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Chapter 1049 Flame Legion

The sky was filled with flames, thunder and lightning, flames and wind and frost exploded, smoke billowed, and brilliance flashed.

The ordinary monsters from before would instantly fall to the ground in large numbers, looking like purgatory.

But now, most of the monster tribesmen are standing and continuing to charge forward.

Even the wild people whose legs were severely injured or even blown off were like living corpses, crawling on the ground with all their strength, and their speed was not inferior to ordinary trotting.

The power of the talismans in the exploding talisman jar and the splashing pottery shards were like a storm, and these monsters were like small trees in the storm.

Constantly swaying, but never falling.

Attacking the city from three sides, every batch of monsters rushing out from the exploding talisman cylinder zone seemed to have been stripped of their skin.

They were covered in blood.

The soldiers on the city wall were stunned for a moment. There were veterans and veterans here, but they had never seen such a scene before.

Worse than purgatory.

When the recruits saw the bloody monsters still charging, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva and their hands were sweating.

At the same time, invisible power surged in the sky, and the general wall exuded a faint brilliance.

The strange power is like an invisible breeze, sweeping through Taigu City.

The originally frightened soldier looked at the bloody monster again and suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Such a powerful monster was instantly covered with wounds.

That is the power of my human race!

"Hold on!" He Bao raised his Da Mo Dao high.

"Hold on!" the generals shouted.

"Hold on!" the whole army roared.

Rows of divine archers poked out from the entrance of the female wall, replaced them with all-colored flaming talisman arrows, aimed at the monsters in front, drew their bows and fired.

After the first batch of shots was fired, they immediately moved away. The second round of people took up their bows, aimed, and shot...

One after another, flaming arrows flew out at a much faster speed than usual, hitting the demon clan.

Bang... bang...

A large number of monsters were blown away, and large holes with bloody flesh appeared on the monsters' bodies.

Anyone who is hit in the heart or head will die.

However, as long as other bodies are hit, even if their lungs are blown out and their intestines are flowed out, these demon soldiers will still charge like living corpses.

The generals frowned slightly.

Lu Wenhua discussed in a low voice with a group of military advisors, some were cultivators of literature and others were cultivators of Taoism.

There is not a single martial arts cultivator.

"It seems that in addition to the power we mentioned, they must have used other powers, otherwise ordinary demon soldiers would not be able to withstand high-grade talisman arrows."

"It should be some witchcraft. They are really willing to do it. They usually only use it during the decisive battle. This is the first time I have seen it."

"It seems that our tactics need to be improved."

"Replace all the flame talismans and replace them with burning talismans."

"Also, the power of the exploding talisman cylinder can no longer kill completely, so just slow it down and reduce it to cause minor injuries. Otherwise, if it continues like this, the exploding talisman cylinder may not be enough."

"It's not necessary. Project it at the highest intensity." Lu Wenhua said.

"Okay, then let the Flying Spear Army prepare..."

After that, the Divine Bow Army quickly replaced them with burning talismans.

One after another, flaming arrows flew out.

Different from the sudden explosion before, now after an arrow hits, the arrow suddenly spurts out flames, spreads rapidly, and quickly spreads all over the demon clan's body.

After a while, thousands of firemen appeared on the battlefield.

These flame monsters are still charging.

Those flames seemed to be transformed into their spells.

The soldiers on the city wall were shocked. They had never seen such a brave and crazy monster clan.

The monsters behind were equally shocked.

Half of the blood is boiling, shocked by the good fighting of the same clan.

The other half of the body was cold and could not bear such horrific cruelty.

The flame monsters who lost their sense of pain continued to rush forward, but they were still flesh and blood after all.

When the flames covered their bodies, they were unable to breathe, their eyes were blinded, and even their joints were damaged.

Under the influence of witchcraft, most of the flame demon clan continued to run without fear. However, while running, their legs suddenly broke and they fell to the ground.

With a bang, it fell into several pieces.

Only a few monsters are afraid of the flames. Once the flames burn, they will roll on the spot.

But this is not an ordinary flame, it is a talisman fire.

As a result, the rolling flame demon clan and their shrill screams filled the battlefield.

There was brief confusion on both sides, but soon the fighting resumed.

Purgatory is cruel, but the so-called warriors are lives that can grow and thrive in purgatory.

After the first group of flame monsters attacked the city, they completely lost their ability to climb. They threw themselves on the wall and only climbed a few times before their legs and feet were broken.

The exploding talisman weakened their skin, while the flames destroyed their bodies.

The deaths of these flame monsters were not in vain.

A steady stream of monsters from behind rushed to the city wall.

When the exploding talisman cylinder cannot stop the monsters, the firepower per unit time of the divine archers scattered in three directions is not enough to suppress the monsters on the ground.

When the generals behind the demon tribe saw this scene, they all smiled.

"Very good! The water demon takes action! Then the bird demon!"

Waves of water rushed forward.

The humans didn't care at first, but soon discovered that when these water waves passed by the monsters, they silently added a thin layer of water armor to all the monsters.

Where covered by the water armor, the fire on the Flame Demon Tribe gradually extinguished, and the power of the fire talisman that was shot also gradually decreased.

After a few rounds, lightning bolts and arrows flew out.

Wet ground and water armor become sources of lightning.


Dense arcs of electricity flowed and ejected repeatedly in the demon army, and the current and water continued to flow together.

The monsters are often electrocuted to the point where their whole bodies are numb and their speed is greatly reduced.

The demon clan generals frowned. The thunder talisman was more difficult to make, and it did not burn continuously like the fire talisman. The power was reduced and it was bearable.

Soon, both parties discovered the problem.

Thunder has the power to destroy demons.

Although the demon clan is not considered evil, their witchcraft and killing drum and other powers are real flesh-and-blood evil magic.

I saw the monsters who were charging straight suddenly slowed down, looked in pain, and shouted loudly.

Soon, the shouts started one after another.

The demon clan was shocked, and the power of the killing drum was weakened.

There is no other way. As long as the demon clan changes their methods, the human clan will also respond accordingly.

The two sides fought for several rounds. The human race had tried its best, but the demon race still had a huge advantage by charging regardless of the consequences.

Many monsters began to climb up the wall.

At this time, the Flying Spear Army took action, and together with the Flying Spear Army, there were scholars who recited war poems.

In order to build the Great Wall of Righteousness, scholars were scattered across the river, and a considerable number of them came to Taigu City to volunteer to help Taigu's army defend the city.

One war poem after another sounded, and then all kinds of strange powers came.

There are thunders in the sky, flying sand and rocks, flames filling the air, and translucent war poems and soldiers.

The most numerous ones were Wen Xiu's best strength in defending the city. Big trees and vines spread all over the three walls.

The trees were whipping and the vines were entangled.

The monsters were under the city wall and were blocked by the power of the war poem.

This chapter has been completed!
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