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Chapter 96: It is taboo not to mention anyones last name

Li Qingxian looked at Ye Han. His face was slightly pale, as if he had suffered from the cold.

"Then go to the public house." Wu Jingtian said.

"Master Ye Wei, please come with me," Wang Laoshi said as he walked. "Tonight we are going to worship the Goddess of Mercy, so we have prepared a lot of food and will deliver it to the public house soon. Our Fangyuan Village is located in a remote area and there is nothing good.

, these are all home-cooked dishes, gentlemen, please don’t be surprised.”

Han Anbo said: "Since it is food for worship, we can't eat it casually."

Some night guards looked at Han Anbo displeased. Liu Xiang, who had urinated in the river earlier, was wearing a genuine tenth-grade embroidered white horse official robe. He stared at hazel eyes and said, "Brother Han, it's not that bad, is it? How many days can we go?"

Why don't you let people eat a hot meal? It's the same as eating for gods and humans. I've even eaten offerings for the dead."

Wang Laoshi smiled and said slowly: "Of course we have to separate what we eat and what is provided to the empress. Masters, the village is going to hold a big ceremony to worship the five empresses in succession, and the outside of the village does not care, but the mistress has set a 'taboo' for the village. It is unlucky.

You can't say it. Also, the village is not allowed to call Zhou by his first name before the new master captures him."

Suspicion appeared on the faces of several old night guards, but disappeared immediately.

Wu Jingtian nodded and said: "Sacrifice is a top priority. Since we have set 'taboos', we must abide by them. Everyone, listen up. In this village, names are not allowed and no unlucky words are allowed."

"Master Ye Wei has seen the world." Wang honestly smiled and walked forward slowly.

Li Qingxian felt that he had overlooked something again, but he felt that it was not important and was too lazy to think about it.

"Since the village is not allowed to call people by their first names, let's change our names to make it easier to address them. I like listening to books, so just call me "Listening to Books." Han Anbo winked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian felt a little confused, nodded and said, "Then call me Sunshine Boy."

After saying that, Li Qingxian felt that his mind was much clearer, and he murmured in his heart that there were so many things going on in Qi State, and he needed to have an online name when meeting sacrifices.

Like Li Qingxian and Han Anbo, everyone didn't think there was any problem and gave themselves new names one after another.

Liu Xiang smiled evilly and called himself "the one who releases water", Ye Han called himself "the lucky one", and Nie Shan behind Ye Han called himself "the one who climbs high".

Wu Jingtian directly changed his name to "Xiaowei".

Yu Ping frowned and said, "What new name should I give?"

"Foodie." Li Qingxian said casually.

"That's it." Han Anbo said.

Yu Ping pouted, too lazy to argue.

A group of people approached the public house, and there stood an old woman in blue cloth at the door. Her back was hunched and her face was wrinkled. She carried a wicker basket filled with wormwood on her left arm. She took out a stick of wormwood from the basket with her right hand and said with a smile.

: "We are all guests here, so bring mugwort to keep you safe."

The gaps between her fingernails were dark, and she didn't know how much dirt had been stuffed into them.

The old woman handed the first mugwort to a night guard and said with a smile: "What do you call this night guard?"

The young night guard was playing with the jade pendant with red tassels and fish patterns hanging from his waist. He was distracted when he took the mugwort and said casually: "Yun Zhigao, my friends call me Yun San'er."

Near midnight, Wei's complexion changed slightly.

"I remember." The old woman smiled and reached into the basket to grab the second piece of mugwort.

The person who listened to the book took the initiative to step forward and said, "My name is the person who listened to the book."

Only then did the young night guard become alert, put down his jade pendant, and said hurriedly: "I made a mistake, my name is the cattle herder."

The old woman in blue smiled and said: "The name has been decided and cannot be changed casually. Here it is, the reader." She handed the second stick of wormwood to the listener.

The cow herder had a regretful look on his face, and the cow herder smiled and said, "It's okay, I just said it wrong. Just remember it next time. My name is the herder."

Except for the cattle herders, twenty people all said new names. Some held mugwort in their waists, and some played with it in their hands.

The listener carefully stuffed the mugwort into his arms and said seriously: "Everyone, put the mugwort away, don't play around with it, don't lose it."

Sunshine Boy also put it in his clothes. Except for a few people who didn't care, most of them put it away carefully.

