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Chapter 109 Everyone cuts and clips red paper

The sunshine boy knew that good luck was something he was reluctant to give up, so he said: "I'm going to find the wood boy's life material."

Sunshine Boy called listeners and foodies to first find the dead branches and leaves of the old locust tree as the main material, and then collected other vital materials.

Not long after, the three of them came to a deserted place.

"You two keep an eye on it for me."

Under the supervision of the two men, Sunshine Boy made three substitute wooden boys in succession, and spent three bait lives to send them into them.

The thick branches are the body, the thin branches are the limbs, and the locust leaves are rolled into a ball to be the head.

Hair is scattered on the leaves, and the neck is connected by good-luck nails.

The sunshine boy ran out of mana and turned pale. He placed one close to his body and handed the other two stand-in wooden boys to the listener and the foodie respectively.

Sunshine Boy said: "This life-substitute wooden boy not only requires fate, but also requires physical strength that a person with strong luck is willing to give. It also consumes a lot of money, so I didn't make it before. Unfortunately, my level is limited and my life materials are limited. This life-substitute wood boy

A child can replace the injured but not necessarily the dead, so you will make use of it."

Then, Sunshine Boy took out a box from the bookcase behind him and attached a talisman. The three of them discussed it and gave it to the foodie.

The three of them returned to the public room. Sunshine Boy looked at the night guards and said: "Next, I will make a wooden talisman. It is mainly used to bless and ward off evil. I don't dare to say how useful it is, but it can be easily used to deal with small evils and small disasters."

Resolve. If you are willing, make an oath that we will not harm each other and work together. If you don’t swear, this wooden talisman will be useless."

The night guards were dubious. Some of the night guards swore, while others just watched.

Lucky Boy and his three subordinates remained motionless, and the captain did not speak.

Sunshine Boy made nine ordinary wooden talisman figures out of locust trees and gave them to the seven people who swore an oath, including two for the book listeners and the foodies.

Then someone else swore an oath and made three more.

In the end, among the eighteen people, thirteen of them had a wooden talisman, the school captain, the lucky student and his three subordinates and five others were left empty-handed.

In front of the public house door, the night guards just looked at each other and remained silent.

It was as if there was an invisible wall separating the two sides.

The sunshine boy looked at the three people behind Lucky Boy.

One is tall and thin, with fair skin.

One is thick and black, half of his face is covered with pockmarks, and the other half of his face is embedded with two black pimples.

The third one is strong and tall, holding a spiked mace in his right hand that is higher than his head.

"Master Ye Wei, what are you doing? Let's go into the house." Wang Laoshi smiled and held a bunch of things and entered the house.

Everyone looked at each other and followed him inside.

I saw Wang Laoshi unfolding a large piece of red paper and scissors, and said with a smile: "In the afternoon, we need to sprinkle purified water, set up a hundred blessings warehouse, and deliver babies in the evening. The village is short of manpower, so all the gentlemen can do you a favor and put some blessing characters on them.

"Enter the Fu Cang. It's a pity that in the past, two hundred blessing granaries were used to honor the midwife. Today, the mistress may be happy and only build one."

The night guards looked at each other, puzzled.

After Wang Laoshi left the public room, the captain said: "I am afraid that taking Baifu this time has something to do with Gui. We can't be careless. Who would?"

The person listening to the book stood up and said: "After touching the autumn and picking up the hundred blessings, please follow me. I usually know some crafts, so please just do it and don't talk."

After a little thought, Sunshine Boy understood that it was obviously unlucky to cut the gospel and reduce blessings, but it was auspicious to clip the gospel to increase blessings.

The listener first took a pair of scissors and red paper. When others were about to take it, the lucky student grabbed two pairs of scissors and two pieces of red paper. He kept one for himself and handed one to the captain. Behind him,

The three of them also followed suit.

Everyone frowned and looked at the four of them.

Each of the eighteen people had a pair of scissors and a piece of red paper placed in front of them.

The person who listened to the book said slowly: "Now follow me. Every time you do a step, you have to lift it up a little so that I can see and check clearly to avoid making mistakes. There are many ways to clamp the word "Fu", including fine clamping and rough clamping. I

Now I will only teach you the simplest rough clipping. After watching, pick up the square piece of paper and everyone will do it with me, don’t be distracted."

After the speaker finished speaking, he held the paper in both hands and lifted it up.

Everyone did it.

"First fold it in half. After everyone has finished folding, lift it up and let me take a look."

After the folding of the book is completed, show it to everyone.

Everyone put the square red paper on the table, folded it up, and then raised it.

The lucky student sat there, thinking it was simple, and waved the red paper after folding it. The three people behind him hesitated and just waved the paper.

The person listening to the book looked at the lucky student and said, "This room is dark. I don't have spiritual eyes like you, so I can't see clearly."

Lucky Sheng said: "It's such a simple thing, it doesn't matter."

Everyone looked at the lucky man, knowing that he had heard the book expose him before he held a grudge. They also saw that folding paper was simple, so they were unwilling to cater to him.

The listener shook his head and said, "Now do the next step with me. Fold the folded parts once to both sides."

Tingshu teaches again and again, and others follow suit. Every time he finishes folding, he lifts it up for Tingshu to read.

Folding paper was simple. During this period, a night guard said something, and the man who listened to the book said in a deep voice: "Try to speak as little as possible."

That night guard quickly shut up.

Everyone had finished folding. He was holding the folded red paper in his left hand, and holding the scissors in his right hand, and said: "Now everyone, look carefully. Hold this part, put it at this angle, and start pinching from this position. See clearly."

Okay? Lift them all up and let me see them first."

Most of the people raised their heads a little, even the three people behind the lucky boy raised their heads, but only the lucky boy didn't move.

The listener carefully looked at the position of each person's scissors, nodded and said, "Okay, now join me in doing the scissors."


There was a slight sound of scissors opening and closing, and a corner of red paper fell.

Everyone dropped their heads one after another.

"Next, fold it again and start pinching from this place..."

"Now use your fingernails to draw this kind of mark on the red paper, and then clip along the mark..."

Everyone learned carefully and carefully, and soon, the first character "福" came out.

Everyone carefully spread out the word "福" in front of them and breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone's fortune is similar.

The listener also smiled and said: "Thanks to everyone for watching, I finally finished clipping it once. If I clip it again, it should be much easier. However, I have to clip a hundred blessing characters, and each person needs to clip five or six. I still hope

As before, take it slow, but safety comes first. Of course, I won’t force it.”

Everyone felt that the atmosphere had relaxed slightly and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Add the second word and everyone is still the same as before.

The lucky student was still the same as before. He did not raise his hand for the listener to see, but he stared at the listener and studied more seriously than the others.

After clipping the fourth character, the person who listened to the book said with a smile: "Everyone is too nervous. It's not good for our hands and feet to be stiff. Let's rest for a while and drink some water. However, we are still in the process of clipping the character "福", so please pay more attention."

The captain said: "Everyone listens to books."

Listening to the book whispered to the sunshine boy and the foodie: "Try not to speak, I don't know which word may be taboo."

The two nodded.

The atmosphere in the room became much better since the word "福" was no longer included. Slowly, everyone started chatting.

This chapter has been completed!
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