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Chapter 113 The first encounter with the Mother of Evil in the dark room

A purple grape-patterned black cloth curtain runs across the middle of the house, blocking half of the hall at the back. There are household furnishings standing behind the curtain, but you can't see clearly what they are.

The witch held a wooden stick wrapped in white cloth and stood behind the threshold.

When he reached the threshold, Wang Laoshi took off his shoes without crossing the threshold. He turned around and said: "Little master, please come in."

He was carrying a bright candlelight on his back, the back was bright and the front was dark, and his face was gloomy.

Everyone looked at each other again, and finally looked at Sunshine Boy.

The sunshine boy took off his shoes and stepped over the threshold.

Everyone also imitated Sunshine Boy, took off their shoes, and were about to go in when Wang Laoshi stopped them.

"You can only stay outside, and only the little master can enter."

The witch in the room smiled and said: "Little master, please sit in the room first."

The sunshine boy carefully stepped on the pomegranate pattern carpet and sat on the chair.

The moment he touched the chair, the sunshine boy's expression changed slightly.

It was originally a solid wood chair. It was soft and soft when you sat on it, like a sofa, and there was a soft touch on the back.

The armrests of the chairs on both sides are like two delicate beautiful arms, smooth and tender, making people imaginative and frightening.

The sunshine boy said nothing and observed his surroundings secretly.

Everyone stood barefoot outside the door, motionless.

The lucky student had a faint smile on his face, as if he was ready to watch a good show.

The black curtain with purple grape pattern trembled slightly, as if it turned into a curtain of water, with ripples.

In the center of the ripples, a pair of big white hands holds the watermelon and slowly delivers it.

The big white hands were two feet long, with five knuckles and smooth and round nails.

The arms are as thick as an adult's thighs, weak and boneless, soft, white and tender, like dough, like a white python slowly extending, placing a watermelon in the middle of the carpet.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the yellow background with green stripes, more than a foot high, was exactly the watermelon that had been taken out of the melon field.

It looks like it's just an ordinary watermelon, but for some reason, everyone's heart feels heavy.

The sunshine boy stared at the watermelon and clearly heard the sound of slapping inside.

The witch knelt on the ground and walked to the melon.

"My son..."

From behind the purple-grape-patterned black curtains, a soft and delicate voice came. The voice seemed as soft as the flesh of her jade arms, making people fall involuntarily.

The sunshine boy sighed in his heart, stood up and bowed, "My child has seen your mother."

The moment he spoke, the sunshine boy felt an invisible force pouring into his body. His whole body was cold and stiff, but he only sighed in his heart. He had expected this to happen.

"My son, your mother almost doesn't recognize you when you look like this. When you enter this melon, it's like you are back in your mother's belly. She will bear the pain and give birth to you again."

Before anyone could react, the long white arm extended in the air and grabbed the sunshine boy.

Goosebumps appeared all over the sunshine boy's body like exploding beans. He obviously wanted to struggle, but for some reason his whole body was weak and limp, allowing his big hands to hold the watermelon.

Everyone outside was surprised to see that the Sunshine Boy got smaller and smaller as he got closer to the watermelon. Finally, his clothes fell off and he was like a white and tender baby, only a little bigger than the watermelon.

The blood lotus on the baby's abdomen is still there, but the yellow spring cloud on the left arm seems to have disappeared.

The sunshine boy was confused. He thought that the strange baby was just for show, but unexpectedly, he turned into a sunshine baby.

The witch held the watermelon with both hands, held the sunshine baby in one hand with her long white hand, and patted him gently on the top with the other hand.


The sunshine boy lowered his head and looked helpless.

I was photographed inside the watermelon, with only my limbs and head exposed outside the watermelon, like a baby wearing watermelon rind clothes.

"My son, who would have thought that you would be so big that a melon can't fit inside." Mother Wei's voice was filled with sadness.

Everyone's heart trembled, are they going to get a new melon?

The lucky man knelt on the ground, kowtowed heavily, raised his head again, and whispered softly: "I would like to inform my mistress, since I can't let it go, please take off the limbs first and store them in other places, leaving only the head."

All the night guards looked at the lucky student in horror, and even the captain had a flash of anger in his eyes.

The sunshine boy cursed in his heart, "Good luck! This grandson is really waiting for him, so the oath is broken!"

"That's right. Aunt Xiang, cut off my son's arm, put it aside, and then cut open the melon to get the seeds."

The mother-in-law's voice was full of love and tenderness. The sunshine boy cursed the lucky boy in his heart and guessed the reason.

The night guards looked at the lucky boy and moved their steps gently.

There seems to be a vacuum around the lucky student.

The candlelight in the room shone on the lucky man's face outside, illuminating a sinister and eerie smile.

"As commanded."

They saw the witch reveal the butcher's knife dripping with black blood to the nanny's right hand. The blade was pitch black and the blade was white. She grabbed the sunshine boy's right hand and chopped it off at the upper arm and shoulder joint.


The hearts of the night guards beat heavily, and the Sunshine Boy trembled and was about to scream, huh? Why didn't he feel anything?

The sunshine boy turned around and saw that his white and tender right arm was still there, and there was a bloody locust tree branch in his grandma's hand.

The sunshine boy was stunned for a moment, and then screamed: "It hurts... it hurts... Mr. Lucky, you are trying to hurt me, Mr. Lucky, you are so poisonous... Mother, Mr. Lucky, you are trying to hurt me..."

"My son, just be patient and patient. No matter who harms you, mother will kill him first. My son, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

The lucky man is full of disappointment.

He raised his knife to Grandma, cut off four branches, and put them on the tray.

The sunshine boy shouted for a while and then stopped, looking at the lucky boy with a half-smile.

The lucky boy lowered his head, thinking he would seize the opportunity and cut the sunshine boy into a human stick, but he was easily defeated.

Good luck comes from the heart. I didn't expect the substitute wooden boy to be so powerful.

"Son, one last stab, and one more last stab." The mother-in-law's voice trembled.

He raised the butcher's knife high towards the grandma, his eyes turned into whirlpools of black oil, and he screamed: "It's time to cut open the melon! It's time to give birth to a baby! The fat white boy has fallen to the ground!"

Aim at the watermelon on Sunshine Boy's chest and chop it vertically.


Two points for watermelon.

Yellow skin with green veins, white skin and white flesh.

Under the watermelon, a thick locust tree segment was split into two, with blood gurgling in the middle.

Sunshine Boy was covered in dirty blood, with light yellow stripes in the blood like little snakes crawling all over his body.

I saw the light yellow stripes slowly squirming, and finally penetrated into the baby's body.

The hair on the left temple of the lucky student suddenly turned half white, and a handful of hair fluttered to the ground, some white and some black.

Each night guard lost a little hair on the back of his head, mostly those who were lucky.

The sunshine boy felt that the world was spinning, and everything was dark in front of his eyes. Suddenly, a big hand suddenly slapped his back, and he burst into tears involuntarily.


The baby's scream pierced the night sky and spread throughout the mountain village.

Outside the Wu Niang Niang Temple, the sound of drums, suona and heavy musical instruments suddenly became high-pitched and harsh.

The villagers were circling the bonfire hand in hand, shaking their heads wildly, rolling their eyes and foaming at the mouth.

Outside the Mother Hall, the night guards felt their scalps numb as they looked at the baby held in mid-air by Dabai's hands.

"Take my son and go wash Baifu." Mother Wei's voice came from behind the black curtain. Her voice was different from before. It was much hoarse, much older, and full of exhaustion.

This chapter has been completed!
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