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Chapter Ninety-Five: Asking the Chief Bao about his first visit to Wu Niang Niang Temple

Li Qingxian looked at the old man, who was wearing linen and mourning. His complexion was dark bronze, his face was bitter, and his eye sockets were sunken.

"My name is Wang Laoshi. He is one of the security guards of Fangyuan Village. Just a few days ago, the hunters in the village did not return. We went together to look for them and found only broken bones. The experienced people in the village said they were monsters at a glance.

Killed. Unexpectedly, yesterday, Liu Laosan, who was farming outside the village, also suffered an accident..."

The security guard, Wang Laoshi, told the whole story one by one.

Wu Jingtian glanced at the crowd and said: "Come here a few people, let me open the coffin and conduct an autopsy to see what kind of monster it is. Brother Han, you have to come."

Han Anbo nodded.

Wang Laoshi said hurriedly: "We are going to be buried soon, and the coffin will be opened for autopsy. I'm afraid it will be unlucky..."

"The Night Guard is doing things. If you don't retreat, you will be the enemy!" Wu Jingtian took out the Night Guard badge.

Wang Laoshi nodded helplessly and said: "I'll take the master there. It hasn't been buried yet, so it would be better to open it than to dig it up and open it again."

The night guards followed Wang Laoshi and opened the coffin to conduct an autopsy before burial.

Wu Jingtian concluded that it was a wolf demon just by looking at it. He asked Han Anbo again, and Han Anbo also said it was.

Wu Jingtian ignored Liu Laosan's family members who were crying and fighting to nail the coffin again. He frowned and said, "Since the suffering owner has appealed, we will have to investigate for at least two days."

Wang Laoshi said hurriedly: "Thank you, Mr. Night Guard, thank you Mr. Night Guard. I think it's noon and the sun is hot. It's better for the Night Guard gentlemen to go to our Fangyuan Village to rest first, and then look for the wolf demon after noon. Sirs

We are here to save lives, and we will certainly entertain you with good wine and meat."

"There's no need for wine, just a meal of fresh meat and vegetables." Wu Jingtian said.

"Okay. I'll show you the way from the front."

Under the leadership of Wang Laoshi, the night guard team drove the ox cart towards the village. The funeral team behind them was busy for a while before following them back to the village.

Ye Han walked to Wu Jingtian and whispered: "Boss Wu, I'm a little flustered. I always feel that something is wrong."

"It's your first time hunting monsters. Are you scared?"

"No, I just feel uncomfortable. My feelings are always very accurate." Ye Han said.

Wu Jingtian nodded and said loudly: "Everyone, please be careful. The monster this time may be a little unusual. Even if it enters the village, don't be careless!"

Everyone agreed.

Ye Han lowered his head and said nothing.

Li Qingxian winked at Han Anbo, and the two of them retreated to the end of the line.

"I trust Ye Han on this matter. Brother Han, do you think there will be any problems in the village?" Li Qingxian asked.

Han Anbo hesitated and said: "I can't say, anything is possible in this Daqi land. Besides, we can't persuade Captain Wu, just be careful."

Li Qingxian called Yu Ping again and said in a low voice: "The three of us should be careful. When we enter the village, we will not eat the food or drink the water inside. Have you put on all the talismans on your body?"

Yu Ping and Han Anbo nodded lightly.

Li Qingxian followed the team forward. He always felt that he had forgotten something very important, but he couldn't remember what it was specifically.

After the team crossed the bridge and climbed over the slope, they saw the farmland below arranged neatly like a square grid. The crops were green and lush, and they opened their minds at just one glance.

In the fields, some farmers and men were talking and laughing, their voices as crisp as bells, flying in the wind.

At the end of the farmland is a village with many houses.

Some are thatched houses with wooden walls, and some are brick and stone houses. In the middle of the village, there stands a three-story wooden building painted with white paint. It looks white and greasy from a distance.

Li Qingxian asked: "What does Bailou do?"

Wang honestly smiled and said, "That's where the Fifth Lady lives."

When Li Qingxian was about to ask, Han Anbo tugged on Li Qingxian's sleeve, stopped him with his eyes, and then said: "Honest Wang, tell me about the things in the village."

