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Chapter 924 Unfilial Descendants

After discussing various matters, Li Qingxian discussed the foundation and techniques of the sect with Empress Mirror Demon.

The Empress of the Mirror Demon said: "The demonic cultivation techniques are ever-changing. Unfortunately, I only have those from the Mirror Demon Sect. Many of the Heavenly Demon Sect's techniques are unavailable. As for the techniques from other sects, it is even more difficult to obtain. We gods and demons

The alliance is inherently deficient."

Li Qingxian took out ten books of skills from the Qiankun Ring and said: "Among these ten books, five are the skills of our God and Demon Alliance's suppression sect, three are martial arts, and two are spells. New disciples must choose two of them to practice.

"Old disciple, if you want to modify it, just modify it. If you don't want to modify it, don't force it, but you won't reuse it."

"I'll take a look." The Mirror Demon Empress picked up the book, glanced outside the door, and continued reading carefully.

Xiang Zizai stood outside the door, glanced at Li Qingxian, and felt a touch of grievance in his heart.

I came here today to ask for leave, because my brother-in-law wants to celebrate Xue Heshan's birthday. How Xue Heshan should deal with his brother-in-law has been settled after the birthday banquet.

I have to take a lot of care from my sister and husband. Even if I make these two giants of the Demon Sect angry, I still have to go home.

Anyway, no matter how good you two are, you still have to think twice about raising the banner of Beixue family and Xue Heshan.

But... I can't say for sure...

The Mirror Demon Empress held up the first skill book and frowned.

The cover says "The Art of Transforming Poison with Benevolent Heart and Wonderful Hands".

The Mirror Demon Empress secretly glanced at Li Qingxian and found that Li Qingxian's expression was as usual. She shook her head helplessly, thinking that this child was too wild-minded.

A disciple who practices this kind of technique is guaranteed to be beaten to death no matter which magic sect he goes to within three days.

The Mirror Demon Empress casually opened the first page, only read the first column of words, and was shocked.

"In the Purple Sky Jade Emperor's Palace in Xuandu. Holding the sun and moon in hand, holding the universe in mind. Three heads and six arms, with boundless magical power..."

The Mirror Demon Empress only read half of the book. She felt the magic power surge inside her body and hurriedly closed the book.

She sat in silence for a while, with thoughts racing in her mind. She suppressed the magic power again and browsed through it quickly, as if she had some enlightenment.

"This is a technique personally taught by Emperor Tianfu, the leader of the Plague Department. The poison-transforming technique is basically the orthodox technique of the Plague Department. Otherwise, it would be impossible to disrupt my first-grade magic technique. Moreover, this technique directly refers to the super-grade. Although it is the master of transforming demons.

It turns poison into plague, but its killing power is also very strong. It cannot be compared with the thunder and fire technique, but it is much stronger than the human technique... I just browsed through it briefly, and I became greedy and wanted to modify this method.

, how can other disciples be able to bear it..."

The Mirror Demon Empress looked at the text on the cover of the book again. This technique is too confusing. Once it is successfully practiced, it will be enough to overwhelm other demon cultivators of the same level.

The Empress of the Mirror Demon took out a second book of skills, this one was quite domineering, "Zhenwu Demon Fighting Skills", she wanted to laugh, but in the next moment bad thoughts came into her mind.

I opened the page and looked at it. I only saw one column, and then I closed the book, but a few words inside were printed in my mind, making my mind churn.

"In the six days of Hunyuan, the leader of the Dharma transmission. He cultivates truth and enlightens the Tao, and saves all the fans..."

The imperial edict of Zhenwu Dangmo Great Emperor.

The Empress of the Mirror Demon flipped through the other three books of exercises and fully understood that Li Qingxian had a strong foundation in the upper world. No wonder the Demon Tribulation and Heavenly Punishment could not do anything about it.

These five books are not demonic cultivation techniques. They are basically immortal methods from the upper realm. They are aimed at demonic cultivation. Once practiced, there is no alliance between gods and demons, a pure alliance between gods and immortals.

The Mirror Demon Empress looked at the other five books. Those martial arts and techniques looked fierce and powerful, but at their core they were all methods of destroying demons.

The Empress of the Mirror Demon pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Since junior brother is ready, then everything will be done according to junior brother's instructions. As for the matter of switching to practice, there is no need to choose. If you want to stay in the God and Demon Alliance, you can switch to practice. If you don't want to switch,

Then leave quickly, our God-Demon Alliance worships the benevolent Demon God, how can we accept ordinary demon cultivators?"

