jin quickly evacuated.

Because Wanyanmule's death was not discovered, Zhao Jin retreated very smoothly.

As soon as Zhao Jin left the palace, he immediately found that the entire royal court of Lilong Kingdom was in chaos, and a large group of people were looking for assassins.

Presumably one of them had been discovered. No wonder when he came out, he felt that the palace was much more heavily guarded.

Zhao Jin frowned. If this happened, someone would probably find out that Wanyan Mule was dead soon.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jin's speed became a little faster.

Dodging the searching soldiers, Zhao Jin arrived at the originally scheduled gathering place. There were already about ten people here.

The noise of the search outside became louder and louder. After Zhao Jin waited here for more than a quarter of an hour, everyone finally arrived.


Now that the city gate has been sealed, it is absolutely impossible for them to leave from the city gate.

Zhao Jin led nearly a hundred people to a river.

This river leads outside, and the best way now is to leave here.

Without much hesitation, nearly a hundred Zhao soldiers jumped into the river.

This commotion was not small, and martial law was now in place in the royal court, which quickly attracted the attention of the soldiers.

"They jumped into the river and left!"

"Come here! Come down with me if you know how to handle water!"

"Take people immediately outside the city and search along the river!"

Zhao Jin moved his hands and feet quickly and took a moment to turn his head and take a look. The soldiers of Lilong Kingdom bit him hard.

There is no doubt that they will intercept them outside the city. They need to get out of the city as soon as possible and then ride away.

If the horses they hid outside the city were discovered, then it would be a real disaster.

There were not many soldiers from the Long Kingdom under the water, but no one turned around to deal with them.

All Zhao soldiers swam out as hard as they could. They didn't care whether their posture looked good or not, they just wanted to get out as soon as possible.

Zhao Jin was the first to break out of the water. He stuck his head out of the water, looked around to make sure there was no one, then retracted back into the water, made a gesture, and then actually came out of the river.

Nearly a hundred Zhao soldiers followed Zhao Jin closely and came out of the river one after another.

After coming out, they did not delay and ran towards the place where the horses were hidden with a clear goal.

A captain from the Lilong Kingdom who was chasing these people wiped his face after coming out of the river and led his soldiers to continue chasing them.

Zhao Jin took the horse, raised his head and glanced at the Lilong soldiers rushing towards him, and laughed, "Let's go!"

Everyone got on their horses and galloped away in the direction of Zhao Guo.


The pursuers behind them had no horses and could not catch up with Zhao Jin and others. They could only wait for the others to come.

Zhao Jin and his party were all wet, and they would definitely get sick if the time went on for a long time, but no one dared to stop.

If you were one step behind and were overtaken by the soldiers of Lilong Kingdom, you would not be sick, but you would lose your life.

For a whole day and night, Zhao Jin and others did not sleep a wink and kept running.

The horses under them were almost unable to support themselves.

Zhao Jin raised his head, tilted his head and said to the others: "We have already moved some distance away, let's find a place to rest first."

Even if their bodies are made of iron, they will not be able to bear it now.

After finding a hidden cave one by one, they rested tiredly against the cave wall.

Unfortunately, someone has a fever.

After wearing wet clothes and running for a day and a night, it is normal to feel overwhelmed.

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