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Chapter 909 The Zhenbei Army Arrives

Xiang Zizai stood in front of Li Qingxian, bowed his head slightly and waited quietly.

Just now, on behalf of the Mirror Demon Sect, he reported that the Hundred Demon Cave wanted to sell 20,000 sacrifices.

Li Qingxian thought for a while and said, "What is the purpose of Baimo Cave?"

"I can't say for sure, but it may be to share the risk. If something happens during the sacrifice process and I don't get the demon's gift, I might as well sell it to you earlier. In addition, there are many rumors now, and some say Shouhe

The army wants to interrupt the Demon Sect's alliance, and the Hundred Demon Sect is timid. Some people say that the Five Demon Sect is firmly ranked first in the northern Demon Sect, and the Hundred Demon Sect will move closer to the Five Demon Sect, and will always show its goodwill to you and the Five Demon Sect. In short

, it’s hard to say exactly why.”

Li Qingxian glanced at Xiang Zizai and said, "Will you stay in the Mirror Demon Sect forever?"

Xiang Zizai looked embarrassed and said: "I have only mediocre talents and I am alone. I used to be a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. Now that I am older, I want to live a more stable life, so after finishing this business, I am going to go home and find some small businesses."


Li Qingxian nodded, understanding that Xiang Zizai was afraid. The Demon Sect would often gather tens of thousands of people, and sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people at every turn. Anyone with insufficient foundation would be terrified to participate in such a thing.

Not to mention him, even he himself has to think hard. If he didn't have some power to push the envelope, he wouldn't dare to play such a big game.

"Just know how to advance and retreat. Since he Bai Mo Cave dares to sell it, I, the Merciful Demon God, should dare to buy it. You and the Mirror Demon Sect will inherit this matter. By the way..." Li Qingxian suddenly smiled slightly and said, "Ask Bai Mo Cao.

Magic Cave, do you want to sell the last sacrificial crystal?"

"Don't worry, it will be done."

Xiang Zizai left with the Mirror Demon Sect members.

Looking at Xiang Zizi's back, Yu Ping whispered: "He won't betray our identities, right?"

Li Qingxian said: "He only knows that I am Li Jingqiu, but he doesn't know my true identity. What's more, he doesn't dare. The people who betrayed me are all in the capital of God, not in this barren mountain."

"The Demon Sect has such a close relationship with the imperial court... No, the Demon Sect is a part of the imperial court. After so long, do you think you already know your identity?"

Li Qingxian smiled and did not answer.

At this time, the messenger dial sounded.

Li Qingxian picked it up and found that the messenger was Xue Heshan, whom he met in Gui Town.

In the end, this man abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, joining forces to stop the demonized mayor and buy himself enough time.

He himself is also an important figure in the Beixue family. Now that he has been promoted to the second rank, his status in the Beixue family is even higher.

Recently I heard that he had a conflict with some relatives of the Beixue family. It was probably because he had been in Gui Town for many years, and his family members were oppressed by the clan. Since he came back alive, he would definitely go to great lengths to get them back. It is not a big deal.

"Brother Li, it's my seventieth birthday soon. I didn't want to have a grand party, but the children are filial and I've just been promoted, so I thought I might as well have one. Although my memory of our time in Guizhen is blurry, I have always

I feel that I owe you a favor and that we have fought together, so I treat you to a casual meal with a shameless face. Your status is sensitive, so I won’t force you. How about you come sit down and have a bowl of noodles and leave without worrying about others? "

Li Qingxian thought for a moment and sent a message: "Brother Xue is celebrating his birthday, how can I be absent? As long as I have time that day, I will definitely go to pay my respects to Brother Xue and congratulate him on his birthday."

After chatting with Xue Heshan for a few words and deciding on a date, Li Qingxian turned to look at the Death Demon Land.

According to the original plan, the Heavenly Demon Rosette was first strengthened by absorbing the Death Demon Land, and then the powerful Heavenly Demon Rosette was used to devour the entire Death Demon Land and slowly absorb it.

However, in actual operation, we found that the first few steps were very good, but only the last step, Devouring the Death Demon Land, was more difficult than imagined.

