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Chapter 330: Free time as cabbage

"Mother's? Not. Emperor Huangquan's, neither? Think about it all..."

A picture suddenly appeared in Li Qingxian's mind. A wooden house in the dark night was dimly lit, and a huge black shadow was reflected on the window. He suddenly raised something and hit something, causing juice to splash and fall on the paper window.

Li Qingxian was suddenly startled, Melon Grower? It feels like Melon Grower, but there are subtle differences.

Does it matter if one grows melons and the other grows vegetables? Is it because the vegetable farmer stared at me before because he has seen the melon grower?

No, is it because I was born from a melon?

Li Qingxian's eyes brightened slightly.

"If my prediction is correct, the vegetable grower must have used some method to occupy the body of the original child, and then participated in the weird game, hoping to gain some benefits. The weird world is very weird, and only the weird mother probably knows the reason. There is no one now.

Time will explore the reasons, and what is certain is that his appearance will only make the game more complicated."

"If I had to guess what benefit he wanted, then the most likely thing is that he is a cabbage man."

Li Qingxian stared at the cabbage children behind the vegetable grower, and soon discovered that the bodies of those children looked like nothing at first glance, but there were some accessories hanging on their clothes that clearly did not belong to the children. They were probably candidates who had their heads chopped off by the vegetable grower.


"The goal of the kid who chops vegetables is for the game, but he is different, he just does it for cabbages. If he is allowed to chop, the candidates will be turned into cabbages. Secondly, the whole circle will probably collapse. At that time, I will also be in danger.


Li Qingxian was observing the game and thinking.

Not long after, the vegetable grower walked around and came to the first candidate, showing his old face and black teeth, and said in a childlike voice: "Give me your cabbage leaves."

The four candidates did not discuss the results at all and had no countermeasures.

Wen Xiu sighed and said nothing.

The vegetable grower smiled, raised his right hand and pointed it like a knife, saying: "Chop, chop, chop the cabbage, chop it down with one knife, chop off the leaves!"

After saying that, the vegetable grower slashed twice at the shoulder of the literary candidate from afar. The literary candidate's arms were broken at shoulder level, and they fell to the ground like feathers.

"Ordinary vegetable leaves." The vegetable grower shook his head, grabbed it with his right hand, and his two arms were suspended by his side.

Na Wenxiu lost both arms, and the wound was covered with thin gray-yellow mist, without any discomfort.

The people on both sides of him put their hands on his shoulders and sighed softly.

The vegetable grower then took away the legs of the second candidate and the torso of the third candidate. Neither of the two candidates spoke.

Finally, the vegetable grower walked up to Sun Qingtian.

Sun Qingtian snorted coldly and said: "Take the scar on your head as big as a bowl! Brothers, let's meet again in eighteen years and kill these turtles!"

The vegetable grower smiled and stretched out his hand to chop. Sun Qingtian's head fell lightly, but his body was still standing, and his hands were held by the other two.

The vegetable growers clapped their hands and sang: "Tie up the leaves, cabbage leaves, cabbage hearts and roots and sell them tomorrow morning!"

The straw rope flew out from the cuffs of the vegetable grower, tied the different body parts of the four people together, and then slowly shrunk,

Unlike other cabbage children, this new child's neck does not have three red blood marks, but a straw rope.

Sun Qingtian, who was made up of the bodies of four people, walked to the back of the cabbage kid's team and put his hands on the shoulders of the last cabbage kid.

Sun Qingtian moved his neck, looked at everyone, and finally winked at Li Qingxian.

Everyone was in disbelief. None of them had been able to do such a move before. What did it mean?

Wang Buku sent a message: "Sun Qingtian's head did not turn into cabbage immediately, and unlike other candidates who could not move, it probably means that the cabbage chopping game has not completely ended."

Li Qingxian vaguely guessed that this was probably related to the identity of the vegetable grower. After all, he was not a real cabbage child.

"Tiantian guessed it right! This cabbage chopping game is a bit weird. Don't give up until the end, don't be afraid! Pass it on!"

As soon as Li Qingxian finished speaking, he saw the child in yellow running behind the candidate whose legs were cut off by the vegetable grower and putting down the yellow handkerchief.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

The kid in yellow was originally a candidate for the Demon Sect.

The candidate who lost his legs was already worried about this. When he noticed that everyone was looking at him wrongly, he reacted immediately, grabbed a handkerchief and stuffed it into his clothes. He used his hands as feet and ran while cursing: "You idiot, you are really not a human being. I am XXXX."

’s...I won’t let you go even if I’m a ghost..."

But can never catch up.

The kid in yellow clothes from the demon sect completed a lap and took the candidate's place.

The candidate with a broken leg was shrouded in a yellow handkerchief and turned into a child in yellow.

Everyone looked surprised.

The legs of the child in yellow have not recovered, they are completely different from before.

Everyone was panicked and asked what was going on.

The smile flashed across Li Qingxian's face.

The strange rules are in conflict!

Li Qingxian thought slowly, and the clear voice of the vegetable grower came from behind.

"Chop, chop, chop cabbage..."

Unlike the previous singing while walking, the vegetable grower stood still and sang.

Li Qingxian's whole body felt cold. He turned his head slightly and saw from the corner of his eye that the vegetable grower was pointing at Song Baige and singing, singing each word once and only singing Song Baige.

Everyone sighed, but didn't know what to do.

"Bai Ge, be careful. I didn't expect that there would be such rules of the game." Wang Buku said.

Song Baige smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, since I entered here, I'm already prepared. Besides, this is a good thing. The first one only needs cabbage leaves, and all I lose is my arms. As long as Ye Han doesn't get lit with firecrackers, I'll do it

Other games are fine."

Li Qingxian did not dare to look directly at the vegetable grower. He continued to observe with his peripheral vision and frowned slightly. This method was too shameless.

However, there is a history of lighting three firecrackers each, so it seems normal for vegetable growers to do so.

After the vegetable grower ordered Song Baige and asked for vegetable leaves, he walked a few steps, passed Li Qingxian, and pointed at Wang Buku.

"Chop, chop, chop cabbage..."

Everyone was stunned. The vegetable grower kept pointing at Wang Buku.

Everyone in Li Qingxian's team was frightened.

"Alas..." Wang Buku sighed softly and said nothing.

A look of disbelief flashed across Li Qingxian's face, his thoughts were racing, and he kept thinking about the strange village and strange city.

"There is a problem! All the previous games were not so targeted, but the first one in the vegetable gardening game was Sun Qingtian, and the second one was Song Baige and Wang Buku. There is currently only one common characteristic among these three people.

, their luck is stronger than that of ordinary candidates. And my luck is currently the strongest..."

Li Qingxian exhaled slowly, his expression solemn.

Then, the vegetable grower ordered Qiu Ye, and finally, Guanzhou, which had the worst luck.

Song Baige, Wang Buku and Qiu Ye looked calm, but Guan Zhou looked pale and said in a panic: "Should I use the treasure?"

Wang Buku said: "Wait a moment. If you are really scared, you can use it. You decide for yourself what is yours."

Guan Zhou nodded and clenched his fists.

Li Qingxian vaguely understood the vegetable grower's intention of targeting Guanzhou, and even guessed the vegetable grower's purpose of targeting four of his teammates.

They are not the only targets of vegetable growers!

Can't sit still and wait for death!

Li Qingxian turned his head, stared at the back of the vegetable grower, and spoke to the four people.

"Choose me! All four of you choose my body parts and treat me as cabbage."

This chapter has been completed!
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