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Chapter 1132 Pulse Breaking Technique

"Interesting, but it's a pity that the Destiny Sect is so powerful that even I can't deduce it."

Shen Zhizhai secretly transmitted a message: "We can't deduce it, but after thinking about it, there are only a few things that can make the Tianming Sect do this. Maybe it's to help Emperor Taining, or to hold the Dragon Luck Sacrifice, or to find a new one." The destiny's son, or...find a way to solve the problem of inheritance loss."

Li Qingxian shook his head and said: "There is no airtight wall in the world. We can always find out whether the Destiny Sect is a big family. However, is there any relevant news?"

"No. We in the Tianming Sect can't spread the news. Now the Tianming Sect has strict restrictions."

"Let's go. Are you all ready?"

"We are ready. We have asked the great fortune-teller of the Xunming Sect to use the 'Old Secret Technique' to aggravate Qi Taizu's bad deeds. Now almost everyone on the island knows what Qi Taizu did back then, and almost everyone has anything to do with Qi Taizu. People who are related by blood are all having their veins cut off, and you see, a vein-cutting ceremony is being held in front of us."

Li Qingxian raised his eyes and glanced around, and saw a group of people dozens of miles away who seemed to be doing something.

Li Qingxian squinted his eyes slightly, and in an instant, everything appeared before his eyes. The wrinkles in the corners of the old man's eyes were clearly visible, and the sleeping child's breathing could be heard clearly.

It was a large open space, with a three-story round platform in the center.

At this moment, a young man stepped forward, holding a knife in his right hand, with the tip pointing toward his left forearm.

Around the circular altar, hundreds of people formed a three-tiered circle, shouting and dancing weird witch dances, like a group of upright rats squeaking after being burned.

The circle of three people slowly rotated, and the shouts became louder and louder.

Li Qingxian saw that the young man's ears moved slightly, his lower jaw slowly raised, and he plunged the tip of the knife into his left forearm.


The young man gasped, closed his eyes, and raised his head.

The bright red blood flowed down the trembling arms and fell on the top altar.

The altar absorbed the blood and emitted a holy light. A white-light beauty appeared, bent down, and gently kissed the young man's forehead.

The young man's face turned crimson, and he pressed his right hand again, causing more blood to flow out.

The woman with white light stepped back, turned into light and dissipated.

The young man swayed and quickly pulled out the sharp knife.

A white-robed priest stretched out his hand, and white light fell on the young man's wound, which healed quickly.

The young man bowed his head to thank the sacrifice, put down the sharp knife, covered the wound, and walked slowly down.

Everyone cheered loudly, and the atmosphere of joy spread in the venue.

The man smiled happily when he saw everyone's blessings and encouragement.

Then, the second man walked up to the altar, first recited a long incantation, and then, like the man in front, stabbed his forearm with a knife.

One by one, people came forward, and the ceremony went on in an orderly manner.

Shen Zhizhai said: "In fact, the blood is enough, but the Qiao family found that this was helpful to retaliate against the Qi royal family and unite people's hearts, so they continued to use this kind of sacrifice to curse the Qi royal family."

Li Qingxian nodded, his eyes flashing.

Wisps of blood-colored light flew into the sky and merged into the chaotic situation clouds above.

The ordinary situation cloud represents the powerful forces in the middle and the peripheral ones outside.

But the situation on this island is exactly the opposite.

Over the island, there are hundreds of thousands of situational clouds scattered, but all of them are surrounded by golden ring-shaped situational clouds.

Surrounded by golden ring-shaped situational clouds, all situational clouds here are suppressed to the limit.

Those situational clouds are constantly rolling and constantly impacting the golden situational clouds.

The life chart appeared in front of Li Qingxian. After careful deduction, he saw that the life chart spit out light and shadow, just like peeling off a cocoon, revealing the power of life magic in the golden situation cloud little by little.

"Has your sect ever investigated the methods of the Tianming Sect here?" Li Qingxian asked.

Shen Zhizhai shook his head and said: "We have no way to explore their destiny skills without alerting the Tianming Sect. Can you?"

Li Qingxian said: "The Destiny Sect's methods are a bit rough. They probably didn't send any elders, just ordinary high-grade destiny magicians, and they didn't take the people here seriously, so they only set up a four-level situation. The first is to worship the Dragon Watch. The situation is used to obtain the luck of the Qi royal family as a basis..."

"Then there is the general situation of True Dragon Suppressing Beasts. It was originally a very powerful situation, but the life magician is not good at it. It has been weakened a lot over time..."

"The third level is to intercept the situation of the twelve monuments. The idea is right, but the Tianming Sect is too desperate. Instead, it forces the people here to survive in death and obtain super-grade skills..."

"The last level is the trapping situation, which surrounds all the forces on the entire island. The ideas of all situations revolve around trapping, banning, sealing, and suppressing, etc., and they are quite satisfactory." Li Qingxian said.

Shen Zhizhai turned to his disciples and said, "Tell me, is there any better situation or plan?"

The young disciples thought for a moment and answered one after another.

"I think that since the Tianming Sect is also afraid that the ultimate situation will harm Tianhe, and if they really want to be ruthless, it is better to use disaster-inducing general situations, such as the seven-fold continuous disaster general situation..."

"I think a complete blockade is unrealistic. This is a big island, equivalent to the size of a small or medium-sized country. It is better to use internal fighting situations, such as trapped beasts sucking blood, and slowly consume..."

Shen Zhizhai nodded lightly, waited for his disciple to finish speaking, and said, "Master Li, please tell me your opinion."

Li Qingxian said: "Even if it were a year ago, my views would be similar to theirs. It was just a change in techniques and methods. But now, I am more inclined to use Mu Chunfeng-type situations and dispatch manpower and materials. Help this place, confess the mistakes of Qi Taizu back then, and at the same time, thoroughly educate these bandits and eliminate the evil and bestiality in their blood. In this way, even if they become stronger, they will follow the path of benevolence and righteousness and no longer live for the grudges of hundreds of years ago. It is better to clear things up than to block them. This is always the way of a sage."

Shen Zhizhai's disciples blinked frequently, thinking about Li Qingxian's words.

Shen Zhizhai sighed and said: "As expected of a triple heaven repairer, your words are close to the Tao. We all know that we must stand upright, do benevolence and righteousness, and do good deeds, but many times, we suddenly go astray. Even as an old man, I am preoccupied with how to deal with the bandits here, but I fail to see the future and the future. You deserve to be the Lord of the River."

The generals laughed, "Nonsense, if His Highness Prince Xian had the same idea as the little life magicians, he wouldn't be where he is today."

"However, His Highness King Xian's method is very difficult, ten thousand times more difficult than ours." A disciple said.

Li Qingxian pointed to the island in front of him and said: "Creating a superb skill requires continuous efforts of hundreds of years and generations. In this process, you have to compete for secrets, endure humiliation, and even one generation after another are forced to become masters.

As a test subject, countless elites and geniuses have been lost, and they will continue to improve bit by bit. In the end, it is possible to create a perfect super-grade Kung Fu method. Is it ten thousand times more difficult to create a super-grade Kung Fu method than animal husbandry? But that

It is the only correct direction for this island. Just like how many thousands of years ago, our ancestors who cultivated weeds into crops chose the most difficult but correct path. We are fortune tellers, not executioners.

He is not an actor playing with fate."

This chapter has been completed!
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