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Chapter 1025 A hundred times

Chen Gonglu did not speak.

A general of the river guarding army said: "That is because you have endless wealth and have super-class skills."

Li Qingxian asked: "Is the necessary condition for sharing Kung Fu to the world that the Kung Fu must be above the highest level?"

The general was speechless.

Chen Gonglu sighed: "I remember you once said that only by uniting all the forces that can be united can we defeat the demon clan and prevent the human race from sinking. But the reality is that a few people not only fail to unite everyone, but are dividing the human race and dragging it down.


"I'm just doing normal things that a normal person should do. I'm the one who manages this world and distorts the normal and the abnormal. That's why you think what I do is weird. Let's just imagine, without me, there would be no super-class

The above techniques do not have these mechanisms, but half of the world... no, only one-fifth of the top-level people are doing similar things. Do you think that the Great Qi Kingdom will be riddled with holes like this?

"?" Li Qingxian asked.

The generals were silent.

Chen Gonglu nodded and said, "I understand."

Li Qingxian said slowly: "The demon clan is the top priority of the human race. We humans should use all our strength to fight against the demon clan. When our soldiers have normal skills, have enough food, have normal generals, and have normal

Bingjia, it is easy to defeat the demon clan. This has always been my point of view. The power to win the war comes from outside the war; and the obstacles that hinder the war are also outside the war. Only by working together can we solve the disaster of annihilation of the human race.

.Tactics? Experience in the Battle of Taigu City? There is no need to pay attention to these trivial things."

"When you come here, it's like a person is sick and can't walk, and then you ask the doctor what posture you should use to walk more like a healthy person."

The generals guarding the river were stunned, but the generals in Taigu City looked calm.

Normally, Li Qingxian's mouth would be much more venomous than it is now, and a bunch of generals would lose their brains after being scolded.

Even though I don’t have much brain in the first place.

Chen Gonglu said with a smile: "Everyone says that Ouyang Li is poisonous, and Mr. Li's mouth is not inferior to Ouyang Li's. However, what he tells is the truth. The world cannot tolerate the truth. On the banks of the river and in front of the demon clan's formation, one can only tell the truth.

I will report this matter to the General King, and I will also be in the navy... Well, what should this be called?"

Li Qingxian said: "To make it easier to understand, it's called changing your mind."

"Okay, it's called changing your mind. Did you realize this yourself?" Chen Gonglu said.

"I just stand on the shoulders of giants. The giants have solved the problems. We just need to learn their solutions. Only when we learn everything from the giants can we solve the problems that the giants failed to solve, right?

?" Li Qingxian said.

"It makes sense, it makes sense. You are worthy of being a disciple of Quan Jie Gong. This vision and foundation are just different. Having you in the army is a blessing for us rough guys..."

Chen Gonglu glanced at the generals guarding the river and shouted: "When we go back, each of us will copy General Li's words a hundred times, word for word, at least three times a day. I will check it after three months. Who dares to be lazy?"

I'll beat you to pieces!"

"Yes!" The generals guarding the river frowned.

The generals in Taigu City lowered their heads slightly and couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Chen Gonglu always liked to let his generals copy some principles and knowledge by hand, often copying them a hundred times.

Someone asked him why he did this. He said that he had never learned anything, and later he repented, but his foundation was too poor and it was difficult to practice, but he didn't know how to do it. Later, he heard the saint say, "Read the book a hundred times, and its meaning will come from it."

"See", so he insisted on copying martial arts.

He found that after he copied it thirty or forty times, he began to memorize it. After learning a little bit, he could memorize the entire cultivation book after copying it seventy or eighty times. His understanding would deepen, and he would understand many moves inexplicably.

After copying it a hundred times, and continuing to practice boxing together, it's like a new brain.

Therefore, he thought this kind of thing was useful, so he kept doing it, and later forced his disciples, subordinates, and children and grandchildren to do the same.

Therefore, people gave him the nickname "General" a hundred times.

The key is that Zhao Yishan also praised Chen Gonglu and said a hundred times that the general had great wisdom.

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "Chen Tianwang is right, our Taigu Army must also learn from this..."

Li Qingxian glanced at the dull-looking Taigu Army generals and said: "You also have to copy what you said today a hundred times. Three months later, I will personally check it. Not only do you have to copy it, but you have to recite it fluently. If you can't recite it,

Go naked and work as a coolie in a civilian camp."

"Follow your orders." The faces of the generals in Taigu City were full of sorrow. Did King Chen Tian come here to learn from the scriptures, or did he come to cause trouble?

The generals guarding the river were all smiling and showing sympathy for each other.

Next, Li Qingxian talked with the generals, describing various details in depth, and finally asked Lu Wenhua to describe the entire battle in detail and explain the key points.

After the exchange between the two parties, everyone left, leaving only Li Qingxian and Chen Gonglu in the hall.

Li Qingxian said: "I am leaving Commander Chen here to ask for advice. You must also know that the demon clan outside is building the river and is preparing to fight a protracted war. You are the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Do you have any good strategies to defeat the enemy?


Chen Gonglu pondered for a moment and said: "There are many solutions. I can give you a few general directions. For example, since the water monster needs water, we can cut off the water. It is difficult to cut off the water in a big river, but it is not difficult to cut off such a small amount of water, no matter what

It can be done by quicksand, splitting the ground, moving water, etc., of course, it requires enough Taoist and literary cultivation. It is easier to use Ouyang Li's method, which you have also used, poisoning, but the poison must be slow.

.In order to deal with the water monsters below, our water army has carefully researched various water poisons. Unfortunately, the river is too big and many water poisons cannot be used, but it is extremely suitable for use in ditches like this..."

After Chen Gonglu finished speaking, Li Qingxian said: "You have misunderstood me. If you just defend against the water monsters, it is not difficult. What I want to say is whether the navy is interested in joining forces with me to destroy these water monsters."

Chen Gonglu frowned and thought, and said: "This place is not far from Jiangnan Pier, but once our army goes down the river, the demon clan will definitely know in advance and return without success."

"No way?"

"Unless it's a foggy day, usually both sides will use magic to disperse the fog. What's more, water monsters are all over the river, and they can always detect them in advance. Our river navy has never succeeded in sneak attacks on water monsters."

"That's true. Then, let's do the next best thing and find an opportunity to join forces with land and water to attack from the front and eat up the entire Eagle King's army and the navy there."

Chen Gonglu's eyes moved and he said: "If the time comes, our navy will definitely cooperate, but this time is difficult to grasp. What's more, after what happened to King Xiang's army, the demon clan will be more cautious and will never let the same scene happen again.

The same place repeats itself."

"It's good to have Governor Chen's words. Our Taigu Army will work hard to create that opportunity."

This chapter has been completed!
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