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Chapter 89 The voice is completely hoarse

"Everyone, I am the governor of Yunzhou County, Zhao Jin!"

"A plague suddenly appeared, and everyone was panicked. I understand!"

"But now is a critical time in Yunzhou. I hope that everyone can work together to tide over the difficulties!"

"The government will do its best to help you. Only if everyone cooperates with the government can we defeat the plague with minimal losses!"

Zhao Jin's chest vibrated, his voice was loud, and every word was sonorous and powerful!

The vermilion official uniform is extremely conspicuous on the street and eye-catching.

The people were stunned for a moment, and then the confusion in their eyes dissipated.

Looking at Zhao Jin, he seemed to see his backbone.

Although there were gongs and drums, and Zhao Jin was as loud as possible, only the people in this area could hear it.

Zhao Jin took the trouble to walk through every street in Yunzhou City.

Repeated over and over again, everyone gradually calmed down.

Later, Zhao Jin's voice was completely hoarse, as if sand had been rubbed on paper, but the people became more and more silent.

The sounds of crying, whining, and even cursing became less and less frequent until they completely disappeared.

After walking through the entire Yunzhou City, Zhao Jin's throat was so sore that he was almost speechless.

"Sir, please drink some." Takeda went to the drug store to find someone to make a dose of throat soothing medicine.

Zhao Jin took the dark Chinese medicine and drank it in several sips.

The warm medicine slid down the throat, soothing the pain in the throat.

"Go back home." Zhao Jin moved his mouth, but almost no sound came out, just a little breath sound.

Along the way, Takeda rarely made a sound, and the group returned to the government office in almost silence.

It wasn't until he returned to the government office that Zhao Jin's voice recovered a little and he said with a smile, "Why is no one talking this time?"

Takeda had been holding it in for a while, and then he heard Zhao Jin's hoarse voice. He couldn't hold it in anymore and said in a low voice: "Sir, you'd better stop talking."

"This is really outrageous." Zhao Jin muttered, but did not argue with them.

Zhao Jin's reaction was extremely fast, and the people later cooperated extremely well with Qin Heng and others.

In just three hours, all the patients with typhoid fever in Yunzhou City were sent to the epidemic area.

Li Qing assisted Liang Qian in dealing with the Chinese medicine shop in the city, and quickly took control of all the medicinal materials in Yunzhou City.

After investigation, there are currently more than 500 people suffering from typhoid fever in Yunzhou City!

Zhao Jin closed his eyes. It was still confirmed that he had typhoid fever, and he didn't know how many people among them had been infected.

"All doctors have been placed in houses next to the epidemic area, and half of the doctors have now entered the epidemic area."

Liang Qian's voice was quite heavy. This was just the beginning. The amount was already so huge. If it continued to develop, Liang Qian could not even imagine it.

"If you don't want to enter, don't force it." Zhao Jin said in a hoarse voice.

"My subordinate understands."

"If you have any needs from the doctor, please feel free to ask. Treatment of the epidemic is the most important thing now, and we will try our best to satisfy you as much as possible."


Even though Zhao Jin and others had reacted very quickly and took effective measures immediately.

However, maybe too many people were infected before.

Especially during the Lantern Festival a few days ago, there were huge crowds.

In just a few days, the number of people suffering from typhoid fever surged to over a thousand.

Since the epidemic was discovered, Zhao Jin has slept almost only two or three hours a day while running around.

Every day, we need to not only appease the people's emotions, but also confirm that everyone has properly adopted epidemic prevention measures. We also need to find time to go to the doctor.

Zhao Jin remembered some modern Chinese medicines for treating typhoid fever, but some of them were not available and some had inconsistent names. Zhao Jin had to take time to identify them.

Within three days, a faint greenish-black color appeared in Zhao Jin's eyes.

He rubbed his brows and drank a cup of strong tea to refresh himself.

"Sir, please take a rest first." Jin Quan advised.

Takeda's eyes were also full of worry, "If this continues, I'm afraid your body will collapse before the epidemic is resolved."

Zhao Jin waved his hand and said, "We will rest later and go to the epidemic area first."

These days, he has been busy with epidemic prevention in the city and has not yet visited the epidemic area.

Zhao Jin stood up and looked up to see Jin Quan and Takeda still trying to persuade them. He smiled and said, "Okay, I can't sleep even if you sleep. It's just a waste of time."

Jin Quan took a breath and wanted to scold him, "Sleeping is a waste of time."

In the end, I still didn't dare, and instead I felt so tight that I felt uncomfortable in my chest.

In the end, the two of them still couldn't defeat Zhao Jin, so Takeda followed Zhao Jin to the epidemic area.

Zhao Jin first went to the epidemic area with the worst disease.

As soon as I entered, I was hit by the smell of medicine. Even if I covered myself with a face covering, I felt a little uncomfortable due to the smell of medicine.

There are too many people and too little time. The environment in the epidemic area can be said to be terrible.

Zhao Jin emphasized that the hygiene in the epidemic area is relatively good, and there is no dirt everywhere.

However, the entire epidemic area is basically a temporary wooden shed, which is simply fenced to block the wind.

Each house made of wooden sheds was filled with beds, so crowded that only a narrow corridor was left.

It was filled with people lying on it. They were so thin that they were almost inhuman form, and their faces were blue and white.

Since Zhao Jin came in, he has hardly heard the coughing stop, and many people even coughed until their palms were full of blood.


This is the first impression everyone gets when they come in.

Although he had been mentally prepared, Zhao Jin felt quite uncomfortable when he saw this scene.

The movement of Zhao Jin and his group coming in was not too small, and the patients just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Even if life is not guaranteed, who has the heart to care about the powerful?

"Sir." Liang Qian walked over quickly.

"How is the situation now?"

"It's basically under control. Except for the first two or three days, there has been no large-scale increase. It's just..."

Before Liang Qian finished speaking, there was no sound.

Zhao Jin added: "The condition is not under control yet?"

"Yes, the doctor has tried several medicines, but none of them have much effect. People die here every day."

This place is full of seriously ill patients. Entering here almost means stepping into the gate of hell.

Zhao Jin opened his mouth, wanting to improve the environment here and at least make their stay more comfortable.

But he knew very well that in this situation, he couldn't take it into consideration at all.

"No matter what happens, try your best to rescue and never give up on anyone."

In the epidemic area, there is very little open space left. Zhao Jin and others are standing in a narrow passage with patients on both sides.

Zhao Jin's voice was not loud, his voice had just recovered.

The patients on both sides heard Zhao Jin's words clearly.

"Sir, cough! Are you really, really not going to give up on us?"

Along with the slightly childish voice, Zhao Jin felt the clothes around his waist being pulled, but the strength was not strong.

Zhao Jin looked over and saw a teenage girl with blood on her pale lips.

However, it was stained red with blood, staining around the lips, making it look extremely dazzling.

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