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Chapter 1007 Collection of Poems

Jiangzhou, Gusu City.

Not long after the Shuxiang Tea House opened its doors, waves of scholars poured in, and it wasn't long before the place was full.

Some scholars who had no seats were standing by the window or at the table, and everyone was talking loudly.

Everyone here holds at least two books in their hands.

A book called "Red Bean Collection" and a book called "Shouhe Xing Xing".

Some even held a stack of them.

"I said, Lao Niu, you just buy books when you buy them, hold a bunch of them, and sell them instead?"

Everyone laughed.

The scholar surnamed Niu put a stack of books on the table, smiled and said: "One edition of "Hongdou Collection" and "Shouhe Xing" will cost up to twenty years, no, up to ten years, and the price will be increased ten times! Back then, No one paid attention to Zhao Shoufu's "Collection of Gengniu", but later there were thousands of copies, which is amazing."

"You guys, they didn't know the goods before, and they sold them in one place, and sold a few hundred copies in total. The Wanhe Chamber of Commerce spent a lot of money on promotion of "Red Beans Collection" and "Shouhe Xing", and they didn't know how many hundreds of copies they sold. There are thousands of them. It’s just that propaganda banner. I shook my head just looking at it.”

"Yes, the slogans written in the advertisement are really cool. They say 'the most affectionate person in the world', 'the chief prodigal son in love', and 'I am the most romantic person in the world'. They are so vulgar, if it weren't for the beautiful song at the beginning. "Hongdou Ci" was so shocking that I didn't even look at it."

"If we don't say that Wanhe Chamber of Commerce is great, we only talk about "Hongdou Collection" and not "Shouhe Xingxing". However, the two books are sold together, not just one. When I opened it casually, I was astonished. It was even better than "Hongdou Ci". .”

"As a result, we scholars had to discuss it and naturally made a second wave of advertisements for it."

"But who is the author? It's strange that there is no name."

"The "Collection of Red Beans" begins with a gift to Concubine Jiang You, and then goes, 'Red beans grow in the southern country, and when spring comes, I will send out a few branches. I hope you will pick more of them. This thing is the most lovesick.' Such a sincere confession can only be made by Li Qingxian. Dare to do it. The whole book is full of love poems, each one is above the standard, no, each one is the best in the world. I read it as a man, and I kept thinking, who would write such a volume of poetry for me, no matter whether the person is a man or a woman, Even if it’s a monster, I’ll obey.”


"What do you guys think of Fairy Qingcheng's expression when she gets this book?"

"You must be furious first, and then the little deer bumps into each other."

"Maybe he came to the door with a sword, and then... simply followed Li Qingxian."

"You guys are really a disgrace! I can't see through the intentions of Marquis Qiyuan at all. On the surface, he is selling "The Collection of Red Beans", but in fact, the focus is on "A Journey to Guard the River". At the beginning, he gives it to the river guarding army. The first poem is "One Body" Fighting for three thousand miles, one sword once equaled the strength of a million soldiers. His aura was so powerful that it was ready to burst out of paper and frighten people."

"They use love poems as a gimmick, but they are actually selling war poems. The opening chapter is "Ode to the Great General King", and the praise is so passionate and heroic that who can't read it without being amazed?"

"Li Qingxian is really...a man who knows nothing about Confucian classics, but whose poetic talent is unparalleled in the world."

"Fortunately, he is like this. If he is good at everything and still comes to study literature, is there any way for us to survive?"

“In one of the articles, ‘To count the famous figures, look at the current situation’, the image of an emperor comes to my face.”

"There is also the poem 'The right path in the world is subject to vicissitudes of life', which is also a poem with the spirit of an emperor."

"A few days ago we were complaining that Marquis Qiyuan was partial and only helped martial arts cultivators and Dao cultivators. Unexpectedly, within a few days, a whole volume of frontier fortress poems was thrown down. There were so many that I didn't even know how to change the poems."

