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Chapter 515 Spices

Zhao Jin directly raised his hand and held it in his palm.

That's a paper ball.

Zhao Jin unhurriedly opened the ball of paper, and the ink stains inside fell into his eyes.

The leader of the secret guard couldn't see it and felt a little anxious.

After Zhao Jin read the paper ball, he burned it.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Jin approached the secret guard leader again and whispered: "Let's go, but I think you should have made a decision in your heart, right?"

"I'm sure you won't do the stupid thing of telling Zhao Gan about this, right?"

Regarding these words, the leader of the secret guard did not answer Zhao Jin. He stood up silently. His arms were completely useless, which meant that he could not put the arms back on his own.

Zhao Jin saw that the other party wanted to climb out of the window. With his current appearance, he was afraid that if he climbed out, the sound of falling would attract everyone's attention.

"Tsk", Zhao Jin grabbed one of the dark guard leader's arms, and with a "click" he pulled his right arm back.

The leader of the secret guard glanced at Zhao Jin, and without saying a word, used his right hand to install his left hand.

Then he climbed out of the window.

As soon as the leader of the secret guard left, he first cleaned up his embarrassed appearance.

Fortunately, Zhao Jin did not greet him in the face at that time, otherwise, this incident would not have been concealed no matter what.

Looking at the person in the bronze mirror, the leader of the secret guard stared at the mirror, curled his fingers slightly, and could see the struggle and hesitation in the eyes of the person in the mirror.

At this time, inside the emperor's palace.

There is a sachet next to Zhao Qian's pillow, and a faint fragrance emanates from it.

If there are knowledgeable and keen people around, they will find that this smell is exactly the same as the smell of the spices burned in Kunning Palace before.

When the sky was getting slightly brighter, a dark shadow took the lead and took away the sachet from the emperor's pillow.

Because Zhao Qian was still very weak and had not gone to the morning court, he came to call Zhao Qian only at the end of his life.

"His Majesty."

Shouquan stood beside the bed. The bed was covered by a bright yellow curtain. He suppressed his voice and called out again, "Your Majesty, it's already chen hour."

But inside the tent, there was no sound at all.

Shouquan had a bad premonition in his heart and raised his voice, "Your Majesty? It's already Chen hour."

There was still no reply from Shouguan.

Shouquan hesitated for a moment and then said, "Your Majesty, this old slave has offended me."

He took two steps forward and opened the bright yellow curtain. Zhao Qian on the bed closed his eyes tightly, and a scent of fragrance rushed into Shouquan's nose.

Shouguan didn't have time to explore where the fragrance came from, because Zhao Qian's eyes were closed tightly and his face was even a little blue.

"His Majesty!"

This sound shocked the palace people outside, but Zhao Qian still had no reaction.

The emperor's palace was once again in a state of chaos. People were coming in and out, looking flustered and anxious. Several imperial doctors came running over in a hurry.

Zhao Jin was listening to everyone's reports in the main hall at this time.

After the government affairs came to an end, someone asked carefully: "Your Highness, I wonder how your Majesty is doing now?"

Zhao Jin raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "After my father woke up, his energy improved a lot. After a few days of training, he should feel much better. There will be nothing serious."

As soon as these words came out, many courtiers in the court breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, at this moment, a guard strode in.

"What happened?" Zhao Jin asked, frowning.

"The news just came that His Majesty is unconscious."

Zhao Jin's face changed slightly, and he ignored the ministers with different expressions and strode out, "Go and have a look, retreat from the court!"

When Zhao Jin arrived at Zhao Qian's palace, there were four imperial doctors surrounding the dragon bed, two of whom had gray hair.

"I see His Highness the Crown Prince."

"No need to be polite." Zhao Jin's tone was a bit urgent, "How is your father?"

The four imperial doctors looked at each other, and finally a gray-haired old imperial doctor said tremblingly: "Your Majesty's current situation is not optimistic."

"We always thought that His Majesty was old and frail, but we just found out that His Majesty was poisoned."


"Yes." The old imperial doctor said bravely: "We checked what His Majesty has been using and eating recently, and found that the elixirs His Majesty has been taking are all made from tonics."

"There is no problem in taking the elixir alone, but if there is a medicine and a spice in it that conflict, it will cause the human body to become weaker and weaker, and even fall into a long-term coma."

"And on His Majesty's dragon bed, for some reason, the fragrance of this spice is particularly strong."

"Elixir? Tang Mei's elixir?"

Zhao Jin said this while looking at Shou Quan.

Shouquan nodded, "Yes."

"Where's Tang Mei? Have you sent anyone to capture him?"

"Commander Hua has already gone with the imperial army."

Zhao Jin took a deep breath and took a few steps closer to the dragon bed, "Do you have any ideas to detoxify this?"

"This poison is not difficult to cure. The main reason is that it is difficult to find. We have already formulated the antidote."

Hearing this, Zhao Jin pretended to be relieved, and then heard the slightly embarrassed words of the imperial doctor, "However, Your Majesty has been in this condition for a long time. Even if the poison is cured, it is already too late."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Jin's face darkened.

"In other words, even if the poison is detoxified, there is no telling when His Majesty will wake up."

Everyone fell silent.

Zhao Jin closed his eyes, "No matter what, I hope you will do your best."

Several imperial doctors responded quickly: "This is natural. Don't worry, Your Highness."

Before Zhao Jin could ask further, Hua Wenyan walked in carrying Tang Mei.

Literally carry.

Hua Wenyan directly grabbed Tang Mei by the back of his collar and lifted him up with one hand. Tang Mei, who used to be a fairy, shrank his neck, with a look of panic and fear on his face.


Hua Wenyan threw the person to the ground, then saluted Zhao Jin, "See you, Your Highness!"

"Get up."

Zhao Jin stared at Tang Mei with a very cold expression, "Tang Mei, murdering your majesty is a crime against the nine tribes."

"It's not me! It's not me!" Tang Mei denied it with all his strength, but unfortunately no one present believed him.

"Not you?" Zhao Jin sneered, "Didn't you give this elixir to your father?"

"Yes, but, but I really didn't know His Majesty would burn this kind of spice."

Shouquan suddenly said: "Your Majesty never uses this kind of spice."

"Then what happened to the fragrance in the imperial doctor's mouth this morning?"

"This fragrance is most intense on His Majesty's bed, especially the piece of fabric near the pillow. Someone must have put the fragrance on His Majesty's bed late at night."

Zhao Jin frowned, "Let's search Tang Mei's residence first."

"Yes!" Hua Wenyan took the order and went out.

An imperial doctor next to him whispered: "Your Highness, this kind of fragrance is extremely difficult to remove once it is contaminated."

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