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Final words

Thank you to every reader who sees this, Xiaohuo salutes you all.

Due to the limited writing power, individual characters and a few story lines in "The Life Hunter" were not well developed, but the completion of several major story lines determined from the beginning was quite acceptable.

Some story lines are not explained in detail, but they are already hidden in the story, so they will not be revealed too much.

I won’t say much about the content in the book. To say too much will destroy some things. My future writing will further reduce the author’s presence. For example, it will reduce preaching, ahem.

However, this book has been written for so long, so I can’t say nothing.

The following words are not preaching or this or that, it is just Xiaohuo chatting with everyone.

In the past few years, I have been in a state of confusion. It was only in the past few years that I gradually became more awake and learned to know myself and be aware of myself.

When I look back on the past, I find that my experience did not lead directly to writing. In fact, it can even be said that it has been meandering, and it is still the same now.

Most of us are actually like this.

Most of the education, knowledge, books, guidance and other information we received when we were young did not point to the industries we would engage in in the future. Of course, we ourselves did not learn it thoroughly.

Take myself as an example. I read some books when I was a child, but now I recall that there were almost no books of literary nature. They were all explanatory and narrative books, mostly popular science.

I have been good at composition since I was a child, and it was often a model essay for the class. For no other reason than I was reading the essays one after another.

The good thing is that I can always write good exam essays.

The disadvantage is that school compositions, which focus on narrative, explanation and discussion, block the broader vision of writing and fix my writing style.

Because before the age of 20, I did not read real literary works or excellent long stories in depth, repeatedly and for a long time. Even if I read some tomes, I only skimmed over them, forming a self-deceptive sense of superiority, which would have a profound impact in the future.


The biggest influence is that in the past few years, when I was imagining novels, I would form excellent ideas and good stories. Then, I found that I could only write a 90-point story.

60 points.

Now write and destroy the story.

Not once, but many times.

I thought about the reasons carefully and found that I may be good in some aspects, but not at a high level in other aspects.

Having said this, some people may think, ah, Lao Huo... No, Xiao Huo is complaining? Are you talking about exam-oriented education or native family again?

on the contrary.

I can't blame anyone or any environment in the past, present or future, because each of us, people of every era, and even the era itself, are living hard.

I don’t complain about the previous generation, I don’t blame the same generation, and I won’t criticize the next generation harshly.

Because I have dug deeply into myself, and then I have dug out many, many colorful things that are common to all human beings.

I have a lot of ideas and stories at hand, and some stories are difficult to write, even for the best writers.

But I really want to write it and make it an excellent story.

what to do?

Start from scratch and learn how to write bit by bit.

I actually have a more... less easy-to-describe choice, which is to repeatedly write about the genres that I am good at.

But I know very well that I need to improve many basic skills in writing. If I keep writing what I am good at, I will fall into the dilemma of writing essays repeatedly when I was a child.

Take the most commonly used wall-building analogy. The left wall that I am good at is tightly stacked, but the right wall that I am not good at leaks everywhere.

Most people suggested that I build the wall on the left and leave the wall on the right alone until later.

This approach is also correct.

But, I want to build a house.

This is my problem now. I need to learn to build the right wall first and learn to build a house before I can build a house. Otherwise, I can only build walls.

Well, humans are creatures that find sufficient reasons and excuses for themselves before they can act.

Because people have to protect everything about themselves, and only when they have a sense of security can they do things.

The way I protect myself is that I think I can do it.

I thought about it and said this, apart from chatting, mainly to motivate myself. Once it is turned into words and sent out, I will push myself even more strongly.

Maybe it's my heart that is helping me strengthen my confidence.

It seems that these words should not be said, but they should be said.

Because, I don’t seem to be afraid of these things anymore.

The calmer you are, the more fearless you are.

That's enough, let's move on.

See you ahead.

This chapter has been completed!
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