Wang Laoshi turned his head and glanced at Han Anbo, smiled slightly, rolled up his wrinkles, and said kindly: "The village was not crowded, so we built a Wu Niang Niang temple. With Wu Niang Niang, the population in the village gradually became more prosperous.

.When there are more people, there will be hope for the future..."

Wang Laoshi kept talking about his family's shortcomings and trivial matters in the village.

Li Qingxian asked in a low voice: "Why don't you let me ask?"

Han Anbo said: "This is the rule when traveling in the world. In the wild, when you meet people sitting in court, temples, mountains, etc., you can't ask random questions about their names. How many people have gotten into trouble because of this."

"That's it." Li Qingxian said.

Han Anbo lowered his voice and said, "There is something different about this building."

Li Qingxian's heart skipped a beat. He asked because he thought it was weird. How could there be an all-white wooden building? It was so depressing.

Li Qingxian frowned and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to persuade Captain Wu not to enter the village?"

Han Anbo gritted his teeth and said, "I'll do it."

Han Anbo walked forward quickly and whispered beside Wu Jingtian: "Wu Xiaowei, there are people who worship in temples in this village. You are in court. I think it's best not to see them."

Wu Jingtian frowned and said: "If we want to check for the wolf demon, we have to enter the village, just don't enter the white building. Don't worry, I know, so be more careful."

Han Anbo nodded, said no more, returned to Li Qingxian, and shook his head gently.

Li Qingxian sighed and said in a low voice: "Ever since I encountered that incident in the west courtyard of the prison, I have been a little afraid... No, I am afraid of my life. Maybe I am overthinking."

"Let's take it one step at a time," Han Anbo said.

Everyone walked down the slope and walked along the loess road towards the village. Ye Han came over halfway and asked in a low voice: "Do you believe me?"

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "If I don't believe what you said, who else can you believe? I also feel that something is wrong with this place."

"If something happens, we brothers must work together." Ye Han said.


The two looked at each other with sincere eyes.

The funeral procession behind them crossed the bridge and climbed slowly uphill.

When the funeral procession went downhill, a figure appeared by the river.

Zhou Hen looked at the corner of the roof of the small white building, frowned slightly, secretly transported his true energy, walked on the water, and crossed the river. Suddenly, black mist filled his eyes, and countless demons rushed towards him, shouting loudly.

Zhou Hen drew out his scimitar and awl, and chopped down the demon.

The funeral procession suddenly stopped, and Liu Laosan's widow slowly turned around, climbed to the top of the slope, and looked towards the river.

They saw Zhou Hen, dressed in black, standing by the river, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, his head slightly lowered, and his eyes closed tightly.

Threads of true energy intertwined into white mist, surrounding and entangled around him.

Within three feet of his body, the sand and gravel on the ground bounced up and down, making rustling sounds.

Apart from him, there was no one at the riverside.

The widow looked at Zhou Hen with her dark eyes, then turned back.

Passing through the road surrounded by farmland, a twenty-one night guard team stopped at the entrance of the village.

Wang Laoshi asked a villager to prepare the meal, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Ye Wei, there are several large public houses in the village that are enough to accommodate all the gentlemen. Do you want to go now?"

Wu Jingtian said nothing and stood at the entrance of the village.

At the entrance of the village stands an old locust tree hugged by five or six people. Its heavy dark green leaves cast a large shade.

Under the shade of the trees, six or seven old people enjoying the cool air were fanning their cattail fans and looking over with smiles.

The gravel road ahead was smooth and spacious. A few women were walking and chatting with wooden basins filled with clothes, and three or five children were playing lattice in the open space on the main road.

There are wooden houses, mud houses, and brick and stone houses scattered on both sides. Some houses are brand new, and some are dilapidated and overgrown with weeds. They are no different from ordinary villages.

In the middle of the village at the end of the road, there is a large courtyard with red walls and a black door. Standing in front of the door are three guards in red coarse cloth, holding white tassel guns and wearing white cloth belts around their waists. Their expressions are dull and motionless.

The white building is in the courtyard.

The courtyard wall is low, and if you look from a distance, you can see twenty-one white lanterns hanging on the third floor of the white building.

Wu Jingtian looked at Han Anbo.

Han Anbo shook his head gently.

Nothing can be seen.

This chapter has been completed!
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