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Chapter 1 Li Qingxian

The night rain has fallen, and the east is white.

The cool breeze of early summer penetrated the Shendu City and swept across Night Guard Street.

The Night Guard Yamen is surrounded by red walls, and the light black eaves at the top of the wall are curved and raised.

Bang...bang bang bang bang...

Inside the red wall, the sound of one slow and five fast beats could be heard.

Pedestrians who got up early heard the unique sound of the sixth night watch on Yewei Street, took a look from a distance, and hurried forward.


A gray sparrow started up, flapped its wings, walked around the bright blue brackets of the Night Guard Hall, pressed against the red lacquered pillars outside the main hall of Shendu, stretched out its straw-like legs, and landed on the green tiles of the street patrol house.

It shook, stretched out its pointed beak, and combed the feathers under its wings.

"Get up quickly, wash up early and go patrolling the streets..." A hoarse voice sounded in the No. 9 residence under the blue tiles.

The residence returns to silence.

"I'll treat you to mutton soup!" The hoarse voice became clearer.

"Oh, I didn't tell you earlier..."

The residence became lively.

"Li Qingxian, how are you? Can you patrol the streets today?" Zheng Hui's concerned voice sounded.

The noise stopped.

The windows covered with thick paper blocked most of the morning light, leaving the room in darkness.

There are five beds side by side, and there are only four people in the room.

The three people sat up and looked at the young man inside.

"Yes!" The young man yawned, replied lazily, and stood up slowly.

"Haha, that's good. Let's go out and wash up first, and then eat mutton soup together."

The three of them got dressed and left. Li Qingxian wore a white undershirt and walked slowly to the bronze mirror with his shoes on.

Li Qingxian looked at himself in the mirror.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he had just recovered from a serious illness. His face was pale and he looked more handsome than usual.

The eyes under the thin black eyebrows seemed to be shadowed and dull.

The straight nose was covered with sweat, and under the fluffy and light beard, the thin lips had no trace of blood.

On the left chin, a long and faint scar was faintly visible in the dim room.

Li Qingxian lowered his head and looked at his hands.

The palms have raised dark yellow calluses, and the palm prints are messy. Turn over, the back of the hands is white, and the blue blood vessels are clearly visible.

"Come, wash your face, I'll go outside and take a shower." Captain Zheng Hui placed the washbasin on the basin stand, patted Li Qingxian on the shoulder, and left in a hurry.

Li Qingxian washed his face, put on his clothes, put on his long knife, and walked to the bronze mirror again.

He was thin, his hair was messy, and he still looked like he was recovering from a serious illness.

He took off the bamboo hairpin, picked up the wooden comb, awkwardly combed his hair, twisted it, inserted the hairpin, coiled it, fixed it, and smoothed his clothes. He suddenly seemed like a different person.

In the bronze mirror, the pale face looks slightly handsome, the childish look between the eyebrows is still there, and the eyes are shining.

Wearing a round-neck dark cyan narrow-sleeved top and dark cyan short skirt covering black trousers.

The cuffs and the edge of the lower skirt are embroidered with red, blue and green brocade ribbons that are several inches wide.

She wears white socks and black boots, and carries a long and narrow Yanfei knife on her waist.

The word "night" is engraved on the black scabbard near the handle, and most of the red paint inside has fallen off.

The red rope of the black cloth belt hangs down, and the white jade pendant with deer and crane patterns at the end is gently swaying.

Li Qingxian held the handle of the long knife with his left hand, straightened his body and raised his chin, showing his extraordinary bravery.

A young man in green, armed with a sword.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Li Qingxian had a complicated expression on his face.

Li Qingxian is not from this world.

I originally lived in a world with tall buildings and other people's lives of luxury and wealth.

In that world, Li Qingxian lived a normal life like most people.

Go to school, take exams, and then... be single.

Watch TV shows, watch movies, play games, and then... be single.

When I became an adult, I left my parents, went to a big city to join a self-media company, and then remained single.

Later he died of illness.

The well-known doctor said it was just a minor illness and didn't need to be taken too seriously, but he couldn't get over it.

Before dying, Li Qingxian was very unwilling.

Maybe life is not meant to be cut off. As soon as you open your eyes, you come into this world and occupy another person's body.

