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Chapter 533: One step and two steps to accumulate food

The dice rolls and stops.

Three points pointing towards the sky.

Order the gentleman to take three steps forward.

With a flash of golden light, a picture appeared in the sky, telling the gentleman that his family would manage well and expand its power.

The family's wealth increased, and a magical elixir was purchased to help the destined gentleman be promoted to the fifth rank.

The fifth-grade life gentleman's strength increased greatly, and he made continuous attacks to defeat the evil forces in Bei District City, becoming one of the most powerful forces in Bei District City.

Then, the voice of the star chess master sounded: "Before throwing the dice, you invest in the situation city and choose a force to join. Then, this force will become your force. On the basis of this force, you use life magic to control the dice.

Drop point. As for what events will happen in each grid, it depends on your own deduction. You must remember that after any one person makes a choice, it will affect the entire city. During this period, each person can only actively activate eight

The power of mountains and rivers on the 18th floor.”

The three people were lost in thought.

Li Qingxian held the Situation City in his hand, thought for a while, then gently threw it with his right hand, and the Situation City fell to the ground and disappeared.

After an instant, Li Qingxian felt that the entire East District City had formed a strange relationship with him. In some way, he seemed to be born here, grew up here, and had an inseparable attachment to this place.

At the same time, I feel that my understanding of fate magic is much stronger than before, and my understanding of East District City is also clearer.


Li Qingxian looked at his East District City on the right in disbelief.

He obviously already has two major situations: Ten Thousand Ants Climbing the Dragon and Golden Python Stealing the Dragon. In theory, these two situations are both major situations, because once used, they can affect the world.

However, because my own strength is limited, I cannot exert the power of the two major situations at all, so the actual effect is limited, and I have never felt a similar feeling.

It seems that this situation city was refined by oneself, and one can directly exert its greatest effect.

The Eighty-Eight Floor Mountains and Rivers is a general-purpose situation that covers everything. One of its functions is that its main body can enhance the power of fate in all aspects.

"As for which force to choose..."

Li Qingxian first eliminated the Demon Sect and the Evil Sect. He was already opposed to these two forces. No matter how strong this force was, it would be difficult for him to like it. If he forced his choice, but did not act according to the style of the Demon Sect and the Evil Sect,

Defeat is inevitable.

Then, martial arts cultivators, literary cultivators, government officials, Taoist cultivators and puppet cultivators came into view.

"The government seems powerful, but if you put it here, it is definitely a trap. The reason is very simple. The government is actually the most restricted force. It can't do this and that. I don't know much about puppet cultivators, so I chose very rashly.


"Wen Xiu is a good choice, but the problem is that Wen Xiu often goes to extremes, and is either a tough-minded gentleman or a fat-minded murderer. Wen Xiu also has many rules. The main reason why I can be appreciated by Wen Xiu is

It’s because of my dad.”

Afterwards, Li Qingxian cast spells and used phase situation techniques to carefully observe the situation of martial arts cultivators and Taoist sects respectively.

At first, there was no difference.

After thinking about it, Li Qingxian consumed a luck fish and looked at the twenty grids ahead.

Each grid represents something happening.

However, different forces may have different consequences.

What's more, the grid will be affected by other forces and will change now and in the future.

Later, Li Qingxian consumed the lucky fish to perform a second deduction of the 20 grids ahead.

Once it was a martial arts force, and once it was a Taoist force.

After comparison, Li Qingxian discovered the difference between the two.

Without external interference, the martial arts forces made rapid progress in the front, but were a little weak in the later stages.

Taoist cultivators are different, because they have to punish evil and promote good, and they have conflicts with demons and evil sects. There are many hardships in the front, but in the ten grids after that, there are three excellent events.

They were the birth of a great genius in the Taoist sect, the return of the three elders who had been missing for a long time and the return of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and finally the magical medicine in the Taoist sect finally matured, refining a total of ten God-Returning Pills, and creating many masters.

This is without external interference.

The biggest difference between the situational promotion chart and the fate promotion chart is that the changes in the situation are much more dramatic than the individual destiny.

In the fateful drama that I participated in last time, as long as I worked hard, did not fight for treasures, did not fight with others, and cultivated step by step, I would naturally be able to support a world.

But the situation is more complicated. The current situation of the Dao Sect is like this, and it may take a turn for the worse in the future.

Next, every step you take, you have to use the Xiangju technique again and deduce it again.

This level of consumption will inevitably affect the final outcome.

The three of them were thinking when the voice said: "Next, West District City."

Mr. Big waited for a moment, and then used fortune-telling to change the dice. The dice turned six o'clock upwards, and Mr. Big took six steps forward.

Li Qingxian and Mr. Zhu looked at the sixth step of the grid.

Several scenes appeared above. The god-worshipping sect led by Mr. Da acted arrogantly, triggering a backlash from all the major forces. However, under the influence of the basic power of the mountains and rivers on the 88th floor, the evil sect was still able to gain a foothold and suffered some losses, but

The sound shook the whole city.

Li Qingxian and Mr. Zhu looked at each other.

Obviously, Mr. Da chose to make a quick decision, sit on that chair first, and seize the position of city lord.

"Next, Nan District City."

Mr. Bamboo didn't cast a spell either. He threw the dice casually and saw three points thrown out.

Mr. Zhu walked to the third grid, and some pictures appeared on it.

Mr. Zhu's Tianyuan Escort met a nobleman during a dart game, and gave the chief escort a magic weapon, which gave the sixth-grade chief escort the strength of a fifth-grade, and improved the status of Tianyuan Escort in the West District City.

, causing fear among some forces.

The other two people looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian deduced the grid again, and used the phase technique to check the situation, then selected the Taoist door, cast a spell on the dice and threw it out.

The dice stopped spinning and one point pointed upward.

Li Qingxian took a step forward, and some pictures appeared in the sky.

The Qinghui Sect led by Li Qingxian worked hard to cultivate, and the disciples' cultivation level improved, without any high-profile actions. A few Taoist monks from other places joined the Qinghui Sect, making the Qinghui Sect slightly stronger.

Mr. Da and Mr. Zhu looked at Li Qingxian in confusion, because this step was too ordinary, and although it was stable, the return was low, and they may not be able to protect themselves in the next changes.

"The second step." Star Chess Master said.

The man of destiny throws the dice, and four o'clock comes up.

Order the gentleman to take four steps, and the picture will appear.

The old patriarch of the martial arts family Ming Junzi relapsed and passed away, causing a brief period of civil strife in the family. However, Ming Junzi eliminated the unscrupulous descendants of the family and the family became smaller but more cohesive.

Mr. Big strikes again, still at six o'clock.

A picture emerged. The evil god sent down an oracle, bestowing power on the leader, and the leader was promoted to the fifth level. However, because sacrificing to the gods required a large amount of treasures, the god-worshipping sect plundered them, causing disputes and losing troops. The number of people was smaller, but it was faintly possible.

The potential of the largest faction in West District City.

Seeing what Mr. Da did, Ye Han remained calm, while Geng Tianhui and several people around him frowned.

This chapter has been completed!
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