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Chapter 675 Calling the Mayor

"Who is this dirty beggar?" Li Qingxian asked Xu Changren.

"He is a strange man. It is said that he is the longest living person in the Lower District of Fu Town. Some people say that he experienced the establishment of the town, while others say that he did not. In short, his identity is very unique. It is said that once the mayor came down for an inspection, and the dirty beggar begged

He was rejected by the mayor for something, and then the dirty beggar yelled and cursed, but the mayor ignored him. The most special thing about him is that he has all nine blessings. Others would have been promoted to immortality long ago, but he never became immortal. We also know that he

If you live a long time and have a lot of experience, you will always chat with him and ask his opinion when encountering problems. However, he often curses Shangshan District and the mayor while chatting," Xu Changren said.

"Invite him to come over and ask how to solve Fuwu every time." Li Qingxian said.

After a while, the dirty beggar used the tree trunk arms as legs and paddled over, looking at Li Qingxian with a smile.

"Little old man, I want to pay my respects to Mr. Night Guard. How are the people outside?" asked the dirty beggar.

Li Qingxian was about to say "very good", but the scene of buying a lot of fish for life a few days ago came to mind.

Almost every young man has some unlucky stars in his fortune from birth.

There are also some people who have the same unlucky star born in their destiny.

Polluted sea and dead fish.

Later, I asked Zhou Xuanshan, but Zhou Xuanshan just sighed.

Li Qingxian checked his fortune book and found out that when the world is in chaos, some people's fortunes will form fate stars similar to those of death and death.

No matter how hard these people struggle, they will be swallowed up by the troubled times.

Li Qingxian replied slowly: "Some are good, some are bad. But I believe that as long as some things and some people are solved, everything will be fine."

"What he said is that everything will be fine, everything will be fine..." the dirty beggar muttered to himself.

Li Qingxian said: "Old sir, what do you think of the upcoming Fuwu? Can you give me some advice?"

The dirty beggar smiled like a chrysanthemum and said: "You are a polite and well-mannered young man, unlike those nouveau riche in the upper mountain area who know how to call me Mr. Old Mr. I didn't want to say it at first, but you have vision and are willing to

Call our brothers, maybe they can lead us out of the fog of fortune."

"The old gentleman is ridiculously complimentary." Li Qingxian said.

The night guards looked helplessly at the dirty beggar who was relying on his old age, and then looked at Li Qingxian, feeling that this Marquis Qiyuan was indeed magnanimous. They had never seen a high-ranking fifth-rank official be so polite to a beggar.

The dirty beggar turned his head and looked at the bright white mist rolling in from the horizon in front of him. He suddenly smiled coldly and said: "What's good about the mist but not the mist is mist. I've been hit by so many mischiefs, but I'm still alive. But, you guys are still alive."

You are young, every time you win, you will die once. The so-called mist is the mist among the mist. This Fu Town is a big mist. Normally, it is the same as outside, but once the mist comes, it will immediately become a mist.


At this time, people were approaching from all directions. Most of them stood not far away and watched, not daring to get too close.

The dirty beggar glanced at those people and continued: "Every time there is a strange fog, someone will die, but as long as you are lucky and have a good mind, not only will you not fall into the trap, but you will get a warning. The most important thing in this strange place in Fuzhen

, is the notice, the notice is the greatest power of this place. If there are enough notices, it can weaken the player or even kill him. The importance of the notice is second only to one's own life."

Li Qingxian nodded lightly. When he was in Gui City, those magic weapons and toys could also kill Gui.

"So, the next key point is to get as many blank notices as possible while protecting your own life. As expected, in addition to the mist, our enemies also have rabbits in the mountains." The dirty beggar said.

Xu Changren clenched his fists tightly, then slowly released them.

"What bastard?" Li Qingxian asked.

The dirty beggar sneered: "Gui Town is not like the colorful world outside. There is no fart inside. The young people who go up to the mountainous area are trapped up there and can't do anything. But when the mist comes, in order to get the notice,

In order to hone their skills, some bastards often leave the Shangshan District. Of course, most bastards do not dare to run around, and stay with their parents in the Shangshan Mountain area, waiting for the mist to dissipate. Those who dare to run around often do it for

If you make announcements or play tricks, or do something outrageous, remember to stay away from them and don’t make enemies with them.”

"Aren't they afraid of danger?"

The dirty beggar said: "Do you think children from poor valleys who have never seen the outside world dare to venture into the capital of God alone?"

"I don't really dare. Even if I dare, it may be very unsatisfactory. It's not as comfortable as being in a poor mountain ravine." Li Qingxian said.

"Then, those who have lived in the capital since childhood, do they dare to venture into the divine capital alone?"

"For them, gods are safer than mountains and valleys."

"Yes, that's the truth. To a few rich people in the Shangshan District, the mist is nothing. Even if they are caught in the mist, they can still get rid of it. At most, they will spend some notices or ginseng fruits. Do you think they will be afraid of the mist?


"Children from rich families are not afraid, but why are wealthy men afraid? I heard from Chang Ren that those men all wore lucky bamboo hats, but they lied to the townspeople that Wei Wu was fine."

"It's Fu Wu." Xu Changren coughed lightly and said.

The dirty beggar rolled his eyes at Xu Changren and said: "What's so strange about this? Think about it carefully, who is not like this? When I was young, I was not afraid of anything, I was crazy about everything, I wanted to try everything, I always said that life is the most important thing

, things to play, things to eat, women, men, this and that... a lot of them are more important than life. But when these people are old, they all eat fast and worship gods, they all want to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and they all try their best to maintain health and live a long life.

He is about to die and feels that life is important. Old man, I have lived for so many years and I have never seen anyone except this."

"That's what the old gentleman said."

"So, whether Fu Wu is in danger or not, you don't have to look at those bastards, just look at those gentlemen. I actually like Fu Wu."


"Think about it, without Fu Wu, our lives are miserable, and the old man lives well. With Fu Wu, our life is even worse, and the old man may also be miserable. When I think about it, we are all the same, and I suddenly feel that Fu Wu is quite good.

Okay..." The dirty beggar laughed, stretched out his big hands from the roots of the tree and scratched the round white fat maggots. Layers of white skin flakes fell like snowflakes, and flew everywhere when the wind blew.

People nearby hurriedly backed away.

At this moment, a person not far away shouted loudly: "The great fog is coming, please help the mayor. If you don't take action, many people will die this time."

"Please ask the mayor to come to the lower district to help!" someone yelled again.

"Please help the mayor, at least give us some food! Sometimes Fuwu will confuse the food, and we can't starve to death."

"There is also clean water! Jingshui Hall usually only gives people one pot of water a day. If the mist of blessing persists, we may all die of thirst!"

"Please help the mayor! We are shouting so loudly, can't the mayor hear us?"

This chapter has been completed!
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