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Chapter 1013 Five Hundred Thousand


"Turn on the stove..."

The huge mechanism started, and red molten iron flowed out.

Under the action of various agencies, pieces of steel were sent everywhere.

The large forging mechanism keeps roaring and hammering.

The small mechanisms and bone puppets are like hard labor, forged day and night.

The steel in the ironmaking workshop is then inspected, and the finished product enters the armor workshop to be made into pieces of fan-shaped fish scale armor.

Every ten thousand pieces of scale armor are put together and sent into the refining furnace. Under the refining of the refining master, they are made into a thin fish scale armor.

Pieces of fish scale armor are stacked together, and ten thousand pieces are one layer, a total of one hundred and eight layers. This is the most basic armor of all peoples.

Now, the total number of Wanminjia produced by workshops in various places has exceeded 10,000 layers.

These steels and resources cannot be completed by humans alone. A large number of puppet cultivators came from the underworld to create mechanisms in the human world to help refine them.

Many top graders from the Taoist weapon refining sect gathered together to endlessly refine the armor of all peoples.

Occasionally, people ask them why they are so hardworking. Is it patriotism? Is it because they have great ambitions? Is it because they are dedicated to the people?

No, it was because Li Qingxian gave too much.

For Li Qingxian, everything is worth it if he can use resources to create a super-grade magic weapon.

What's more, Wanminjia is known as the first in protection. Once deployed, one armor can withstand a million troops.

To the west of Xianwang City.

Ox carts were slowly sent into the Demon Suppression Tower one after another.

Most of the demon corpses obtained from the battle with King Xiang's army were filled into the demon refining furnace, turned into pure power, and injected into the demon suppressing tower.

Groups of living monsters were taken into the dungeon.

Duan Tianji and Liu Feijiu walked into the dungeon and entered.

The transformation of heaven and earth is not a dark and stinking sky, but a vast and boundless prairie.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters are inside, thriving and reproducing.

A large number of monsters have dull eyes and are making mechanical forward and backward movements just to give birth to more offspring as soon as possible.

Countless little demons live a carefree life on the grassland, with no war, no hunger, and no worries. From birth to death, they are all under the plan of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Liu Feijiu told the story as he walked.

"Over the years, after repeated trials, the demon dungeon has finally taken shape... They will experience everything a normal demon clan does here, such as eating, sleeping, practicing, getting married, and having children... and the demon suppressing tower will continuously absorb their power.

And retain the best demon clan, just like seed selection, to ensure that these demon clan continue to become stronger... Once the number of demon clan exceeds one million, the entire demon suppressing tower will advance to the next level. After that, tens of millions, billions...

Every monster born here is branded to be loyal to the owner of the Demon Suppression Tower, not to the monster clan... Theoretically, a fully mature Demon Suppression Tower no longer needs to absorb the power of the dungeon monsters, because it can already be born inside.

A super-class demon clan..."

"The Demon Suppression Tower must not fall into the wrong hands, otherwise the human race will never have peace..."

Duan Tianji said: "Look at Li Qingxian, isn't he pretty?"

"It's good. The younger generation is at the top. Let's look at it again, but there isn't much time left for him. It's a pity..."

"What did Master Poison tell you?"

"You will know by then that a generation of heroes was born at the wrong time..."

The northern wall of Taigu City.

All military generals stood at the top of the city, following Li Qingxian to watch the construction.

Taigu City has experienced numerous ups and downs. The city walls have been torn down and rebuilt countless times.

But now, a large number of top-grade cultivators have taken action to strengthen the city walls and build the city head into a square on all sides.

Many soldiers sighed in their hearts, it is good to have money. The city defense of Taigu City has surpassed that of Xianwang City and is equivalent to a smaller Champion City.

As long as the demon clan has any brains, they will not attack Taigu City.

It's a pity that the demon clan has no brains.


A seventh-grade captain ran up the city wall.

All the generals got out of the way one after another and waited for the emergency enemy situation.

Li Qingxian had already received rough news with the messenger plate, so he brought all the generals to the city.

Afterwards, Li Qingxian received the detailed information and read it carefully.

"The demon army has crossed the river from the north bank. As before, the river demon escorts us, leaving no opportunity for the navy to take advantage of it." Li Qingxian said.

The generals raised their heads and looked into the distance.

Outside Taigu City, there is a plain intertwined with loess and green grass, and beyond that, there is a bright river.

Under the noon sun, the waves of the river are sparkling, just like the sea, which makes people feel at ease.

At the end of the other side of the river, a huge black shadow was faintly visible, slowly squirming.

Only those with excellent eyesight can see that the river on the other side is surging. Under the influence of the water tribe's magic power, the river is like a big ship, carrying a large number of monsters, slowly heading south.

In the sky, flocks of birds took off and hovered over the demon tribe crossing the river.

The three armies of land, water, and air attacked simultaneously, and even the river defenders had no interest in blocking them.

Chai Qingtang sighed and said: "It's a pity that the water demon is too strong, otherwise we would have been able to just watch it while we were half-crossing and attacking it."

"It just looks good. Take a look at the old cities along the river. Apart from Xianwang City, there are no cities built on the riverside. Anyone who experienced river flooding in the past knows that cities should not be built on the riverside."

"To deal with the water monster, we can only rely on Wan Min Jia."

"How do you think the demon clan will attack?" Li Qingxian asked.

Lu Wenhua said: "If it is an ordinary demon clan, it will only use brute force to attack the city, which will play into our hands. But the champion king will never be like this. He will definitely fight steadily as in the past. He has always been like this. What's more, the Eagle King Army

It’s different. Every time we attack, our army will be defeated. They only need to bring rocks and throw them away, which is enough for ordinary people to be helpless."

"Fortunately, our city, Taigu, is not what it used to be. We have magic formations and an army of divine archers, otherwise we would be helpless."

"There are quite a lot of demon troops this time."

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "Fifty thousand."

"No, then their logistics... seem to use huge space treasures." Lu Wenhua said.

The generals looked at each other and remained silent.

Something is wrong.

"The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it with soil. It doesn't matter," Li Qingxian said.

"Well, they didn't ask me to ask, Lord Marquis, will your life skills be used in the battle?" He Bao asked.

Li Qingxian said: "Of course."

"That's good. Those great life magicians rarely take action unless it's an emergency. But once they do, the opponent's ordinary monsters will be unlucky and can only rely on the totem pole to use their lifespan to fight life magic. As long as you use

If you have fortune-telling skills, then we can rest assured." He Bao laughed.

Chai Qingtang said: "Master Li Hou's life skills are our biggest bargaining chip in Qiyuan City. However, they are likely to send many wizards to use treasures or demon lives to dispel the life skills."

"It doesn't matter, there are some life spells that they can't dispel." Li Qingxian said.

Everyone smiled and nodded. With these words, they felt more at ease.

This chapter has been completed!
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