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Chapter 103 Eighteen people were forced to choose the little master

Before anyone could react, Lucky Man ran over and picked up the watermelon.

The captain said expressionlessly: "Now that you have got the watermelon, let's go back to the village."

He took a deep look at the lucky student and led the team outside.

Listening to the book, his eyes fell on the lucky boy, observing his sleeves, shoe uppers, lower skirts, trouser legs and other places.

The sunshine boy looked at the place where the lucky boy was before, deliberately walked over, lowered his head and glanced, and saw a bright yellow watermelon flower with a stick of mugwort hanging on it. He bent down to pick it up, and put it on his body without feeling any surprise.

A drop of dried dark red sticks to the watermelon flower, bending the tender yellow petals.

The sunshine boy followed the team, occasionally glancing at the green-striped watermelon in the hands of the lucky boy.

I have auditory hallucinations in my ears again. I always hear a little person trapped in a watermelon, constantly slapping the rind of the watermelon, making a popping sound.

Eighteen people walked out of the melon field and arrived at the entrance of the village.

Wang Laoshi smiled from ear to ear, showing his crooked yellow teeth, and said repeatedly: "Well done! Well done! As expected of Mr. Night Guard, he does things more neatly than ordinary people."

Then he walked up to the lucky boy, stretched out his hands and said, "Good luck boy, right? I will definitely tell the mistress, and the mistress will definitely reward you."

"Thank my mistress for me, and wish her a big fat baby." Mr. Good Luck carefully handed the watermelon to Wang Laoshi.

"Another person is missing." The captain glanced at the lucky student.

The other night guards looked around the team and remained silent.

The night guards walked into the village, followed by the three Sunshine Boys at a distance.

The sunshine boy glanced at the third floor of the white building under the night sky. There were originally twenty-one white lanterns, but three of them were extinguished.

The person who listened to the book lowered his voice and said: "The lucky guy has taken care of the climber. I saw blood spots on the sleeves, uppers and lower skirts of the lucky guy. There was a lot of dirt on his boots. It was obviously...

It's stuck to the ground when the Yun Qi Zhenyuan steps into it."

The sunshine boy said: "According to common sense, if the lucky boy first called the wrong name and then crushed the watermelon, something should have happened. But the lucky boy resolved his own danger by killing the climber. This means that either he mistakenly

Solve it by accident, or know about such weird things in advance."

"It's obviously like the latter, he's hiding a secret." Ting Shu said.


"What did you do in the melon field just now?" the listener asked.

The sunshine boy took out a piece of mugwort and said: "I only know that there is nothing wrong with mugwort, but I don't know if it is any good. But it is better to bring more than none. I have two more in my clothes. You two decide this one yourself."


The foodie shook his head and said: "One of you is a fortune teller, and the other wants to make plans. He is more dangerous than me. If you are listening, wear it."

The sunshine boy handed it to the reader and said, "Since the foodie said so, don't refuse. I'll give it to the foodie next time."

"Okay!" The listener was not polite and took the mugwort and put it in his arms.

Eighteen people returned to the public room, where there were no more and no less, and eighteen wooden beds had been laid out early.

Everyone counted them, feeling cold in their hearts.

The captain arranged for three people to keep watch overnight, while the others slowly chatted and fell asleep.

Shendu, Yewei Yamen, Chunfengju.

Zhou Chunfeng had a dark face and said in a deep voice: "Why did Ye Han only report such an important matter today when he met the Crown Prince Yuan?"

The man lowered his head and said: "My subordinate is not making excuses. It's just that this information was sandwiched in another piece of information. I only saw it today."

Zhou Chunfeng sighed and said, "I don't blame you."

After saying that, Zhou Chunfeng took out the communication talisman and sent a message to Zhou Hen: "Take Qingxian back to the capital of the gods immediately. I'm worried that Prince Yuan and Ye Han will be unfavorable to him."

Zhou Chunfeng waited quietly. Time passed slowly, but there was still no movement on the messenger plate.

Zhou Chunfeng frowned, unable to hide the anxiety in his heart. He got up and walked around the study. A quarter of an hour later, his expression changed slightly and he went straight to the Black Light Department.

Yanzhou, Fangyuan Village.

In the early morning, before dawn, a shrill scream pierced the night sky.

Everyone woke up in shock and hurriedly dressed and grabbed weapons.

After a while, eighteen night guards stood outside the public house door, holding weapons and looking around warily.

The sky was deep blue and under the faint morning light, villagers knelt outside the Wu Niang Niang Temple in a vast area of ​​darkness, singing folk songs in dialects that no one could hear in a low voice.

After a while, the witch and Wang Laoshi, wearing colorful robes, came closer.

Everyone looked at it intently, their hearts beating fast.

The skin color of the two people turned into a slightly metallic bronze color, and the whites of their eyes were gone, and they were pitch black, like black oil flowing.

The witch held a bloody pig-killing knife in one hand and a white cloth wooden stick in the other. She looked at the crowd and said expressionlessly: "After praying for the birth of the queen, the mistress should have gone smoothly. Who knew that you strangers would collide with each other?"

Praying for the birth of an empress caused mistress to have a miscarriage. You must make up for mistress's losses."

Without waiting for the night guards to retort, Wang Laoshi said with a sullen face: "The mistress has ordered that you select a child and donate it to the mistress to complete the five empress sacrifices. Otherwise, I can only sacrifice all of you to appease the mistress."

Five empresses."

"In the evening, we will welcome the little master." The witch said coldly, and the two turned and left.

The good luck student suddenly understood and said: "I understand. Sunshine Boy played tricks in front of Wu Niang Niang Temple and almost burned the lantern, which angered Wu Niang Niang and caused the mistress to have a miscarriage."

The person listening frowned and said: "Good luck, you have a good fortune, but your brain is not very good. What is this place? This is a place of mystery. No matter what we do, the mystery will only get deeper and deeper. The so-called miscarriage,

It's just a cover. What the other party wants to do is to trick us bit by bit. But don't worry, I won't attack you. Even if you harm those who climb higher and those who are loyal to you, I won't be like you.

, after killing the life-killing magician under his command."

"You're talking nonsense." The lucky student became angry.

The listener suddenly showed doubts on his face, looked at the lucky student up and down, and said: "Have you become a slave, specifically to sow discord in the team? When we are gone, you can leave, and then attract others

Is there a trick in a group of people?"

"You spit on others."

"You are not a slave, why do you keep stirring up trouble? Why do you keep bullying Sunshine Boy from the beginning with your strong destiny?" Tingshu said.

The sunshine boy sighed and said: "Forget it, don't say it. Anyway, in the eyes of Lucky Boy, it's all my fault. I let him hunt monsters, I let him fall into the trap, and I let him

Something happened."

The person who listened to the book sneered: "We are all night guards and have handled cases. Look at the blood spots on the lucky man's body. There are no blood spots before entering the melon field, and there are them after leaving the melon field. The one who happened to climb up is gone, so who is the suspect?


The night guards looked at the lucky man carefully, and the lucky man hurriedly said: "The blood spots on my body are from the butcher's knife."

The lucky student stared angrily at the reader, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

The captain said coldly: "Stop making trouble! The key now is to choose the little master. If we can't choose, we won't even think about living!"

This chapter has been completed!
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