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Chapter 1033 Zhao Yishan Begs for Bones

Transformation Mountain.

The leader, Zhang Wentong, looked at the north, smiled slightly, and said: "The Five Demons Order is passed down, and the middle-grade and above demon cultivators from all over the country are ordered to gather at Hua Mo Mountain before August 15th next year to participate in the grand event.

Form a demon alliance. Anyone who refuses to join the alliance will be slaughtered when the demon alliance is established! In addition, invite all the major forces in the world to come to Hua Mo Mountain to watch the ceremony, so that they can rest assured that we, the demon alliance, are loyal to the emperor and the human race."

"As you command!"

The disciples of Hua Mo Mountain mobilized one after another, and black knights dispersed across the country, and notices were posted all over the country.


"Want to eat mutton soup?"

"I won't go. Their mutton soup is getting worse and worse."

"Yeah, it's not as delicious as before."

"Actually, I can't blame Lao Zhang, it's just not delicious."

The white-haired Zheng Hui and Han Anbo, who seemed to have never changed, slowly left Xile Street and entered the Sun Ji Restaurant nearby. They ordered a pot of wine and a few plates of side dishes and ate slowly.

Han Anbo poured a glass of wine for Zheng Hui and put it down. He never drinks.

The two of them were chatting quietly, and some people having morning drinks entered the store one after another, and soon it became lively.

After a while, the voices of those who drank too much became louder.

"The river is over, the human race is over..." Suddenly someone covered his face and cried loudly.

"Why is this..."

"Forget it, didn't you expect this kind of thing earlier?"

"It's a pity that the old king's army was all top-notch heroes. Some of them killed more demons than people. Some of them didn't kill any demons, and their hands were full of human blood."

"Please keep your voice down, or be careful of hawks and dogs coming out to bite you."

"Fuck, I'm going to be killed by the monsters anyway, come out and bite me? I'm not afraid anymore."

"Since you think the river is not good, you should work hard to build the city wall instead of complaining about it."

"Which of the river-guarding army and the old king's army built faster, or did the Gungun princes and their descendants in the hall dig faster? You have hollowed out the foundation, and you still build the city wall? Build the Male Gobi."

Everyone sighed.

"After all, the old royal army only had a few tens of thousands of people, and its actual impact on the overall situation was limited. It only made people heartbroken. The establishment of the Demon Alliance was scary. A sect that openly killed and cannibalized people became a legitimate yamen. From ancient times to the present, there are still more people than

Is this more scary?"

"Who are you scaring? They can really kill us all?"

"Killing people? You are really making things simple. When the time comes, there will be a demon sect branch in every city across the country. If there is anything missing in the demon sect practice, just take it. For example, if there is a shortage of human blood, send a notice to every household.

Half a catty of human blood must be paid every month. Those who do not hand in human blood will not allow their children to go to school or practice cultivation. In addition, every family must choose one of two options every three years. Either give birth to a child and enter the devil's door, or have their legs and feet cut off.

Instead, you can either pay money to offset it. Then the Demon Sect will make some more magic poison and sprinkle a handful every month. If you don’t have money to buy the magic poison, you will just wait to die. If you buy it, you will die slower..."

"I have no money!"

"Don't have money? If you don't have money, just go to Momen Bank and borrow it. The loan will last for thirty years and I will buy out your life for the next thirty years. Either you will work hard to death just to pay back the money, or you will die immediately."

"Stop talking, stop talking, it's too scary, scarier than a ghost on the bed..."

"What did Wen Xiu say?"

"Wen Xiu? Wen Xiu can't even protect himself. Just this morning, Zhao Fu was begging for his body and wanted to resign. I guess Mr. Zhao was thinking, I won't play with you bastards anymore!"

The whole pub was fried.

"How can it be!"

"If Zhao Fu is gone, won't the world be over soon?"

"Without Zhao Shoufu, who can suppress those demons and demons?"

"When the time comes, Zhang Wentong will be the leader of the Demon Sect, and maybe he can become the Demon Prime Minister!"

"Don't tell me, there are rumors that the entire Demon Alliance will join the imperial court in the future, and then add a phase to the imperial court."

"Fuck... can you still play like this? Then how do you call Zhang Wentong, the murderer's grandmaster? Miemen Pavilion boss? Then there will be no grand master in the future, just change it to the great magician, and the highest one will be called the devil...


"You don't want your life?"

"You're going to die anyway, what kind of life do you want? Damn it."

"Then do you agree?"

"How can I agree? I must follow the old rules, put on a show, try to stay three times, and then leave after three times."

"It's over, it's over, now the world is going to be in chaos. Zhao Shoufu is gone, and Xie Linfu comes to power. This traitorous official is always against Zhao Shoufu. He takes the blame for everything he suffers, and the bottom line of the court is to prevent the people from rebelling.

It's all his doing. When it's over, God is over, and the world is over."

"It's not like that. I understand that Lin Fu wants to compete for the position of Chief Assistant, so he targets Zhao Chief Assistant everywhere. When he takes the position, he will naturally treat us preferentially. After all, he is a literary cultivator. He can be forgiven for doing wrong things, but he really has to go against his true intention and do something wrong.

If something bad happens, his heart will collapse and his righteousness will rush to his head. Kill him first."

"But Wen Xiu has a way to avoid it, and that is to use the Holy Emperor's orders to prevaricate. How many traitorous officials of Wen Xiu have done such evil things, but in the end ended well."

"Do you think it's possible that those evil deeds were not done by the so-called traitorous ministers? They were really just following orders, so their moral integrity remained intact?"

"Stop talking, it's getting scarier the more you talk!"

"When something happened to the old royal army, what did the general say?"

"The Great General Wang is so damn miserable. He saw all his uncles and uncles being killed. He saw all his brothers being killed. Now he can only watch helplessly as all his cousins, nephews and nieces were also killed.

What else could he say? His entire lung tubes were blocked by the fire of his heart."

"Alas, there is only one hero in the world, and he is too scared."

"Yes, the general Wang didn't take action, which means that no one in the world dares to take action. This world is complete. There is no one in Qi State."

"Li Qingxian is still possible."

"You are saying that Li Qingxian's story is true or false? It is said that he has a nose and an eye. As long as he goes to Taigu City, there are super-level skills. Wherever Taigu City is, it is simply the Taigu sect."

"It's hard to say, anyway, the people who went to Qiyuan City and Taigu City never came back. I don't know whether the letters from home are true or not, and they are very popular. There is a Niu San on the street in our house, who follows him all day long.

Like a big fool, he said that he wanted to practice martial arts to support his family and serve the country, but nothing worked. Then he went to Qiyuan City in a hurry. He wrote back two days ago and said that he had become a master, and he had already passed the tenth level, directly to the ninth level. Except for his father

Mom, everyone on the street doesn’t believe it.”

"I don't think it's true either. If Marquis Qiyuan is really willing, why not spread martial arts to the world and let everyone practice it for free?"

"Who knows what's going on. In the current imperial court, only the General Wang is considered a half-good person. Li Qingxian, I can't say for sure."

"I said, those of you who have never been to Qiyuan City, can you stop talking nonsense? Those of you who say that the Marquis of Qiyuan is not good, go to Qiyuan City and you will understand what it means to be a frog in the well."

"Have you been there? Come on, tell me what's different about Qiyuan City."

"Let me tell you, Qiyuan City is really awesome. You all know about the machine bird, right? The puppet cultivator treats that thing as a treasure. But in Qiyuan City, there is an entire army of machine birds that patrol the city with machines.

It can be used to catch birds and even people. Also..."

This chapter has been completed!
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