The Death Demon Land is too strong, but the Heavenly Demon Rosette is not strong enough.

"I have to hurry up. I have to let the Heavenly Demon Rosette swallow up the entire Death Demon Land before activating it. Once the Death Demon Land is activated, I don't know how many years and months it will take for the Death Demon Land to be swallowed up..."

Li Qingxian shook his head, returned to the magic circle again, absorbed the power of the Dead Demon Land, and strengthened the Heavenly Demon Rosette.

In the Demonic Land of Death, Niu Dingtian frowned.

"That Raibu Lord is a bit strange. With his ability, it is not difficult to absorb the Death Demon Land, but he only absorbs a little bit every day, who are you pretending to?"

"Those hidden demon cultivators are secretly changing the formation, but they are obviously not on the same side as the God of Thunder. They even... seem to be plotting against the God of Thunder?"

"It's really ridiculous. This God of Thunder descends to earth to play in the human world, and all the inner gods of the Dharma Protector have attained fruition status. They are many times nobler than me, old cow. Where do you have the guts to make calculations? You even try to detonate the Demonic Land of Death and offer sacrifices.

To the devil, wait..."

Niu Dingtian's eyes suddenly widened, a possibility came to his mind, and his whole body became cold.

"Isn't this a method commonly used by those insidious heavenly gods to lure snakes out of their holes? No! Once the devil comes, I will definitely remind you immediately and never fall into the trap. I have to think about it carefully..."

Outside Dadong County.

Jiang Youfei calls for war every day.

The demon sect was forced to accept the challenge, and all third-level demon cultivators, without exception, only dared to compete with one move, but even with just one move, they would suffer heavy losses.

The entire Dadong County was gloomy and gloomy, and all the demon cultivators had sad faces.

Just yesterday, the Devil of All Diseases took action and finally wiped out all the bad luck. He faced off against Concubine Jiang Youfei three times, and then...

The devil with all kinds of diseases looked like he was about to die and was carried back with only one breath left.

Anyway, no one can tell whether he was injured by Jiang Youfei's three swords or whether he became that sick himself.

In the early morning of this day, the demon cultivators hunched their necks and waited for Jiang Youfei to call for a fight, but no one showed up at three o'clock in the morning, so they asked around.

After a while, everyone realized that the Demon Sect had come to rescue them.

The reinforcements were none other than the Zhenbei Army.

The originally miserable demon cultivators climbed to the top of the city one after another, stretched their necks and looked towards the north. They saw the banner of the Zhenbei Army in the distance, looking gloating about their misfortune.

"The imperial court is indeed of the same mind as our Demon Sect. Look at the people suppressing the Northern Army. They support us with open swords and guns!"

"It's bullshit on our own people, it's just dog bites dog. The River Guard Army claims to be in charge of the affairs on both sides of the river, but isn't it still made timid by the imperial court and the Zhenbei Army? The Bully Demon Sect is very powerful, and they have fought back and forth with the Monster Clan, but when they encounter

What can the Zhenbei Army do? If we really take action, it will not only be treason, but also civil strife. How will it end?"

"The Zhenbei Army relied on this to constantly harass the river defenders."

"Bei Zhenbei Army is benevolent and righteous. Without them, the River Guard Army would have conquered the south bank long ago, and not even a single scum of our Demon Sect would be left."

Li Qingxian originally planned to have a fake fight with Jiang Youfei today and act out a scene, but he didn't expect the Zhenbei Army to show up.

Under the watch of the patrol, an army of ten thousand people slowly advanced, cutting off the retreat route of the river defenders.

Three kinds of flags are the most eye-catching in the army.

Zhenbei, Yuanwei, Chai.

The Fourteenth Army of Zhenbei, the Tenth Army returned to Zhenbei Supervisory Army Cha Fuli, and the Fourth Army returned to Zhenbei General Chen Yingyang.

This Yuanwei Army is one of the four mighty armies in Zhenbei, and its leader is Chai Qingtang, a third-level martial arts cultivator.

This chapter has been completed!
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