"So the Marquis of Qiyuan is really a strange man, he enjoys all kinds of things... This volume has one hundred poems, all of which are excellent. It won't take long for him to be famous all over the world."

"Not only is he famous all over the world, but from then on, the system of war poetry in human literature was completely different from sticks to knives."

"Yes, especially those high-ranking scholars, their war poems may be frighteningly powerful. After all, there are too few good poems, so the types and power of war poems that can be carried are limited."

"By the way, Zhao Shoufu gave Li Qingxian a righteousness sword seed before. Once these poems are spread, they will definitely warm up his righteousness sword seed. If it is so widely circulated, it will take at most three years, and he will probably develop the best righteousness in ancient and modern times.

Sword species."

"Really, how many war poems could have been spread all over the world by those who had the righteous sword species, even if they were great scholars?"

"It would be better for Li Qingxian. Once he publishes a hundred articles, he will publish another hundred articles in a few days. From now on, all the editors will point to him for dinner."

"Come on, let's stop talking nonsense and start studying and revising the poems."

"You are talking about the song 'One year old is wiped out in the sound of firecrackers, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu'. Can it be changed to, 'One year old is wiped out in the sound of screams, and the spring thunder sends death to the devil's tomb'?"

"You are too direct, be more tactful..."

Sucheng is far away from Gusu City in the south of the Yangtze River.

The yellow sand is diffuse and there are many mud houses.

Because it is an important trade route node, Sucheng still has many people coming and going.

In the dark basement, the magic circle was opened to block the outside world.

More than ten people in black clothes sat around and talked in low voices.

"Li Qingxian's hand is stretched too long."

"Two, two whole Death Demon Lands disappeared. I was so shocked that I couldn't sleep for three days in a row."

"If this continues, the major sects will definitely be ready to prepare for the next war to eliminate demons."

"Zhang Wentong, that old guy, is intoxicated with power and wants to be the leader of the Demon Alliance. He has a big dream of unifying the Demon Sect. We can't be stupid. The Demon Sect must look like a Demon Sect!"

"Yes, the disappearance of the Death Demon Land has been a fatal blow to our Demon Sect. If we don't do something, even if we establish a Demon Alliance, it will be nothing but a big deal."

"Ganzhou is a feudal state of the underworld. Once Sucheng is turned into a land of death, the blow to Li Qingxian and Wanhe Chamber of Commerce will be huge."

"But, will we be discovered by that old guy in the city?"

"Sun Rongzhu resigned from office for many years and was barely promoted to the second rank. His life span is haggard and his life is not long. There is no need to worry."

"What's more, once we succeed in demonizing this place, even if he discovers it and takes action to purify it, it will only be counterproductive and will accelerate the growth of the demonic place."

"That's right, that old guy hurt me back then, so I was never allowed to enter the second level. If I don't avenge this revenge, I swear I won't be a human being!"

A total of seven third-grade people and many fourth-grade people gathered together and began to discuss demonizing Su City.

In a private courtyard more than a dozen streets away from the underground magic chamber, an old man threw aside "The Collection of Red Beans" and held "Walking on the River" in both hands, pondering over it over and over again, murmuring from time to time.

"Not bad……"

"The word 'wear' is used wonderfully..."

"Tsk tsk, the whole city is covered with golden armor, a typical anti-poetry that only true heroes dare to write..."

"Thirty years of fame and dust, eight thousand miles of clouds and moons... When the General Wang sees it, I'm afraid he will shed tears..."

The old man is a second-grade scholar and has a photographic memory. He only glances at a page, and the skills, charm, artistic conception, etc. contained in the entire poem are quickly clear to his eyes.

But even so, the old man still read eagerly, over and over again, sometimes slapping the table, sometimes praising it repeatedly, sometimes lowering his head and wiping tears gently.

Until nightfall, Sun Rongzhu could no longer hold himself back.

This chapter has been completed!
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