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Chapter 684 Catfish Swallows Rat

Tomb School Captain Wu Jun followed Li Qingxian closely and drew his sword to protect him.

Liu Yitian, Wang Shoude and Xu Fang of the Shen Gong sect teamed up to shoot various talisman arrows to thwart the black catfish.

Li Qingxian took out one piece after another of magic talismans with both hands, and threw them out slowly. The magic talismans of different colors illuminated with different lights, and landed on the black catfish, exploding wounds one after another.

The black catfish kept rolling around in pain, occasionally squealing, becoming more and more angry, and rushing over faster and faster.

Li Qingxian nodded, and Zhou Hen suddenly jumped out, his body suddenly turning into two, then two into four, forming four afterimages, and rushed towards the black catfish at the same time.

The black catfish couldn't be distinguished, its head was tilted sideways, its mouth opened wide, and it spit out dark juice, which was mixed with fine red shrimp shells.

Zhou Hen easily avoided the black catfish's attack, and while passing by the black catfish, he threw the mouse into the black catfish's mouth.

The black catfish suddenly stopped, its eyes blank, and then a drum-like gurgling sound came from its stomach.

Then, the black catfish's eyes showed a humanized look of fear.

Puff puff……

The black catfish has hundreds of dense wounds all over its body, like giant eyes, and jet-black juice spurts out from each wound.

The body of the black catfish shrinks rapidly, and finally it roars and spits out a large amount of black water.

The black catfish looked at everyone with hatred, got into the ground and disappeared.

Li Qingxian walked forward vigilantly, and saw the black juice slowly dissipating, revealing a bamboo hat with a notice under it.

Li Qingxian cast a spell and picked up the bamboo hat and notice from the air.

The bamboo hat is exactly the same as other people's bamboo hats except that it doesn't have the word "福".

The notice was blank.

"It's just a blank notice... Oops... the mayor is wise." The dirty beggar looked scared.

Li Qingxian nodded, waved, took the hat and the blank notice, opened his spiritual eyes to look at them, and felt the power of the two items.

This blank notice is indeed sinister and pure, with no evil intentions.

Li Qingxian suddenly handed the bamboo hat to Han Anbo and said: "It's auspicious. There are people in blue chasing us. It may be related to catfish. This bamboo hat and the blank notice are indeed not for free. Brother Han, put it on first, let's go .”

Li Qingxian put away the blank notice, turned around and left.

Han Anbo did not shirk and put on his bamboo hat. The others glanced at Han Anbo enviously and walked forward quickly.

In Fu Town at night, messy footsteps sounded.

Xu Changren said with emotion: "Luck is a panacea. If people from the lower district get a bamboo hat, they will be eligible to enter the upper mountain area. However, they will still sell their bamboo hats in the end."

"Mayor Yingming. Just like blank notices, they will be bought by the upper district. I have been in Fu Town for so many years, and I have never seen anyone from the lower district holding a blank notice or bamboo hat for more than three days. They either sold it or died. "

After walking for a while, everyone saw Li Qingxian not stopping and frowned.

Han Anbo said: "The following are all lies. Who is the man in blue?"

"The fortune is great. The man in blue with black underwear is taller than the ordinary man in blue, about ten feet tall. It's very extraordinary."

"The following are all lies. Could the catfish be a trap?"

Li Qingxian shook his head.

Everyone didn't know if he wanted to say it or not, or if he didn't know.

Li Qingxian led everyone through the streets of the town, sometimes even circling around a certain place.

Han Anbo said: "The following are all lies. Since he has been chasing him, everyone should be careful. I'm afraid things will not be simple, but I believe it can be solved."

Everyone was silent.

After running for another half-quarter of an hour, Li Qingxian's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Good luck. I have an idea, it may be more dangerous. You can follow me, or you can stay here and wait for me."

The dirty beggar said: "The mayor is wise. Don't be ridiculous. Now we are nine grasshoppers on a rope. What else can we do except follow you?"

"Good luck in the fog. Okay, next, you must strictly listen to me. Slow down when I ask you to slow down, and speed up when I ask you to speed up. Even if you see a man in blue or even a man in white, do you hear me?"

Everyone nodded in unison, but there was a vague feeling of uneasiness.

After Li Qingxian led people into an alley, he suddenly said: "Good luck, slow down and don't look behind you."

Everyone stopped in a hurry and walked forward slowly. As they approached the exit of the alley, footsteps came from behind. They were not as crisp as those of the man in white, but harder than the soles of ordinary people's shoes.

Everyone felt a chill behind them, but they could only move forward bravely.

The footsteps from behind were getting closer and closer, and suddenly, the footsteps were heard from the street in front of them, and they were louder and louder, much like those of the man in white before.

"Fu Wu is lucky. Cover your waist, don't look sideways, and rush!"

Li Qingxian took the lead, and the others accelerated their sprint.

The footsteps behind suddenly accelerated.

Everyone rushed out of the alley, onto the street, and rushed to the opposite alley.

From the corner of their eyes, everyone saw a man in white on the left stunned for a moment, then quickened his pace and chased after him.

Everyone rushed into the next alley and pricked up their ears.

The footsteps of the man in blue and the man in white suddenly stopped.

While Li Qingxian was running, he used the Immortal Seeking Bee in the dark to observe the two of them.

The man in blue rushed out of the alley and stopped. The man in white suddenly turned around and looked at the man in blue. The two looked at each other.

The man in blue wears a black mask, while the man in white has a bloody mouth on his face.

Li Qingxian was keenly aware that the man in blue clothes with black underwear was breathing erratically and took half a step back.

The man in white still maintained his fierce look, opened his mouth and let out a low roar.

The man in blue covered his left waist with his left hand, and took out an emerald green bamboo pole from his clothes with his right hand.

The two stared at each other, motionless.

Not long after, Li Qingxian stopped and kept the Seeker Bee within sight of the two of them.

After a while, the man in blue retreated to the alley first.

The man in white roared, glanced at the alley where Li Qingxian and others entered, and then continued to walk forward.

After Li Qingxian finished telling the story, everyone was shocked.

It was clearly stated before that you can ask the man in blue for help when you encounter a man in white. The two sides are obviously in a hostile relationship. How could it be like this?

Everyone discussed for a while and finally came up with some new guesses.

Either the people in blue clothes in different linings have different responsibilities, or some people in blue clothes are not willing to confront the people in white clothes.

Finally, Li Qingxian said: "Good luck. I kind of understand the intention of the old notice..."

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian.

"...Next, we have to find ways to lead different people in blue and white to meet each other and test their reactions. In this way, we can judge what kind of people in blue are trustworthy and what kind of people in blue

You're not trustworthy, maybe you can tell something. Let's go, there's another man in white coming over there."

Li Qingxian led the people forward, walked a few steps, and then stopped.

On the walls to the left and right in front, a notice appeared on each one.

The notice on the left has an extra layer of snow-white edges. If you don't look carefully, it is exactly the same as an ordinary notice, with a sentence written on it.

"This place has been polluted, and only the people in white can save it."

On the right is a blue-edged notice with a sentence written on it.

"Only you can save yourself."

Li Qingxian glanced at it with his spiritual eyes, pondered for a moment, stepped forward, and first used his life skills to seal the white-edged notice, then took it away, then directly took away the blue-edged notice, and affixed the words he wrote on the paper as usual.

Several people looked puzzled.

This chapter has been completed!
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