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Chapter 881 Poison Strategist

Before entering Dadong County, Li Qingxian observed the situation. The situation cloud above the situation was not strong, but extremely chaotic.

There are hundreds of forces mixed together. I am among you, and you are among me.

While listening to the waiter's introduction to the major forces in Dadong County, Li Qingxian connected the major forces with the deduced situation. At the same time, he sent a letter to the night guards, asking them to send detailed information on all the sects in Dadong County.

Li Qingxian was multitasking, listening and reading Night Guard information at the same time.

After reading the information about the Mirror Demon Empress and Fairy Fengyin caring about the lake, she frowned slightly.

Li Qingxian asked the waiter to leave and chatted with Zhou Hen and Yu Ping about the old relationship between General Wang and Caring for the Lake.

Zhou Hendao: "I have indeed heard that there was a big commotion back then, but no one knows the details. Even a person as powerful as the military advisor cannot get through, so we don't know where to go."

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "There are things that poisonous military advisor Ouyang Li can't even explain. The situation is either extremely complicated, or it is so simple that only love and hatred remain. The word love has puzzled many people since ancient times."

Zhou Hen said: "Don't call him poisonous military advisor to his face, otherwise he will really let you know what poisonous tactics are. You should call him wise military advisor."

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "I just heard that he was very good at using poisonous tactics when fighting monsters. You once guarded the river. Is he really as poisonous as the rumors say?"

Zhou Hen thought for a while and said: "That summer, the weather was very hot, and there happened to be an outbreak of the Death Demon Land. Both our human race and the demon race were affected by the plague. The General Wang frowned, poisonous... Mr. Zhi Military Advisor

With faces full of joy, we rushed barefoot into the army tent and said that we had a plan to relieve the siege. We were very happy. The military counselor said that he could unite the demon sect and use the plague corpses of humans and monsters to make plague corpses, which could be passed on to ten and spread to hundreds.

.If used properly, it can wipe out the demon clan on the north bank of the river and kill millions of enemies."

Yu Ping clicked his tongue.

Zhou Hen continued: "Then General Wang asked, 'What if the plague corpse spreads to our south coast?'" The military advisor was silent for a moment, and slowly said, "If we take precautions, we should be able to prevent fewer deaths."

The general pointed at the door, and the military advisor shook his head helplessly and left."

Li Qingxian said: "As expected of a poisonous military master, he only pursues the goal and does not justify the means."

Zhou Hen said: "Back then, the Old King's Army was short of money. After searching around and not knowing what to do, they approached the Military Advisor. The Military Advisor laughed at the Old King's Army for being pedantic. The corpses of the demon clan were full of treasures. Aren't they just ready-made money and food? So the Old King's Army

So he started processing monster corpses, and the business is booming to this day. Many monster flesh and blood cannot be eaten. The military advisor ordered people to research a method of fertilizing monster flesh and blood and bury it in the fields, so that the grain output per acre in Saibei can exceed that of Jiangnan. How dare you

Believe? To this day, the demon tribe still often shouts, "Go south and cross the river, Ling Chi Ouyang Li". As for the tomb captain who robbed and dug the tombs of the old king's army, it was also the clear path pointed out by the military advisor, but the military advisor hinted at them to dig up the old graves.

The imperial mausoleum and the mausoleums of the declining family sects of this dynasty are easy to find and the money is quick. Then the general Wang pointed at the door, and the military advisor shook his head and left."

Li Qingxian said: "Then the rumor that Zhenbei Army is often in internal strife and has no time to take care of itself is also the work of Master Du?"