The same sick person is also named Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian lay in the room for three days, slowly gaining memories of his new body, some clear and some vague.

This world is more magical than you can imagine.

This is the state of Qi. The founder of the state was originally the leader of the martial arts alliance, and he could dominate the world by himself.

In the Qi State, civil servants could cut off rivers with a single blow of their righteous swords, military officers could destroy cities with one punch, and even eunuchs could destroy mountains with one palm. There were also demons, puppets and other forces.

"I don't want to die again..."

In this kind of world, you can't be careless.

First find an opportunity to go out for a walk and observe the situation, then find a safe place and think of ways to practice and enhance your strength.

Thinking of this, a giant object similar to an armillary sphere appeared in Li Qingxian's mind.

Gray silver base intertwined with copper rings.

Li Qingxian's maternal grandfather was born in the "Mingming Sect", a small sect of fortune-teller, and left Li Qingxian the method of cultivation.

Li Qingxian was lucky enough to be a monk. He first obtained the mysterious destiny instrument, and then practiced the art of looking at the qi. However, he died within a few days.

Li Qingxian was thinking when the sound of footsteps approached.

"Feeling better?" Team leader Zheng Hui stood at the door.

"Much better, I'm getting ready to go out." Li Qingxian said.

"Okay!" A warm smile bloomed on Zheng Hui's dark face, and his eyes were full of joy.

Li Qingxian looked at the captain. He was a strong man in his forties, two heads taller than himself, with extremely broad shoulders. He was like a wall blocking the door. His skin was dark, and his left ear was missing.

Zheng Hui sighed, walked over, handed over a coarse porcelain water cup and said: "Drink a glass of water first. I met Dr. Sun on the way. He said that this illness is the root cause of the last illness."

His father Li Gangfeng passed away half a year ago, and Li Qingxian fell seriously ill.

"I understand too." Li Qingxian took the water glass, lowered his head and drank slowly.

"Mr. Gangfeng... Alas! Who would have hit the court pillars if he hadn't been forced to do so? This is the third prince who was deposed by Tai Ningnian. The previous generation, Tiankangnian, was so chaotic that only one prince was captured by the demon clan.


Li Qingxian continued to drink water, and some memories gradually became clearer.

Half a year ago, the prince, as the envoy of the night guard, was accused of plotting evil and causing chaos in the harem.

Although the evidence was insufficient, the officials were furious and demanded severe punishment.

As the supervisory censor, Li Gangfeng demanded evidence first, but Emperor Taining issued an order to imprison the prince without conclusive evidence.

Perhaps Li Gangfeng was filled with righteous indignation, restrained his literary spirit, and crashed his flesh and blood body into the red lacquered courtyard pillar holding the dragon, and died in the court.

"It's good now. Mr. Gang Feng has gone, and the prince also got angry and vomited blood, so he went with him. Half a year has passed, has the court changed for the better? Only the night guard is unlucky. I think the emperor was deceived by the traitor." Zheng Hui said silently.

sit down.

"Our night guards are so different from the past?" Li Qingxian asked.

Zheng Hui's eyes lit up, he straightened up and said: "Do you know what people called us Night Guard back then? A small cabinet! Supervising hundreds of officials, taking charge of martial arts sects, and dealing with monsters and monsters. That's a prestigious thing! But now... Alas, Night Guard

The main gate has not been opened for more than half a year, and the majestic red silk cavalry has not been seen for more than half a year. Your Majesty, the emperor is wise, but the treacherous minister is afraid of us night guards, what can we do?"

"Is it true that the Night Guard is abolished?"

"Speaking of this, I would also like to thank Mr. Gang Feng. Now everyone in the Night Guard remembers your kindness. It stands to reason that once the prince dies, the traitorous ministers will definitely force the emperor to abolish the Night Guard. But Mr. Gang Feng died after hitting a pillar.

Remonstration, the civil servants, especially the censors, are thinking of Mr. Li and put it aside for the time being so that the night guard can survive. Even so, the people of the night guard are constantly being transferred. There were originally five people in our house. Xiao Zhao left, and three of them can be left.

One would be pretty good.”

Li Qingxian sighed.

Zheng Hui slapped his forehead and said, "I'm confused again. I tried to advise you, but ended up complaining on my own."

