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Chapter 45 Drop

"Go! Those who are willing not to participate, please stand aside. I will naturally not let you be implicated!"

No more nonsense, Zhao Jin took the lead in drawing his sword and fighting with the leader of the men in black.

The two sides fought fiercely, and at the same time, some people stood up.

They watched the battle with cold eyes, about seven or eight of them.

How can a group of people who are already mentally weak be a match for more than fifty killers with strong martial arts skills?

Not long after, Zhao and Jin were at a disadvantage.

Suddenly, the boat beneath their feet shook, and everyone was shocked and confused.

The old man who was hiding in the corner took a look quietly and exclaimed, "Someone is building a boat!"

Zhao Jin fought with the leader of the men in black and saved the soldiers who were almost killed. He could hardly cope with it, let alone the fact that there were people under the boat!

The leader of the men in black winked, and two more men in black quickly attacked.

With one against three, Zhao Jin could no longer spare his energy to rescue the others.

Zhao Jin made a horizontal stroke with his long knife, then swung his hand downwards, holding the opponent's shoulder, and the sharp tip of the knife went straight through the abdomen of the man in black.

Warm and sticky blood flowed along the knife and onto Zhao Jin's hand.

It's just that more than fifty people are too many.

Seeing that Zhao Jin could not be captured directly, the leader of the men in black called many more people.

In the end, Zhao Jin was basically one against ten, or even more!

Zhao Jin groaned, and a large mass of wetness appeared on his dark blue robe, which was faintly red.

He gritted his teeth, raised his knife to block, and retreated while fighting, leaning against the guardrail.


Three snow-white knives stabbed from three directions at the same time.

Zhao Jin's eyes flashed, he held the top of the guardrail with his left hand, jumped up, and did a somersault.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the men in black threw a long knife at him, and Zhao Jin accidentally fell off the boat in order to avoid it.


"Master!" Liang Qian kicked a killer away, breathing heavily, and turned around to see Zhao Jin falling down.

Yang Xu's eyes widened suddenly. He rushed to the side of the boat and looked down. The water rippled slightly and no one could be seen.

The leader of the men in black curled his lips and raised his hand to make a gesture. All the men in black retreated and returned to the original merchant ship.

As soon as the man in black left, Yang Xu thrust his long knife toward the deck, breathing heavily and his eyes red.

"This, this, the young master is really in trouble!" Jin Quan sat down on the deck and hammered the deck with his fist.

Takeda grabbed the collar of one of the soldiers standing next to him and said, "You traitors!"

"Don't say it so harshly." The person next to him pushed Takeda away, "We just want to save our lives."

Yang Xu glanced at the group of people coldly, without saying a word, and walked to the old man with a long knife, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

"Sir." Qin Heng swallowed the blood in his mouth and spoke with difficulty.

"You are hurt."

Yang Xu ignored Qin Heng and looked down at the trembling old man.

"How long can the boat last?"

The old man shrank his neck in fear, "About a quarter of an hour."

"Can we dock?"

"Ok, Ok!"


The old man was flattered and said, "You should, little old man."

After saying this, the old man, together with a group of sailors who had taken shelter early, quickly controlled the ship so that it could dock smoothly.

After the old man and others left, Yang Xu's eyes fell on the traitors who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Master Yang," someone couldn't help but say, "We are afraid of death, but who is not afraid of death?"

The soldiers who stood up all agreed, either because they were afraid that Yang Xu would settle the score, or because they wanted to reassure themselves,

"It's just our instinct!"

"Besides, even if we are included, we still can't defeat those people."

"Yes! In the end, the young master either fell into the river or was killed by a killer."

"Shut up." Yang Xu shouted coldly.

Everyone immediately did not dare to speak anymore.

Yang Xu's aura was so powerful that even a glance at him would make one's scalp numb.

"There are traitors inside."

When he said this, Yang Xu looked at the group of soldiers standing nearby.

Some people were unconvinced and were about to defend themselves when they suddenly reacted.

The traitor Yang Xu mentioned may not have just escaped from the battlefield, but...

"Reveal your whereabouts!" Jin Quan came back to his senses and instantly understood what Yang Xu was talking about.

He stood up directly, "Our whereabouts are kept confidential!"

"The young master even changed the route several times during the journey, but it was never revealed."

"It was Feng Wupeng who leaked his whereabouts before. This time his whereabouts are leaked, it means that there must be a traitor among us!"

The group of people who were suspected were dissatisfied and shouted, "It doesn't have to be us!"

Yang Xu remained silent, and for a while, everyone fell into a stalemate.

Before their dispute could come to an end, the ship docked.

Everyone got off the boat first. Qin Heng looked back and saw that the draft of the entire ship was one-third more than before!

If this continues, the ship will surely sink in less than half an hour.

"Next, let's find the young master."

Yang Xu said quietly, as if he was not aware of the uproar caused by his words.

"Here, the young master has already fallen into the water."

The old man on the side also saw Zhao Jin falling, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Sir, this is the upper reaches of the Liujiang River, and the current is very fast."

"The most important thing is that there are many whirlpools below. If you are not careful, you will be sucked into the whirlpool, and you will have a narrow escape!"

"Yes! Mr. Yang, if we want to find him, how can we find him?"

Liang Qian sneered, "Then where do you want to go?"

"Go back to seek death? Or wander outside?"

Liang Qian was not accustomed to seeing these people who were greedy for life and fearful of death and abandoned their master, and he was not polite in his words.

The man choked and said unwillingly: "We can go to Yunzhou first."

"Hey, if the young master is not here, what are you going to do in Yunzhou? Wait for the news of the young master's death, or wait for the superiors to send someone down?"

Yang Xu raised his eyes and asked, "Will love go away?"

After saying that, Yang Xu asked the old man: "How to go downstream?"

The old man sighed softly, "Why are you so stubborn?"

"Go straight down here, and you'll reach the lower reaches." Even so, the old man still pointed the way to Yang Xu.

Yang Xu nodded, turned around and walked in the direction pointed by the old man.

"Hey! Mr. Yang, wait for me!" Jin Quan carried the baggage and ran after Yang Xu in small steps.

Liang Qian also raised his feet and followed him.

One after another, more and more soldiers chose to follow Yang Xu, while a few still hesitated.

Seeing Yang Xu and others walking further and further away, some people hesitated: "Are we really not going to follow?"

"Following us for what? It's a waste of time." Liang Hanchong looked disdainful, "I really don't know what they were thinking, why they put so much effort into such a dead man."

"Then where are we going now?"

"Go to Yunzhou. After the news of his death is sent back, people will be sent down again later. Moreover, we have completed the mission."

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