After tying up the cattle, twenty night guards wearing mugwort entered the house.

The room is spacious and bright, with a long yellow wood table placed in the center of the room.

Wang Laoshi followed in and said with a smile: "Masters of the night guard, wait a moment, the food will be delivered soon."

Everyone sat down, a cool breeze blew in the room, and the heat dissipated.

"I can finally eat fresh food, and I have been feeling confused these days." He put his feet on the dining table, leaned back on the chair, and rocked back and forth.

The school captain said: "After lunch, take a rest for a while, but no one is allowed to wander around and must gather together. When it gets colder outside, ask the villagers about the wolf monster. If you find any traces, kill them. If you can't find them, kill them."

We won’t start again until tomorrow afternoon.”

"Everyone listens to Mr. Wu," he said casually.

The captain's face darkened, and he cursed: "You have water in your head? There are only captains here, not five or six adults. If you talk nonsense again, I... you be careful."

"Yes, yes, Lord Colonel, I was wrong..." He quickly admitted his mistake, then turned his head and curled his lips, his hazel eyes filled with indifference.

The listener coughed lightly and said: "Since you are in someone else's village, you must abide by other people's rules. If something happens if you just follow your own rules, don't blame me, the listener, for not reminding you."

Most people nodded, and a few people just looked out the door.

The sunshine boy was silent, feeling more and more weird here, but he felt relieved when he thought that this was a great festival. In the Qi State, the great festival was the most important, and the rules could not be violated.

After a while, female villagers came up one after another carrying meals and placed them on the table.

Some of the night guards' eyes were shining, and their gazes were glued to the breasts, waist and hips of the female villagers who were coming in and out.

The foodie looked at the fragrant food and swallowed his saliva.

Big yellow pork knuckles, steaming beef stew, steamed white fish covered with chopped green onion, red braised pork ribs, colorful mixed vegetables, green rapeseed...

Before the captain could speak, someone picked up the scallion pancakes, someone took the noodles, someone picked up the rice, picked up the meat and vegetables with their chopsticks, and ate happily.

Especially the watery one, eating with big mouthfuls, picking and picking through the dishes, only picking out what he likes.

The foodie turned his head and looked at the reader with resentful eyes.

The listener gave him a sharp look.

The captain snorted coldly and said honestly to Wang: "Old man, you can eat with us."

Wang Laoshi said hurriedly: "How can this be done? These are for the guests."

The captain said: "There is no reason why a guest can eat but not the master. If you eat, if you don't eat, we won't eat either."

Except for a few three or four people, including the one who released the water, the others silently stopped their chopsticks and closed their mouths.

Wang honestly smiled and said: "Master Xiaowei has orders, so I dare not disobey. I am so lucky today. Normally I am not qualified to eat big fish and meat."

After Wang finished speaking honestly, he picked up a bowl of rice with his left hand, picked up the chopsticks with his right hand, picked up a piece of elbow meat, put it into his mouth, chewed it, and smiled with his eyes narrowed.

The captain then picked up the rice and took a piece of elbow meat.

The rest of the people hurriedly followed the captain, only holding their elbows.

The foodie remained motionless, looking at the reader.

The man listening to the book snorted coldly and went to drink water and eat solid food.

The sunshine boy took a few mouthfuls of dry food and looked at the lucky boy.

Lucky Sheng and the four of them didn't even eat anything from the village, but ate the prepared dry food.

In the large brick and stone public house, sunlight penetrated through the holes in the paper windows and illuminated the entire room.

The night guards were in a hurry, sweating profusely, and soon their dishes were messy. Everyone held their stomachs in their hands and leaned on their chairs, looking satisfied.

The index finger of the right hand holding the water was clasped between the teeth, and he was burping. Every time he burped, his thin eyebrows, thin eyes, and moles trembled in unison.

Even the captain had his belly puffed out and looked lazily without saying a word.

After eating and drinking, everyone sat and chatted about the war between Yanzhou and Dahe.

The sunshine boy listened quietly.

After resting for an hour, the captain stood up, patted his belly, and said, "After eating and drinking, it's time to get to work. Everyone, follow me to investigate the wolf monster."

Nineteen night guards left the public house, first followed Wang Laoshi to inquire about the relatives of the deceased, and then went to investigate the two places where the deceased was found.

When we returned to the village again, the sun had set and darkness had fallen.

This chapter has been completed!
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