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Chapter 1006 Performance Cooperation

On the day Xiangrui appeared, Li Qingxian's confession was submitted to the cabinet via Night Guard.

Every word in the book is full of tears, and every sentence is extremely sad.

It is clearly written on it that Li Qingxian, the son of Gang Feng, was innocent all his life, but he was harmed by a traitor. He was pressing on him step by step. In order to protect himself and fight for a chance of survival, he took this trick.

Li Qingxian couldn't even understand why he, an honest son of a literary cultivator and a powerless soldier of the night guard, was forced to live in exile in the river and be plotted against him?

How could He De be surrounded and killed by a hundred thousand demon army?

Finally, Li Qingxian declared that every person, every needle, and every thread in Taigu City belongs to Qi State and the Emperor. As long as the Emperor wants to take it, Li Qingxian will thank the Emperor for his kindness and wear official uniforms.

, and return them together.

I only hope that, seeing that the Li family is full of loyal people, this injustice can be washed away.

This apology letter quickly spread throughout the world.

Many people are still wondering, why did you, Li Qingxian, take the initiative to hand over power before the higher-ups took action?

The court officials shook their heads. Back then, if Gang Feng had been as shameless as Li Qingxian, he wouldn't have fought in court.

Yes, this is Li Qingxian's confession and his willingness to hand over power, but the question is, what will the court take in return?

Who can command an army of more than 100,000 people who all practice Li Qingxian's skills?

If something goes wrong and Taigu City is taken away, who will bear the responsibility?

Even if you want to take responsibility, the best outcome is that the worst outcome is to be killed by the rebel army and then framed by the demon clan.

Add in the "Notes of Listening to the Holy Interpretation" and the auspicious coming out of Taigu, and these three things come together, then Li Qingxian's intention becomes obvious.

Li Qingxian is loyal and loyal, but the traitorous officials who harmed others forced him to this point. He does not want to support his troops and respect himself, he is just protecting himself.

As to whether it is true or false, God knows.

No matter what, Li Qingxian's attitude showed up, which is more important than anything else.

For the imperial court, one more Li Qingxian is not much, and one less Li Qingxian is not much. There are too many people in various places who are dissatisfied with Wang Hua.

Among all the dignitaries present, including those of first and second grade, how many of you have your heart set on the royal family?

There was only one Li Qingxian who showed his loyalty in a big way.

that's enough.

The imperial court forced Li Qingxian to be like that, fighting against the demon alone, what else could he do?

No wonder the gossip spread. As soon as the "Notes on Listening to the Holy Interpretation" came out, Emperor Taining sighed and praised: "This heart is as loyal as his father."

Sure enough, the day after the apology letter was issued, Emperor Taining issued a decree to reward Li Qingxian, recognizing Li Qingxian's loyalty and appeasing him.

However, no official title was given to him at all, and he was only given the title of Shaobao, a useless prince.

When everyone saw the reward, they all understood it.

Now that Li Qingxian started to perform, Emperor Taining cooperated in public.

No matter what happens in the future, both sides have left each other with dignity now. As long as there are no accidents, there will be no conflict between the two sides in the short term.

When a great trend takes shape, it needs to recharge its batteries.

There is no need to bother someone who is only guarding the country in one city.

This time both sides kept their dignity and will discuss it next time.

He was punished for murder and arson.

At present, it seems that Li Qingxian's intention is very obvious. His superficial appeal is to solve the problem of those who harmed him, but it is not clear whether his inner appeal is to raise prices on the ground.

At least for some time in the future, Taigu City will not threaten the foundation of the imperial court.

For the imperial court, being harmonious on the surface but at odds privately was more important than anything else.

Therefore, the high officials in the DPRK made a unified judgment on Li Qingxian. A young Chen Yingyang, who suffered a little grievance, would change his behavior in a few years.

Lu Han put back the communication talisman plate, his face sinking like water.

Li Qingxian's move resolved most crises.

Now, as long as Emperor Taining does not make announcements, Li Qingxian will always listen to announcements.

