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Chapter 616 Entering at the door

There is a table on the staircase platform between the second and third floors of the Mingshu Teahouse.

Zhou Xuanshan, with yellow eyebrows and yellow beard, stood behind the table.

The life magicians are divided into three levels, but no matter where everyone sits or what angle they are at, Mount Zhou Xuan is always directly in front of them.

Zhou Xuanshan looks to be in his thirties or forties, with a rosy complexion and no wrinkles on his skin, but this first-grade life magician has been famous for at least fifty years.

Zhou Xuanshan looked around the three floors, smiled slightly, and said: "I am here today to communicate with you all because of the Jade Cup Boy."

The life magicians on the second floor turned around to look for him.

Li Qingxian and Shen Xiaoyi were sitting side by side, and beside them were the round-headed Liu Lao Lao, the tall and thin Gang Wang, and the old man with a jade hairpin.

Not far away, a man leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and glanced at Li Qingxian.

There was no one around the man, and there were no eyeballs in his eyes, just a faint golden light.

Duan Tianji, who originally left early, heard about Zhou Xuanshan's sermon today and returned to the divine capital from the Tianming Sect.

Zhou Xuanshan continued: "That day, I met the Jade Cup boy by chance. We chatted for a while and exchanged some fortune-telling. He said that I could come to the fortune-telling teahouse to teach at the Big Beast Bridge. I thought about it and agreed to him. As for the reason, When I was chatting with my nephew Guo Xiang, I once said. I said that a long time ago, in order to be promoted to a great life magician, I read through the notes of many great life magicians, and finally discovered what those masters have in common. That is, They may not be geniuses, they may do wrong things, and they may have shortcomings of one kind or another, but they are all trying their best to do things that are beneficial to themselves in becoming great destiny magicians, and most of them are trying their best to do things that are beneficial to the destiny magic world. matter."

Zhou Xuanshan paused and said: "Someone once asked me what is the most important thing for me to be promoted to a great life magician? I thought about it and found that many are important. If I had to choose one as the most important, I couldn't. I can only say that there are two most important things. The first and most important thing is my personal efforts and my personal opportunities. Among all living beings and countless peers, I can stand out. No matter how humble I am, it has something to do with myself. It has a huge relationship. This is not a boast, but a fact."

Many fortune-teller masters nodded slightly. The knowledge of each great fortune-teller was learned through their own hard work.

"Then, what is another thing that is equally important? It is the world we are based on. The seniors who created life skills, the seniors who passed down life skills, the friends who exchanged life skills, not only the life skills seniors, but also those who made this The people in the world who live in peace, those who work in the fields, those who work in workshops, those who teach in academies, those who treat patients in hospitals...Everyone in this world makes up this world. When I was born in this world, I I am blessed by my parents and everyone. Whether I want it or not, my personal achievements are based on this world. Without the kindness and kindness of this world, I would not be able to become a great destiny magician or grow up. Adulthood, not even birth."

Everyone fell into deep thought.

After a while, Zhou Xuanshan continued: "I was born to inherit the goodness of this world, so I should inherit this goodness. Like everyone else, I also have selfish intentions and make mistakes, but this does not prevent me from inheriting the goodness of the world. I once told Guo Xiang that, like everyone else, I don’t know what the future of this world will be like, and I’m not sure what is right and what is wrong. However, there are always some simple and good laws in this world, such as , share what I have learned, such as cultivating more juniors, such as more help and less internal fighting."

Everyone was silent.

Zhou Xuanshan smiled and said: "I know that some of you don't agree with this statement, but my mentor took me around the world when I was very young. I have seen people who were hungry but still divided most of the whole grain cake.

I know this is kindness for the beggar who gives it to his companions. I have seen mothers holding their children and walking all night to find a doctor in the city. The bloody footprints are kindness. I have seen countless parents feeding their children.

I know that is a good thing. I have seen soldiers who were frantically killing monsters avoid a woman holding a baby when returning to the city to prevent the smell of blood from scaring the child. I know that this is a good thing... No

This is the method my master taught me, and this is his kindness."

Many people nodded slightly, while others remained unmoved.

"After explaining the reasons, I will talk about the reasons why I became a great fortune-teller and some of the things that everyone can learn. After that, we will discuss the specific fortune-telling techniques."

"In a way, I'm lucky, because it wasn't until I was successfully promoted to the top level that I discovered that I have some abilities that only a few people have. These abilities don't seem to be of much use, and they don't seem to have much effect.

, but every time I use the 'Dream Recall Technique' to re-experience and examine my past, I will sincerely feel that I am so lucky."

"My first good ability is that I always want more. Some people will say that you are very greedy. Yes, I am greedy. However, what I am greedy for is not wealth, reputation, or power. I

Think about what I have wanted since childhood, I want to live forever, I want to master endless life magic, I want to become a better life magician, I want to become a great life magician."

"My second best ability is that I believe that I can get everything I want, and I believe that I will become a great destiny magician. From the day I wanted to become a great destiny magician, I believed it. Of course, the actual situation depends on

It seems contradictory. The actual situation is that I don’t know if I can become a great destiny magician, but I believe that I will become a great destiny magician. The actual situation is that I will encounter many difficulties, I will encounter many blows, and I will even

It doesn't matter if I doubt myself. Although I often doubt myself, I still believe that I have a chance to become a great destiny magician."

Hearing this, many life magicians were moved. The older and higher-level life magicians were, the more solemn their expressions were.

Countless life magicians have recorded what Zhou Xuanshan said.

Some people fell into deep thought, even though there seemed to be contradictions in Zhou Xuanshan's words.

After a while, Zhou Xuanshan smiled and said: "Okay, next, let's exchange fortune skills..."

Zhou Xuanshan spoke from above, and everyone listened and memorized below.

Very few people, even the geniuses of various sects, can hear a first-grade great fortune-teller lecture in person.

Whether you are a newbie or a top player who has been famous for many years, you all cherish this opportunity.

From morning to noon, from noon to dusk, Zhou Xuanshan announced that he had finished speaking.

Everyone stood up and sent Zhou Xuanshan off respectfully.

After Zhou Xuanshan left, the three-story teahouse became lively and everyone was talking about it.

Li Qingxian got together with people he usually knew well to discuss the content of Zhou Xuanshan's preaching.

Until late at night, everyone still had their thoughts and dispersed.

Li Qingxian made an appointment with others, and the topic of discussion for the next month will be the content of Zhou Xuanshan's lectures.

Li Qingxian and Shen Xiaoyi walked out of the Mingshu Tea House and got into the same carriage. While chatting, they headed to a restaurant not far away that was open at night, ready to have supper and chat.

The carriage passed by the Zhuge Shu Brocade Shop on Changliu Street. Li Qingxian glanced out the window and saw a somewhat familiar figure walking into the Shu Brocade Shop.

"Stop for a moment." Li Qingxian said to the driver.

This chapter has been completed!
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