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Chapter 204 Shamelessly borrowing a horoscope

"Not bad." Li Qingxian nodded lightly.

Xiao Hua laughed again.

Shen Xiaoyi didn't expect that Li Qingxian would steal his words, and said helplessly: "Even if a swarm of insects is lurking, it still needs to be suppressed. I have a big thunder pot and a pair of vicious bird beaks here, which will be of great help to you in borrowing the insect form." .”

Li Qingxian said: "You are well-informed, can you tell me some 'stories' about seeking life, especially stories about seeking life in deep mountains and old forests? You only tell stories, and I only listen."

Shen Xiaoyi glanced at Li Qingxian, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said: "Then I will tell you three things."

"One is the story of Anguo in the old dynasty. At that time, Taizu of Qi State massacred the people of Anguo, cutting off their ears and skinning people. After a general under Taizu of Qi State massacred a village, a life magician passed by. The life magician happened to have been Having lived in that village, he was furious, so he single-handedly pursued Qi's three thousand troops all the way into the mountains and forests. In order to find the general who kept escaping, he used a total of twelve life-seeking techniques..."

"One is the revenge of the life magician. When the life magician was young, his family was killed by a demon cultivator. When he grew up, he became a successful practitioner and came down the mountain. He began a ten-year revenge..."

"The third story is about the famous fortune-teller He Yunjing..."

After listening to the three stories, Li Qingxian said: "The other party is a seventh-grade fortune-teller, so he has many methods, and he will definitely resolve my fortune-teller. I have no experience in playing chess fortune-teller. By the way, you can tell me a few fortune-teller games. story."

Shen Xiaoyi sighed helplessly, thought for a moment, and told several stories about fortune-teller chess games, one of which he witnessed with his own eyes.

After listening to Shen Xiaoyi's words, Li Qingxian was imprinted on the spiritual platform, and then recalled the details over and over again. Whenever he discovered anything, he immediately recorded it and analyzed it carefully before there were consequences.

Just thinking about it over and over again, after two hours, Li Qingxian had a deeper understanding of the fate-seeking technique, and at the same time, he also had a deeper understanding of the fate-seeking game.

Finally, Li Qingxian invited Shen Xiaoyi and many monks to the top of the mountain, and asked the middle-grade Taoist monks to put down the shielding array to avoid outside detection.

Li Qingxian found a white stone nearby, a bowl of running water, made a leaf ball with leaves to wrap the air, a branch, a handful of green grass, and finally caught a big yellow swallowtail butterfly.

Focusing on these six items, put different life materials on the edge of each main life material, ranging from three to seven or eight, especially around the big yellow swallowtail butterfly.

Then, a fifth-grade Taoist cultivator pressed his hand on Li Qingxian's back and slowly injected magic power into Li Qingxian's body.

Li Qingxian cast the spell six times in succession, refining six handfuls of life materials into six phases.

They are a half-foot-tall stone cow, an ice sculpture of Pisces, an eagle with a round belly, a seven-color flower, a green grasshopper about a foot long, and finally a green caterpillar.

Li Qingxian asked a Taoist cultivator to take action, and saw that the Taoist cultivator took out various magical weapons, muttered words, stepped on the steps, and finally cast spells.

The six phases are constantly changing, each giving rise to five false phases.

Li Qingxian used the life-splitting technique to connect every false appearance with the true life-forming technique.

Afterwards, Li Qingxian asked fourth-grade martial arts cultivators to take action.

The fourth-grade martial arts cultivators dropped a total of thirty-six drops of blood essence and mixed it into a bowl. Li Qingxian cast a spell and dripped it into the thirty-six phases respectively to form Qi and blood for protection.

Then, Li Qingxian asked Wen Xiu to use the Zhengqi Hidden Sword to hide inside.

Then ask the Taoist cultivator to apply Taoist magic to the thirty-six phases.

Finally, please ask the puppet master to cast various curses.

After everything was done, Li Qingxian began to use various fortune-telling techniques, and everyone was dazzled.