Since Li Qingxian is still a minister of the imperial court, the many tricks used by Nei Chang and Xie Lin Fu can only be stopped for a while.

If anything goes wrong, it's impossible to hit Li Qingxian.

He thought for a moment, then looked back at the gate of Songshan Sect.

Although the Songshan sect is a major Tianzhu sect, it has been in decline for a long time. It has not produced a super grade for many years. Only the leader Shen Manguang supports the sect. Although it is a first grade, it is about to die.

He worked hard and promised various benefits, and finally persuaded Shen Manguang.

You don't need to do much, you just need to lurk secretly when you are surrounded by monsters in Taigu City, attack Li Qingxian with a sword, and then leave immediately without any risk.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, the inner factory will support the Songshan sect, not only to ensure that the Songshan sect will not be annexed by other sects, but also to help revive the Songshan sect.

Lu Han breathed a sigh of relief.

A first-level human sneak attack is completely different from a second-level Tiger King sneak attack.

The five major and three major monsters of the demon clan were bound to be exposed in advance, which led Li Qingxian to be prepared.

But the sneak attack of Dangtang Yipin Shen was terrifying.

In particular, Shen Manguang is the head of the Tianzhu Sect. He has rich combat experience in his life and has learned super-grade skills and swordsmanship. Not to mention Li Qingxian, who is only a third-grade master, even a first-grade master may be killed if he is not careful. Man Guang killed with one sword.

"Li Qingxian, Li Qingxian, your steps seem to be erratic, but in fact they are steady. I can't wait any longer... And Duan Tianji, you can't let the Demon Suppressing Tower succeed. I have to find a way to seize the Demon Suppressing Tower. …”

In Taigu City.

Li Qingxian prepared step by step.

With the influx of armies, the new army in Taigu City was unified and renamed Taigu Army.

Because too many people have been absorbed, the main force of the Taigu Army has exceeded 250,000, and this number is still growing.

However, in order to reduce the fear of all parties, one hundred thousand elite troops were forcibly converted into auxiliary troops. In this way, the Taigu Army only had 150,000 elite troops on the surface, with more than 100,000 auxiliary troops, and more than 100,000 civilians.

Practice the "God of War Complete Gong" as much as possible.

This snowball is getting bigger and bigger. Li Qingxian himself can't deduce what will happen in the future, but in order to break the situation, this is the best way.

In the morning, Li Qingxian discussed military affairs with the generals of various armies and invited experienced generals of the river guarding army for advice.

In the afternoon, Li Qingxian went to the mechanism workshop where the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce cooperates with the underworld forces. This is the most important location in Taigu City in the future.

In the evening, Li Qingxian read military documents and external intelligence, focusing on the number of people who have entered the ranks after practicing "God of War Complete Gong".

After that, he first practiced the "Thunder Jade Sutra" and then entered the Tiansui Academy to continue practicing the power and fate technique.

In Tiansui Academy, Li Qingxian not only created ordinary situations, but also created various general situations that he learned later.

They are scattered all over the mountain peak where Tiansui Academy is located, more and more.

As Li Qingxian made rapid progress, Xiao Shenfeng and Chen Xingping also improved at an incredible speed.

On the fifth day after entering Taigu City, the Mirror Demon Queen came to Taigu City as the elder of the Gods and Demons Alliance.

Since then, Taigu City has had a first-grade monk with a bright face sitting in charge.

With huge resources and early preparations, Taigu City is constantly expanding like a ball.

At the same time, Qiyuan City is not idle, and is constantly using super-grade skills to train people from all over the country.

The literary cultivators of Qiming Academy were shocked by such a large number of martial arts and Taoist cultivators, and occasionally complained that Li Qingxian was clearly the son of a literary cultivator, so why didn't he help the literary cultivator.

Within a few days, two unsigned poetry collections, "Hongdou Collection" and "Shouhe Xingxing", spread all over the world like lightning.

This chapter has been completed!
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