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Chapter 396: Moving the Sky to the Hidden Emperor Star

The Emperor Star falls from the sky.

Li Qingxian and everyone looked up.

Many people's eyes were burning.

Meng Huaichuan gritted his teeth and said: "This thing belongs to Ye Han, you must not be greedy."

In an instant, everyone was awake. Even men as powerful as Meng Huaichuan didn't dare to snatch it. What does this mean?

At this moment, seizing the Emperor Star by force may not be a good thing. Think about the good luck that led to the death of a super-grade person. In the end, Ye Han returned safely?

If you really want to rob the Emperor Star, can you leave this place alive?

Many people lost their minds.

Wang Buku, Song Baige and Shen Xiaoyi were not greedy from beginning to end. Whoever falls on it belongs to whom, and there is no point in fighting for it.

The Emperor Star was like a meteorite, falling directly on top of Li Qingxian and entering the Ming Mansion.

Li Qingxian felt his eyes go dark, and his spiritual thoughts went straight into the Ming Mansion.

Unlike other destiny stars, this emperor star falls on the destiny cloud in the sky of the destiny mansion.

The lavender light slowly converged and condensed into a bean of purple light, which flew into the Ming Mansion, hit the broken wooden door of the Ming Mansion, and turned into a plaque, which was placed across the door.

Gold convex wavy edges, dark blue base.

There is no text on the plaque.

Li Qingxian had never seen this object in a fortune book, and he guessed that it was a power similar to a fortune weapon or fortune-telling technique, which could help the fortune-telling government. As for the specific effect, it needed to be confirmed later.

Li Qingxian looked at the fate star on the fate cloud.

Inside the transparent glass shell, there is a magnificent house.

In the luxurious house, there are golden tripods placed one by one.

The tripod is filled with pearls.

All the pearls are round and bright, and all of them are large and plump.

Upon closer inspection, some of the pearls were actually mixed with things that looked like pearls but were not.

If you look closely, you will see that it is a fish eye.

One of the fish eyes is the weirdest. It is obviously the same as the other fish eyes, but it always looks weird.

Destiny Star: Fish eyes mixed with pearls.

Li Qingxian suddenly realized that the Xin Dao Destiny Sect was really powerful. They used this destiny star to wrap the original emperor star of the old kingdom of the dead world and send it to the Son of Man's destiny mansion to ensure that the son of man would ascend to the destiny platform.

Fish-eye beads are very rare and are excellent fortune stars for fortune-tellers.

The biggest function of this destiny star is to wrap the true destiny star.

No matter how other people deduce it, it is the True Star, but the power of the True Star has been obscured by confusion. Only special means or methods can activate the power of the True Star.

The real emperor star is in that fish eye.

Li Qingxian reached out and grabbed it. The fish eye only moved slightly and showed no change.

It seems that the life star of Yumuhunzhu is connected with the number of good luck and life. There is no special way to stimulate the power of the real life star.

If good luck leads to death, then this destiny star will never be taken out, and the destiny platform will not be opened.

"Fortunately there is still some blood left..."

Li Qingxian used the blood of good luck students to create a fortune-telling person, then took out the Rizhao Jinshan, used fortune-telling skills one after another, took out the fate fishing rod, and threw the rod into the fate star.

The fishhook entered the fish eye, but was blocked by the powerful force and could never touch the real emperor star.

Continuous use of Lucky Fish failed.

Li Qingxian borrowed his identity as a Taoist protector to try to take it out, but still failed.

"What a Destiny Sect, it's really a perfect plan."

Li Qingxian immediately deduced carefully and found that his fortune skills could be hidden from anyone, but he could never hide from the power of the Destiny Sect.

If you force yourself to do something, your life star will inevitably break.

Li Qingxian thought quietly, looking for various possibilities.

The Great Zanri Sword is indeed powerful, but it will crush everything with one strike.

The deceitful destiny chart is useless, the four-phase square respect and the king's luck are useless, and the obelisk destiny mountain is useless...