After casting the spell, the pale Li Qingxian walked up to Shen Xiaoyi and said, "Brother Shen, is there anything else you can give me some advice on?"

Shen Xiaoyi was silent for a while and said: "You probably don't have a master to guide you. Your spellcasting method is relatively rough and many details are missing and need to be improved. But... in the fate-spell game, you will win without a doubt."


"No matter how powerful the opponent is, they will only use the same methods to deal with life magicians. Who knows that you not only use life magic, but also Taoism, puppetry, righteousness and martial arts energy and blood. If it were me, I would definitely fall into your hands. "Shen Xiaoyi's face turned blue.

Li Qingxian said calmly: "You are wrong. Didn't Xu Yuanhai, the great master of destiny, also use the power of a high-grade Taoist cultivator?"

"But Master Xu Yuanhai asked others to help him with his fists, and he didn't do tricks like you in his fortune-telling skills." Shen Xiaoyi said.

Li Qingxian curled his lips and said: "That means there are no evil sects and demon cultivators in the team, otherwise I can still get some evil spells and magic poisons. But you reminded me, Eunuch Fei, can you arrange some evil spirits in our patrol department in the future? Pai and Moxiu?"

"That's a good idea." The old eunuch smiled happily.

"Who did you learn this from? I've never heard of fortune-teller like this." Shen Xiaoyi asked curiously.

Li Qingxian said: "I control the life skills, not the life skills control me."

Afterwards, Li Qingxian checked it again and added some bright fortune skills. He smiled and nodded and said, "That's it. Let's see who is so lucky to play against a novice like me."

Li Qingxian kept sending people to bury the thirty-six phases in different places.

Shen Xiaoyi shook his head more and more.

Xiao Hua asked in a low voice: "Master, what's wrong?"

Shen Xiaoyi sighed and said: "I finally understand why he can win the first place in the drama. He is completely different from a normal life magician. He always uses life magic in ways other than life magic."

"Is that good or bad?"

"I don't know." Shen Xiaoyi looked at Li Qingxian's back in confusion.

Many people stood together with Shen Xiaoyi, looking at Li Qingxian and discussing the magical fortune-telling skills.

On the top of the hill, Li Qingxian, dressed in green clothes, looked forward.

The early morning fog has just dispersed, and the mountains are undulating, the rocks are rugged, the trees are dense, and the rivers are flowing.

In the mountains and forests, people everywhere gradually put down the six phases.

Li Qingxian turned to look at Shen Xiaoyi and said: "Mr. Shen, can you lend me a birth chart? This thing is troublesome to make and expensive. I thought it would take a long time to use it, but who knew I would be forced to arrest a traitor? , not prepared.”

"You..." Shen Xiaoyi glared at Li Qingxian fiercely, took out a bronze plate about a foot in diameter from his pocket and threw it over.

"This is my spare one. It hasn't entered the mourning platform yet. You can give me a price and I'll sell it to you." Shen Xiaoyi said.

Li Qingxian took the life chart and thought that Shen Xiaoyi was really on guard, for fear that he would do something by using his life chart.

"I still want to make a few life weapons. I don't have any money left. I will make an IOU later and pay you back when I have money." Li Qingxian said.

"Master Li, are you too embarrassed?" Xiao Hua said loudly.

"Brother Shen is such a good person, you won't care about it, right, Brother Shen?" Li Qingxian said with a smile.

Shen Xiaoyi rolled her eyes at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian lowered his head to look at the natal chart. It had bronze black lines, yin and yang, three talents and four pillars, five elements and six combinations, seven stars and eight trigrams, nine palaces, stems and earthly branches. It was a standard natal chart with slightly better material.

When you reach out and touch the center, you can hear the sound of stone grinding and the collision of copper and iron at the same time. The rings of the birth chart are slightly separated in the middle, and each ring slowly rotates.

I checked it secretly with my life skills and found that it was indeed brand new and there were no problems.

After turning it for a while, Li Qingxian patted it gently, mana surged, and the life chart turned into hot molten liquid, flowing from the blood vessels to the spiritual platform, and finally took shape in the life palace.

This chapter has been completed!
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