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Chapter 1140 Fleet

Countless people howled and cried.

That's not just a fleet.

That's the human race.

It wasn't just a boatload of people.

That is the backbone of the human race.

Some people gave up.

Xian Wangjun did not give up.

People in the world have not given up.

That is humanity's last hope.

"Cross the river!"

"Cross the river!"

"Cross the river!"

All the people in the city roared together.

The roars of hundreds of thousands of people were superimposed together, and the sounds dispersed like catkins.

Royal Palace.


"Reporting to Your Majesty, the King of Thieves passed by, and everyone scolded him."



Silence returned to the imperial study room, leaving only the sound of the brush running across the paper.

East of the city, outside the gate.

Han Anbo and Zheng Hui stood in the crowd, slowly wiping their cheeks with their palms.

He wiped it many times, but his face was always wet.

"He must know that we are watching him." Zheng Hui whispered.

"He knows." Han Anbo's eyes were slightly red.

"The human race still has strong bones." Zheng Hui said.

"Of course, there have always been," Han Anbo said.

The two of them, together with the people in the city, watched the fleet of spaceships go away with the sun.

When the sun and the spaceship fleet disappeared from sight, everyone still refused to leave.

The people in Shendu City seemed to have forgotten to speak and walked back silently.

Occasionally, a child would scream excitedly, but his parents would cover his mouth.

Han Anbo and Zheng Hui remained silent and followed the crowd back to the Divine Capital City.

"Do you think King Xian can still return to the Capital of Gods?" Zheng Hui suddenly asked.

Before Han Anbo could answer, Zheng Hui smiled and seemed to be talking to himself: "Your Majesty, Shengming, I will definitely come back in your spare time. As usual, let's drink mutton soup and eat steamed buns together."

"Yes, Your Majesty, Your Majesty." Han Anbo said softly.

Zheng Hui said softly: "I heard that the emperor was very smart when he was a child. Among all the princes, he was second only to the virtuous prince. He studied better than other princes, practiced better than other princes, and even lived better than other princes.

Except for Prince Xian, all the princes cannot compare with him."

"That's what happened."

"I heard that he was born in a bad family and suffered hardships in the palace. He was adopted by the current Queen Mother and didn't do well. He was very miserable when he was a child."

"Things in the palace are like that. As long as no one is killed, no one will care."

"Fortunately, he practiced hard and studied hard. He is knowledgeable and capable, and he can handle the errands assigned by the late emperor properly."

"The emperor handles government affairs very well."

"Yes. Then he was entrusted with important responsibilities by the late emperor, and he gradually grasped the power. After many contacts between the wise prince and the emperor, they cherished each other. The wise prince trusted the emperor, and the emperor had no other intentions. I heard some old officials say that

I have told the story of the two of them. Prince Xian saved the emperor not once, but three times. It can be said that the emperor was a die-hard supporter of the prince back then. He was also very helpful to Prince Xian."

"That's true. At first, Prince Xian got along well with him. Some people said privately that the future emperor of this royal family would definitely make Qi prosperous. But I don't know what happened. Later, he was suddenly deprived of power and no longer trusted him.

With heavy responsibility. Some people say it is Prince Xian's method, but I don't believe it."

"The wise prince is tolerant. I remember that his famous lame staff member once humiliated him in public. Instead of getting angry, he humbly asked for advice. In the end, he was convinced and it became a good story. What's more, at that time, the prince

They fought fiercely, and the wise prince has been staying away from the capital of the gods just to avoid the fight."

"Yes. Prince Xian couldn't avoid it after all. After that, the emperor somehow came back to power and gained the late emperor's trust. But from then on, the relationship between the emperor and Prince Xian went from bad to worse."

Zheng Hui said: "It is rumored that the emperor and the wise prince had a long conversation in the Purple Pavilion, and then they stopped communicating with each other. No one knows what was said specifically."

Han Anbo said: "I heard more detailed information, saying that the two brothers had a big quarrel at that time. The emperor walked away with his sleeves. It is said that before leaving, he said, 'Brother has a plan and cannot be emperor.'"

"Indeed. Prince Virtue's character is a double-edged sword. He treats people very well, but sometimes he is a little indecisive. But I believe he just needs further tempering. As long as he tempers enough, he will gradually become more decisive."

"Not long after, the gate of the Champion City was stolen open and the demon clan seized the city."

Zheng Hui sighed and said: "I have always been curious. With the strength of the human race at that time, even if the city gate was stolen, it was very likely to repel the demon race. After all, there were many masters in the army at that time. But somehow, they were defeated.

Yes. There was a great destiny magician in the city back then. How come the great destiny magician didn't even notice this?"

Han Anbo said slowly: "I heard that Prince Xian's reputation was growing at that time. Emperor Tiankang wanted to transfer Prince Xian to return, but Prince Xian declined."

"In this dynasty, will it be the same thing again?"

"It's different. One doesn't want to solve it, and the other thinks he can solve it. If you think about it carefully, there is actually no difference." Han Anbo said.

"It's a pity that there was no Xian King back then. If Xian Wang was in Champion City back then, he could have defended the city gate even if it was breached, and then counterattacked the demon clan. It's a pity that there was no what if..."

"Yes, there is no if."

"Tell me, what will the emperor think when he thinks of what happened back then?"

Han Anbo shook his head.

"It's a pity that he didn't dare to cross the river."

Han Anbo said slowly: "He may want to cross the river, but he doesn't want to."


"No matter what, the airship fleet will head north. In a few days, King Xian's army will capture the Champion City."

"The past is past, and everything is moving forward. If the demon clan is destroyed, the human race will definitely be better off."

"This city of gods will definitely become lively in the future. It will be as lively and lively as before. How great."

"Let's go, brothers, let's have a drink."

"I can't drink."

"It doesn't matter. You can drink tea with me instead of wine."


The two old night guards walked towards the tavern step by step in the divine capital where dusk had not yet set and darkness was about to rise.

Tianmen Pass.

Millions of soldiers looked up at the sixty flying magical vessels moving slowly high in the sky until they disappeared into the northern starry sky.

They see ships transporting from south to north every day, but they have never seen such a spectacular fleet.

Not to mention airships, even sixty ordinary ships crossing the river are enough to become a sight.

"There are so many monks in the human race?"


"Then why can't we defeat the demon clan?"

"There may be some reason."

Outside the Xianwang City, the lights are brightly lit.

There were actually more people queuing up to register than before Feikong Pavilion went south.

A little different from before, the people who came this time were mainly from various forces, large and small, heading north as a whole.

"We don't have an airship, but King Xian's palace summoned us with the Order of the Heroes, and we are here as promised."

This is the sentence I hear most in Xianwang City these days.

The sixty airships have not yet landed, and countless people inside and outside Xianwang City raised their hands and cheered.

The airship had just landed and before anyone could get off the ship, people from all over the world swarmed in.

Li Qingxian stood in front of Feikong Pavilion and cupped his fists at everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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