Zhou Hen said helplessly: "The Zhenbei Army is not afraid of boxing champion Gao Tiankuo, nor is it afraid of the Great General King, nor is it even afraid of the monster clan, but it is afraid of the military advisor. The Zhenbei Army has been plotting against the river guarding army for twelve years, but whenever it has to deal with When guarding the river, trouble would suddenly arise. The last time the supervisor was too cruel to deduct military pay, causing the camp to roar, the last time it was reported that Marshal Chen Yingyang of Zhenbei had an affair with General Wang, and the last time it was even more cruel. , two third-level generals of the Zhenbei Army turned against each other and led their soldiers to fight in the barracks. The morale of the Zhenbei Army collapsed. Anyway, there are rumors that after taking office, the current Zhenbei Army Supervisor Cha Fuli deliberately found someone to contact the military advisor in a roundabout way. , saying that as long as the military advisor is in the river guarding army for a day, he will never do anything dirty in Cha Fuli, and he will do everything openly and openly. He forces the eunuch who comes out of the harem to show off his horses and horses. How do you think he can be poisonous? "

Li Qingxian smiled helplessly and said: "The left-arm boxing champion Gao Tiankuo and the right-arm poison strategist Ouyang Li, these two have really helped the general Wang a lot."

Zhou Hen said: "The river guards have always said that the outside world has misunderstood. In fact, the left arm has been holding the right arm to prevent it from moving. Otherwise, the good news is that the demon clan is gone, and the bad news is that the Qi country is gone. "

"It's a pity that he was born with a disease and couldn't practice. If he could practice life magic and become a great life magician, the human race... forget it, there's no telling whether the human race will be there by then." Li Qingxian said.

Yu Ping said: "What should we do?"

Li Qingxian thought for a while and said: "The water here is far muddier than imagined. It seems that the night guard has concealed a lot of information. After tonight, I will leave the city early tomorrow morning. I will not go to worship the gods. Stay away from here until Run to the devil's land."

Yu Ping gave a thumbs up and said, "You understand the magic sect."

Zhou Hen nodded and said: "The power of the Demon Sect here is beyond imagination. With our current strength, we cannot solve it. It is better to contact all parties and let them solve it."

"I have already summoned Uncle Zhao, Uncle Song, the Head Guard and others. However, it is difficult for all parties to take action at the moment. But when the evidence is found, the Demon Sect has already taken action." Li Qingxian said.

Yu Ping whispered: "I heard that Mr. Chief Assistant has encountered a problem?"

Li Qingxian was silent for a moment and said: "Uncle Song reminded me a few days ago that some affairs that were originally in charge of Zhao Fu were decentralized to the second assistant Jie Lin Fu."

When Zhou Hen heard Xie Linfu's name, his eyes moved slightly, and he clenched his right hand into a fist and slowly released it.

"It's a pity. Zhao Shoufu has persisted for so many years, which can be considered as a dedication. Now that the person's condition has improved, it is normal for him to kill the donkey." Yu Ping said.

"Who told you these words?" Li Qingxian asked.

Yu Ping curled his lips and said: "It is rumored privately by Ye Wei that you have a nose and eyes. If Zhao Fu is in power, will you be forced to join the Zhenbei Army?"

Zhou Hen said: "Today, before you go to court, you should think more about your options."

Yu Ping said: "Yes, it really doesn't work. We just resign and don't do anything. Why bother getting involved in the muddy waters of the river guard army? I really don't want to go back to the capital. What do the gods say? It's like walking on a tightrope in an abyss. It's too scary. .”

"Let's go to bed after eating." Li Qingxian said calmly.

After the three of them finished eating, they asked for a room in the upper room. Li Qingxian set up a magic circle and the three of them entered the shrunken Feikong Pavilion.

Zhou Hen and Yu Ping rested, and the scenes that happened in the past few days appeared in Li Qingxian's mind.

Emperor Taining comes to court, the Night Guard suddenly limits his intelligence, Zhao Shoufu's power is greatly reduced, the Demon Sect rises up to target the river guarding army, and Guxuan Mountain is plotted by the Demon Sect...

Li Qingxian's sense of crisis became stronger and he entered Tiansui Academy again.

Tiansui Academy has three new buildings, and Li Qingxian, Xiao Shenfeng, and Chen Xingping continue to refine the basic situation, one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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