Finally, Li Qingxian looked at the destiny fishing rod.

"I originally wanted to enhance this life weapon, but now that it has happened, I should give it a try."

Li Qingxian stretched out his hand and pointed, and the small country jade seal presented by Gai Fengyou, a high-grade life magician, flew to the destiny fishing rod.

This thing is far more than the golden seal of a king. It is the jade seal of a majestic country. Although it is only a small country, its effect is extraordinary.

Life magicians will not use life weapons, but use them to carry the general situation or guard the life palace.

However, the fishing rod of destiny is extraordinary and is far more critical to me than the Great Zhanli Sword.


Li Qingxian gave an order, and the jade seal of the small country turned into jade liquid and merged into the fishing rod of destiny.

The aura of the destiny fishing rod surges, the golden bamboo body stretches and strengthens, the lifeline becomes thicker, and the fishing hook becomes larger.

In the end, all the small country's jade seals poured into the Destiny Fishing Rod, and the Destiny Fishing Rod also changed from a gold-like material to a jade one, still emitting golden light.

Li Qingxian cast a spell again and sent in a lucky fish.

This time, the fishing hook landed firmly in the fate star tripod, hooked the emperor star, and flew out of the fish-eye mixed-bead fate star.

The Nadi star transformed from a fish eye into a normal transparent life star.

Li Qingxian looked carefully, with a look of surprise on his face.

In the destiny star, the sky and the earth are reversed, the sky is below, the earth is above, and the sun is embedded in the middle of the earth.

Hidden Fate Star: Change the sky and change the sun.

"Although this item is not extremely expensive, to a fortune-teller, it is no less valuable than a fortune star."

Li Qingxian observed it carefully and couldn't put it down.

The Hidden Life Star is the most troublesome life star for life magicians. Like the Fish Eye Pearl, this life star can also wrap a life star.

But the difference is that this destiny star will be hidden in the destiny palace. Normally, it will only exert the power of the wrapped destiny star.

It’s like having one more destiny star in your destiny!

Once the Mingfu encounters the deduction of fate, the sky will change and the sun will come out to interfere.

Other fortune-telling masters cannot see the Mingfu destiny star, so they can only deduce it with their fortune-telling skills. However, as long as the hidden destiny star is there, the results of their deduction will be wrong.

The second major function of the Hidden Life Star is to "counterattack".

The enemy's destiny magician clearly calculated a result and then used destiny magic to restrain it, but in fact, Li Qingxian's destiny was the opposite, so the enemy's destiny magic would strengthen Li Qingxian's destiny and even backfire on the enemy.

Li Qingxian glanced at the Ming Mansion plaque again and exited the Ming Mansion.

"Congratulations!" Everyone raised their hands in congratulations.

"It's just a fluke." Li Qingxian said.

"How does it feel?" Song Baige asked excitedly.

"It doesn't feel like anything, it's just a destiny star." Li Qingxian said.

Everyone curled their lips, everyone guessed that this emperor star was related to the destiny platform.

Meng Huaichuan opened his mouth, but then closed it again, thinking that he was no longer the team leader and there were some things he couldn't say casually.

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian slowly sensed it, but couldn't sense anything.

"I don't feel anything unusual, let's keep moving forward."

Everyone continued to move forward, and after walking a few steps, they suddenly felt something was wrong and turned around.

What about the rest?

Li Qingxian found that the surrounding area was empty, with no fog and no illusions, just ordinary imperial gardens, flowerbeds, trees, roads and pavilions.

But there is no one else except myself.

Li Qingxian was always ready and walked forward slowly. After taking a few steps, the front suddenly became clear.

A hill ten feet high rises from the ground, and the spring water on the mountain slides into a waterfall, hitting the deep pool with a gurgling sound.

After the waterfall, a cave entrance is faintly visible.

Li Qingxian stepped forward, but no matter what, he couldn't hit the pool, as if he was standing still.

This chapter has been completed!
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