Xiang Zizai outside the door was trembling in his heart. He didn't expect that Li Qingxian's mastery of the Alliance of Gods and Demons would reach this point. The dignified first-grade monk Mirror Demon Queen actually forgot to worship the Demon Mother and only worshiped the Mercy Demon God. Moreover, everyone must change cultivation.

, then don’t you want to practice demonic skills? No, you have to leave here even if you die!

Mirror Demon Empress glanced at Xiang Zizai outside the door. She wanted to try these techniques. She took out a copper book and pressed it on the "Benevolent Heart and Magical Hands to Transform Poison Technique". The copper book shone slightly like a box, and then opened the lid.

An identical book flew out.

The Empress of the Mirror Demon held up the exercise book, threw it with her right hand, and flew towards Xiang Zizuo.

Xiang Zizai hurriedly caught it.

The Empress of the Mirror Demon said: "Logically speaking, you are an outer sect disciple, and you have not been here for a long time, so you should not be given generous gifts. However, I know that you are devoted to the devil, loyal and have made great contributions. I will grant you one of the five great magical arts of our sect, "

"The Skill of Transforming Poison with Benevolent Hands", go back and revise this skill immediately. Tomorrow, I will check your cultivation. If you dare to disobey, thousands of insects will eat your body and your soul will be taken away!"

When Xiang Zizai heard the last two sentences, his hands trembled. He knew best the ways of the big figures of the evil and evil factions. As long as he dared to say it, he would definitely dare to do it.

When he thought of himself being swallowed by thousands of insects and his soul being refined, all his previous stubbornness disappeared. He said in a trembling voice: "Thank you for your gift. I will revise the magical skills you gave me when I go back today."

"You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank the Demon God of Mercy."

Xiang Zizai said hurriedly: "Thank you, the Merciful Demon God."

Li Qingxian nodded, and then modified the three-legged cat's Kung Fu like Zi Zai's to this method, and he could be promoted in a few days.

Xiang Zizai lowered his head, with a dark face, holding the exercises in both hands, and slowly backed away.

The Mirror Demon Empress asked: "By the way, why are you here?"

Xiang Zizai was stunned for a moment and answered truthfully: "Little..."

The Mirror Demon Empress waved her hand and said kindly: "You are already a practitioner of this sect, and you still don't like outsiders like this?"

Xiang Zizai's heart was bleeding, but he squeezed out a smile and said: "My brother-in-law is from the Xue family in the north. In a few days, the Xue family's great-uncle Xue Tao will have a birthday in Heshan. We have been summoned to pay homage to him. We have to go. This disciple has been helped by the Xue family many times."

, I have to go to pay my birthdays this time."

The Mirror Demon Empress nodded lightly. She knew that Xiang Zizai had a small relationship with the Xue family, but she didn't expect that she would be qualified to participate in Xue Heshan's birthday banquet.

Li Qingxian said: "But Xue Heshan, who is celebrating his seventieth birthday?"

"Exactly." Xiang Zizai's heart skipped a beat.

"He also invited me. Then you don't have to rush on your way. I will also go on the day of his birthday party, and you will fly with me." Li Qingxian said.

Xiang Zizai almost cried and fell to the ground. He originally wanted to find this opportunity to find someone to take over the duties, hand over various affairs, leave early, come back late or even not come back at all, but now he doesn't even have an excuse.

Is this Li Qingxian his nemesis?

I don’t want to be a demon!

Xiang Zizai forced a smile and said: "Disciple's status is low..."

Li Qingxian waved his hand and said: "There is no distinction between superiority and inferiority in our God and Demon Alliance. We are all brothers. There is no need to talk about this. Go ahead and remember to come to me in the morning of the birthday banquet."

Xiang Zizai hurriedly said: "Thank you, Alliance Leader."

Xiang Zizai returned to his residence and lamented for a long time. He remembered that the Mirror Demon Queen would have to check the magic skills he had modified tomorrow, and his eyes were filled with tears.

Xiang Zizai faced his hometown, knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times, and said: "My child is unfilial and has become a demon today. The business of two generations will be destroyed in one day. My child is incompetent and I am ashamed of my ancestors, but I have no choice but to protect myself."

, I hope my father’s spirit in heaven will show me clearly.”

After bowing, he stood up, gritted his teeth to Zi Zai, and learned the "Benevolent Heart and Wonderful Hands to Transform Poison Technique".

This chapter has been completed!
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