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Chapter 1003 Grass Team

In just a few days, the story of the murder of Li Qingxian, the anti-demon martyr, spread like wildfire all over the world.

In teahouses and restaurants, in the streets and alleys, and under the old locust trees, countless people discussed how the treacherous minister Jie Linfu forced Du Bo away, leaving Li Qingxian alone to defend the empty city. Unexpectedly, all the heroes returned to defend Taigu City together.

Later, Li Qingxian shared the super-grade skills in return for heroes from all walks of life.

Anyone who guards the river can practice it.

Under the instigation of some people intentionally or unintentionally, some slogans in vernacular that everyone can understand have been spread one after another.

"His father Gang Feng died to remonstrate, how could his son Qing Xian be harmed again?"

"Go north to Taigu City and help Gang Fengzi!"

"Good man, go north to guard the river and wrap your body in horse leather!"

"Join Taigu City and learn super-grade magical skills!"

"Three years of guarding the river, gambling on a magical skill!"

"Qiyuan City, Taigu City, free teaching of magic skills!"

Slowly, various strange slogans spread everywhere.

By the time local governments wanted to take control, they found it was already too late, and the rumors were getting more and more exaggerated. The government made a few statements and didn't bother to pay attention.

The human race and the demon race have been fighting for so many years, and the people everywhere have long been exhausted.

However, the super-grade skills are like a flame in the night, making some restless people think.

Slowly, people from all over the country went to Taigu City or Qiyuan City.

Like Taigu City, various sects in Qiyuan City have begun to expand their recruitment for the first time, with a target of 100,000.

Relevant information flew like snowflakes to the communication trays of various officials in the imperial court.

All major official forces also fell into a strange but tacit silence.

In the end what happened?

Are the exercises real or fake?

Why did all the people who tried to conduct disguised explorations die without leaving any survivors?

What does the above mean?

What's Zhao Yishan's attitude?

The strange thing is that there is no ginseng from the imperial censor.

Is it Li Qingxian's own behavior, or is it the work of the hidden sect behind him?

Or is it that the major forces are secretly joining forces, and even Zhao Yishan is among them?

Otherwise, why did his favorite disciple Xu Baihe suddenly go to Qiyuan City to teach at Qiming Academy? After that, various sects in Qiyuan City expanded their enrollment. Who dares to say that it has nothing to do with Zhao Yishan?

What is the fight going on above?

Who is the mastermind behind Li Qingxian?

The matter about Li Qingxian and the magical skills has been lingering in everyone's mind because there is no conclusion.

For all officials, it is not just Li Qingxian's matter, even if large-scale cultivation will have unforeseen effects in the future, the most urgent matter is.

The war in the south was raging, and the imperial court mobilized all available troops, but it fell into a huge quagmire that could not be solved.

However, the relevant major forces are like leeches attached to this war and the court, sucking the sweet blood crazily. Through this war, a large number of accounts in the past have been wiped out, and countless new businesses are rolling in.

Everyone knows it, but no one can do anything about the huge interest group formed by the complex of major forces.

It is like a giant gluttonous beast, opening its big mouth and devouring the lives, resources, wealth and future of Qi and the southern countries.

Some of these ill-gotten gains flowed into the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce and into the research and development of mechanism techniques under the manipulation of an invisible little hand. They were converted into real gold and silver materials and sent to the army along the river.

The struggle of monks in various places never stopped, and the imperial court had to disperse its combat power everywhere.

The overt and covert fights between various forces continue. Every day, countless people die in revenge, pursuit, war, demon elimination and other battles.

Wen Xiu wanted to unify the country and eradicate evil spirits.

The evil spirits are constantly accumulating strength to fight, and the fear in their bones makes them plunder promotion resources at all costs to prevent being slaughtered by the righteous way.

Compared with these urgent needs that can shake the country's foundation, Li Qingxian's threat is like a small chill.

If the imperial court really had the ability to cure diseases with medicine and prevent them from happening before they happened, the small cold weather in the past would not have brewed into waves of urgent crises that shook the country.

On the surface, the world will always be a grassroots team.

Deep down, those with the most power are using their past experiences to deal with the new world.

After being promoted to the third level, Li Qingxian relied on his fortune-telling skills and knowledge to make deductions, no longer hiding things, and decisively expanded his power.

With the mountains standing in front of me, it is impossible for all the black hands to fall on me.

They will follow inertia and solve the most urgent problems first, but not the most important ones.

General Wang, Zhao Yishan, the southern countries, the major Ming sects, Beilvlin, Wenxiu...the mountains blocked their gaze.

It was a bit hasty, but this is the best result derived from the deduction.

The plaque of Du Mansion was removed and changed to Li Mansion.

In the practice ground in the backyard, the Feikong Pavilion was established.

In Feikong Pavilion, Li Qingxian sat beside the peach saplings and practiced.


Wisps of thunder light spurted out.


The spiritual energy outside turned into white mist and flew into the nasal cavity.

The huge roar was endless, as if thunder was flashing in the sky.

This breathing method derived from the "Thunder Jade Sutra" is far more powerful than human methods.

After completing the practice, Li Qingxian felt blessed in his soul and entered the spiritual altar.

In the spiritual platform, three plump and billowing white flowers were suspended above the heads of the three phases of Emperor of Life, Thunder and Stars.

One of the white flowers has solidified from the void, like a white jade with a built-in light, and also like a tender lotus root, fragrant and attractive.

Li Qingxian looked at the Ming Emperor Prime Minister, the Thunder Prime Minister and the Star Dou Prime Minister again, and was silent for a long time.

It stands to reason that such powerful dharma phenomena, which are intertwined with the principles of heaven and earth, should be majestic treasures and terrifying to the world.

However, there were three fat men sitting in front of me.

All of them are white, fat and round, like three fat boys wearing adult clothes.

Now it seems that the demon god's body looks like a real demon god.

Later, Li Qingxian entered the Ming Mansion and looked at the golden light in the sky of the Ming Mansion, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Ever since he was stationed in Taigu City during the First Battle of Xincheng, his small shabby house has been shrouded in golden light for no reason. This feeling...

It's a bit like Ye Han's Ming Mansion.

Li Qingxian also made deductions, but was interfered by huge forces and could not determine all the sources.

The only thing that can be determined is that for unknown reasons, the heaven and earth here have been receiving great fortunes one after another.

Some Li Qingxian can deduce it.

For example, if you monopolize Taigu City and defend the city for the human race, it is natural that the people will like it, the world will favor it, and it is normal for you to get good luck.

In addition, he spreads martial arts and strengthens the whole clan, and all of them are methods from outside the world, which is equivalent to introducing the power from outside the world into this world, which is also a great merit.

Then use the money that was originally buried in the cellar by the major forces and invest it in the constantly improving technology center to drive the great development of the entire human race.

For example, funding the river guarding army or refining the Death Demon Land will increase one's luck.

But there is still a large part of luck that comes inexplicably, and it is getting more and more.

After a little deduction, I can vaguely conclude that my increased luck now is no less than that of Lu Han. If this trend continues, in at most three years, my total luck will definitely surpass him.

Li Qingxian squinted at his Ming Mansion and felt the power of his Ming Mansion increasing by leaps and bounds.

"This level is fast, but it needs to be faster..."

This chapter has been completed!
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