"We are all members of our own family, so it is normal to complain a few words." Li Qingxian smiled gently.

"Who says it's not the case! By the way, how are you doing at home? There's no relationship between your aunt and uncle, right?"

"My aunt's family has been living next to mine for more than ten years, and we have always had a good relationship," Li Qingxian said.

"Okay, it's good to have family to take care of you. If you need help with anything at home in the future, just call me. By the way, are you still studying fortune-telling?" Zheng Hui smiled narrowly.

"I won't talk to you about this. Every time I say I want to be a fortune teller, you make fun of me." Li Qingxian looked helpless.

"Haha, let's not talk about it then. Don't be brave. If it doesn't work, just lie down for a few more days and then go patrolling the streets with me when you feel better." Zheng Hui said and stood up.

Li Qingxian raised his eyebrows and said, "Who do you look down on, Captain Zheng? Am I, Li Qingxian, a lying person?"

Zheng Hui smiled and scolded: "You bastard, you are just as naughty as when we first met. I still remember how you looked at that time. You pretended to be a scholar and frightened us into a daze."

"I am really a scholar." Li Qingxian looked serious.

"Bah!" Zheng Hui scolded with a smile, "What can be hidden in the night guard? Later I checked and found out that you kid has been wild on the streets for I don't know how many years. You waited for Mr. Li to return to Beijing before you honestly entered the academy. The result

Fortunately, the article on the classics and meanings was a mess. In the end, Mr. Li was so angry that he had to let you switch to martial arts. After checking your qualifications, the big family refused to accept you, and you practiced in a small martial arts hall for half a year without improvement. Mr. Li sent you to practice martial arts again, and your qualifications were up to standard.

You don't meet the minimum requirements of any sect. Your father is a Confucian orthodox, so he can't send you to cultivate evil demons, and he doesn't like you to cultivate life skills. In the end, there is no other way, so you find someone to arrange for you to join the Night Guard. Still with me

Are you pretending to be a scholar? Come on, write a few words and have a look. Your handwriting is as good as mine."

Li Qingxian chuckled, his face not red, his heart not beating, and he said: "The rules on the street are that bragging is not against the law, but it can build up courage."

"Let's go, Li DaDa, for a walk in the yard." Zheng Hui said with a smile.

Li Qingxian nodded, crossed the threshold, and walked into the courtyard.

The morning light shines, the sky is blue, and the air in the yard surrounded by green trees is fresh.

The khaki hard ground is spread out in the courtyard. There are ten residences on the north and south sides of the courtyard, with a gate on the east.

Stone locks, stone poles, long sticks and other objects were scattered on the west side, and six or seven people were shouting, drinking, and beating themselves up.

There was a crash at the mouth of the well surrounded by white stones. A man raised the barrel and turned it over. Cold water poured down on him. With a wave of his hand, the barrel fell into the well with a hollow sound.

Four or five people were gathering together nearby, wiping themselves with towels and talking and laughing.

There were also people dressed neatly and standing at the entrance of the courtyard chatting.

Li Qingxian turned his head and glanced at the captain Zheng Hui.

His clothes are completely different from mine.

His own clothes were only embroidered with brocade patterns that were a few inches wide on the edges. Zheng Hui's official uniform was entirely covered with brocade, with a branch pattern on a green background, which was particularly eye-catching among the dark green clothes.

The square patch on the chest is embroidered with a pattern of a white horse treading a river.

From the tenth rank military officer Buzi.

Zheng Hui put his right hand on the leather belt around his waist and said: "Qingxian, if you patrol the streets today, follow me honestly. Even if something big happens, you are not allowed to do anything like last time. Do you hear me?"


Li Qingxian reached out and touched the light white scar on the left side of his chin, and said with a smile: "Okay, this time I will listen to Captain Zheng."

"Li Qingxian was a real tiger last time," Yu Ping, who was tall, fair and chubby, said, throwing an orange over and wiping his mouth while saying, "In order to replenish your body, I will sacrifice this handsome face to win from the king."

The chef asked for it. There were two of them, but the cat took one away on the way."

"Thanks, brother." Li Qingxian took it with a smile, the oranges were bright and bright under the morning light.

This chapter has been completed!
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